Author's Note: Hello everyone. This is the direct sequel to my last story "Don't Ever". I'm sorry. I couldn't stay away from it. I thought I could write my other stories, but people are demanding for a sequel to this. And I will oblige. Your wish is my command. Might as well continue while it is still fresh on my mind.

This beginning part is not the beginning of the story. It's the prologue (takes place near the end of the story though). The following chapters will be flashbacks. If this is your first time reading this story, I encourage you to read "Don't Ever", so you can understand this sequel better and you won't be as confused. But if you don't feel like doing that, allow me to summarize the story.

Summary of "Don't Ever":

It takes place after the Sectionals episode "Special Education". Rachel, driven to near depression by her Gleemates because of their insults, leaves everyone a suicide note. So begins a big hunt to find Rachel before she does the inevitable. Will Schuester is the first to find her and he takes her home. Because of the storm and further complications, Will is forced to stay overnight at Rachel's house. A lot of flashbacks happen that rekindles the feelings Rachel had for Will and it causes Will to question his own feelings for her. Finally, they both give into their desires and spend the night with one another.

Though despite Will's declaration of love the previous night, he denies it to Rachel the next day in fear that there might be trouble if they were to have a relationship. He breaks it off with Rachel and Rachel tries to find solace in Finn, but Finn is back to dating Quinn. Three weeks later, Rachel tries one more time to reconcile with Will, but he denies her a second time. Rachel decides to sleep with Finn, but Kurt, Finn's step brother, finds out about it and begins to question her motives. Rachel reveals to Kurt that she is pregnant with Will's baby, but she chose Finn in order to obscure who the real father is. Kurt is reluctant to agree with her plan at first, but he promises later to keep her secret. So begins the new story of "Let Me Go".

Whew. I think you guys should read "Don't Ever". I think I do a better job of explaining there lol. Enjoy! R&R

Let Me Go

"Let me go," Rachel sobbed. It didn't sound like a command like it should be, but it was more of a plea, a painful plea.

Her hands shifted immediately to her stomach. The smoothness of the baby bump reminded her again of the past mistakes she had committed. How did it ever come this far, Rachel thought? At the moment, she stood on the borderline between insanity and futileness. The thoughts of her action assaulted her like a bunch of needles stabbing her heart over and over again. She just wanted to scream at the world and at the person in front of her. She just wanted it all to end.

As she stood there with tear-filled eyes and remorse pounding on her thoughts, she couldn't help but think back to the events of the past. There were so many twists and turns that she couldn't even count them at the moment with her hysterical mind. She began to realize that her whirlwind of troubles began when she decided to commit suicide almost a year ago. Regionals and Nationals was supposed to be her time to enjoy fame and popularity and summer before her senior year the time to enjoy life before high school ended, yet with the entire Lima county and even her closest friends and family shunning her, Rachel found her life spiraling downward because of her pregnancy.

For months, Rachel kept on holding on, hoping for something better, maybe even a response, but she kept on for too long. She had hoped that starting a life with Finn would heal her from her bruises and the pains of the past, but it just kept on building and building up until it reached her breaking point.

"Why can't you just let me go?" Rachel demanded again, moving away from the tensed environment she was in.

She just wanted to withdraw from the world. She wished that she hadn't come to know Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones, or anybody you had ever come into contact at William McKinley High. Most important of all, she wished that she had never known Will Schuester or even fallen in love with him in the first place. Why did she love him? Rachel kept asking herself that over and over again.

"Was I that desperate…" Rachel would often tell herself, "to love my teacher?"

Rachel clutched her stomach tightly, hoping that maybe the baby will born soon and all her troubles would go away. The baby was his. There was no denying it anymore, but the lie, the lie that Kurt and she started, ruined her life more than she could imagine. Kurt was home free; he didn't have to worry about the lie he helped her with nor would he have to worry about this burden that she has to carry for the rest of her life.

The burden of deceiving

She'd never hoped to hurt Finn in anyway, especially after what Quinn did to him, but it killed her to know that Finn would've been pained even more by what she was doing. If she could turn back time, she would never ever have started the lie, but it was too late. More lives ruined and it was her fault.

Silence followed as Rachel peered into the person in front of her. Why hasn't he said anything? Here she was, crying her eyes out, yet he had no response.

"Why are you here? Why can't you just forget about me? Forget about all this?"

But no response from him.

Fine! Rachel decided. She pulled out a knife that she was hiding and aimed it at her neck. She had planned to kill herself some months ago; she might as well finish the job she didn't complete back then. Just one stab in her neck and all of her problems would go away.

"Rachel," the voice in front of her finally responded, "Put the knife down. Just put it down. Don't do anything you're going to regret. Think of the baby."

The baby? No one cared for her really enough to care for her baby. She didn't want the baby to born into a world where it will be mistreated and prejudiced because of the sins of the mother. She wouldn't regret it one bit if the baby died along with her. At least, the baby wouldn't feel it.

"You think I care about that now," Rachel cried harder, "I can't raise her. I can't do it. I can't do this anymore."

Rachel felt her hands trembling, causing the knife to shake violently along with her.

"Can I do this?" she asked herself.

She finally decided that she could as she pulled her other hand to steady the knife. It will all be over soon, Rachel breathed as a sigh of relief.

As she was prepared to plunge the knife into her soft neck, the voice cried out, "Don't do it, Rachel. I love you."

The statement caused Rachel to stop immediately as tears began to roll down the face of Will Schuester, who stepped forward holding his hands in the air.

"I can help you," Will pleaded, "Just let me help you, Rachel."

Rachel gave Will a broken smile and nodded her head.

"Thanks, Will," she whispered as she raised her knife again, "But it's too late for that."

As the knife began to descend toward its destination, Rachel wondered what death was like. Would there be darkness or emptiness? Maybe there would be that light everyone kept referring to when someone was about to die. Was there a heaven or a hell? If so, where would she go? Would it hurt at all? So many questions, but to Rachel, it didn't matter anymore.

Rachel felt the flashes of her life appear before her eyes, but sadly, it wasn't flashes of happy memories, but memories from the time she told Kurt about her pregnancy until now. She prayed that the darkness would claim her sooner. She didn't want to relive it for another second.


Flashback will engage in the next chapter. From here on out, we will understand how all the events led up to this point. I will go through Regionals, Nationals, and the summer. Of course, there will be complications along the way to move the plot forward of course. Let's see what happens. Usually my chapters are longer, but this is just the beginning. Thank you for reading. Please subscribe and comment. Hopefully enough people will like this story!