From Square One

Summary: What if Naruto was accidentally given the Jounin exam and passed at the age of twelve?

Author's Note: This starts at stage 1 of the Chunin exams. I got the idea from an old war story I heard. I love writing gags and this story is more along the lines of humor than anything else.

Chapter 1: A Stupid Test

Naruto sat at his desk clutching his head in absolute fear. His knees knocking together of their own accord. He looked scared and who could blame him. The written test for the chuniin exam was going to be rougher and rougher. The proctor handed out the papers. Naruto could've swore the guy was chuckling maniacally under his breath. He squinted his eyes shut when the doom paper hit his desk. He squeezed open one then barely the other. The first question threw him for a boggle eyed loop.

Number one . . . What are the seals for a Shadow Clone Jutsu?

'Huh?' Naruto's brain went into shutdown mode as he glanced Question two.

Number two . . . What is the history of Ramen?

Naruto's mouth broke into a evil grin. His maniacal chuckles attracted the attention of every shinobi in the room. At least, every shinobi that wanted to kill him that is.

"MWA-HA-HA-HA-HAHHH! This test is so EASY! Believe it! I'm going to pass this test so bad I'm going to kick butt! Dattebayo!" Naruto suddenly announced. The procter shushed.

"Cannit Twerp!" Ibiki snarled, though inwardly he was loving scaring these rookies to death. "People are trying to take a test."

"Awww cannit yourself," Naruto snapped back, "I'm going to be Hokage one day! Believe it! And your stupid test is no match for the great- ACK MY PENCIL!"

'Will Naruto ever quit being stupid,' Sakura asked herself mentally while her inner self was rambling again.

'What's got into him?' thought Sasuke leaning over his desk. The two finished long before he did. The genin who didn't know the orange clad knucklehead well enough suddenly got a great bout of confidence from Naruto's seemingly empty speech. Meanwhile Naruto was in a panic. His pencil slipped all the under Ibiki's unwary foot.

'What do I do?' Naruto panicked yet again, 'WHAT DO I DO?'

"Um . . . Naruto," a small voice chirped. Naruto wildly whipped his head around to see Hinata sitting next to him.

"I have some . . . Extra writing stuff," Hinata hissed, poking her finger tips together shyly, "But . . . They're my little sister's. If you don't want them."

Naruto grabbed Hinata's hands in his own. His eyes prickled with happy tears. He thanked her over and over telling her he'd be more grateful to her than all the Ramen in the world. He called her an angel. Yet Hinata almost blew it. Her mind was so focused on Naruto holding her hands that she didn't notice Shino's insects making warning signs on the ceiling. Two of the Sand Siblings were waiting on the puppet master Kankuro. Well, one was, and the other hand a sandy eye flick over Naruto's test and the other tests. Gaara almost snorted.

'Idiot,' He mused, 'He has the wrong test. It's grade level Academy work, baby stuff, and worthless to me.'

'Hmm, his pencil marks sound so motivating,' A strange sound ninja cackled to himself, 'Maybe if I copy his test I'll pass too.'

"Way to go . . . Naruto," Hinata softly whispered.

"Gee thanks," Naruto stupidly answered. His test sheet looked neatly filled out except for the fact that since he dropped his pencil at the beginning of the test, he had filled it out with gaily colored crayons.

The Third Hokage sat back in his chair smoking his pipe when Ebisu burst into the room. Sarutobi became startled and nearly dropped his pipe. Ebisu pushed up his glasses. Iruka looked up from his papers at Ebisu's wild movements and flabbergasted babbling. Sarutobi sighed, but for some reason he couldn't quit guess why Ebisu could be so impressed and appauled at the same time.

"Someone just passed the Jounin exam on the first try!" Ebisu finally blabbed, "And he's barely a little boy isn't that amazing?"

Sarutobi's jaw dropped. His pipe clattered to the floor. The paper of glitter Crayon scribbles was in the most familiar handwring he remembered. After all, he'd seen it on the Hokage Monument. As well as any other place that got pranked by this particular ninja.

"Ebisu you are correct that is a little boy's handwriting," Sarutobi stated, "That's Naruto Uzumaki's. I'm afraid you've just found yourself a new Jounin this year.

Ebisu was shocked. Iruka's pursed lips gave his face the perfect impression of a petrified toad. He heard of students growing up fast but this was ridiculous. Meanwhile halfway across the village a procter for the Jounin entrance exam was laughing to his buddies about some guy who filled his test out in crayon. Yet when Ibiki remembered who the crayon scribbler was. Many of his friends in the interrogation department asked if he swallowed a lemon.

Konohamaru snuck into the Hokage's office, took one look at the paper and leaped with joy.

"Woohoo! Boss made Jounin!" Konohamaru cheered.

"That's not funny," Ebisu muttered.

"Of course it's not it's awesome!" Konohamru gloated, "Maybe he'll be able to teach you something huh Ebisu-sensei?"

Ebisu buttoned his lips. He stood straight up. He politely walked out the door.

"I refuse to call a twelve year old child a colleague," Ebisu spat once out of earshot, "Teaching Honorable Grandson good work ethic is one thing but calling him Naruto-sensei? HA! No way, No more, No how!"

Next up; What is Naruto going to do? How will his new colleagues look at him? Why is everyon stunned? Stay tuned to find out.