Root baby
Kag x Sai


"Sai!" said boy shivered as something pink ran at him, stopping just before it plowed through him.
"what do you want Sakura." the usually quiet boy tries to shrug the girl off when she grabs hold of his arm.
"Naruto has a girl with him!"
"Why should I care? It's probably Hinata"
"no! It's a new girl! I was told she has a special condition! We've gotta see her! She's at the ramen house! Let's go!" she drags him off.
"Hey guys!" the blonde-haired kyuubi vessel smiles as his old teammates enter his favorite restaurant. "as a hokage in training it's my job to introduce Kagome here , into society" he gestures to a girl beside him with long black hair, brown eyes, her small well-toned body hidden under a form-fitting midnight blue kimono. "She's a root baby but don't worry, there aren't any weapons on her. I made sure of it"
"you pervert!" Sakura whacks him.
"Root..." Sai looks over at her questioningly. In the next second Naruto is holding the girl around the waist as she tries to attack Sai with her chopsticks.
"No Kagome. He's my friend. Finish eating your ramen." Naruto sits down with her on his lap and pulls her ramen bowl to sit in front of her.
"Why does she hate Sai?" Sakura speaks up "he didn't do anything"
"I did" Sai watches Kagome carefully "I left her there alone, who knows what they put her through after I left. She was my partner"