Challenge 22

Biography challenge!

This time, I want you girls to write a short biography for a character of choice - yes, biography. In 100 words. (Of course, you're free to make it a multiple of 100, but I'd be seriously i-m-p-r-e-s-s-e-d if anyone of you managed to do it in 100 words.) Not kidding. Difficult, yes, but it'll be so much fun to read the ones you come up with! I can't wait.

I...believe that's all. Now, you know the rules, keep as close to the word count as possible, with a maximum of 15 words more or less.

That's it, really.

Good luck, folks!

100 exactly =P

Warning obscure references and intermingling of the words "Royal" and "Pureblood"

Red Not Green

He was born a Prince.

His pureblood royalty was swept away. By friendships. A small circular burn. The colour Red.

(And not Green.)

And he was happy. Being Red not Green. But he suffered for his happiness. Hate resided in him. Hate for his royal family.

(Or was it hate?)

As one by one he lost the people he loved (Death. Prison. Denial)

(As a Queen lost him.)

And then, with a flash of light, he too was lost.

He laughed in the face of the Princess who smote him

Then realised that the light was Red.

And not Green.

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