Disclaimer: I don't own glee or the characters.

A/N: So I had this idea one day and I'm finally getting to write it. Now this is a strong Kurt/Mercedes story so if you don't like them together I highly suggest not reading this. I hope you enjoy.

The first time we kissed was when we were hanging out at my house and then we decided to go to the movies. It was raining after the movie was over and we forgot our umbrella. So we had to run, and of course his car was on the far side of the parking lot. We ran hand in hand all the way to his car. We climbed in fast and started laughing. We were soaked to the bone by the time we reached his car.

His hair and my hair was a mess. We both stared at each other for a few minutes before we smiled at each other and then started laughing once again. He brought his hand up and moved my hair away from my face and left his hand cupping my cheek. His hand was warm on my skin, considering I was cold form the rain. He was looking at me contently when he started to lean forward. The next thing I felt was his lips on mine. The kiss was soft with no pressure what so ever. His lips felt unsure, like he didn't really understand why he was doing that. We closed our eyes and I returned the kiss slightly and I lifter my hand to caress his face as well. He pulls away after a minute or two and we just stare at each other in silence cause we couldn't find any words to say to each other at the moment.

The second time we kissed was a few months after our first. It was January and it was snowing. So him and I decided to go hang out in the snow with our fellow glee clubbers. Rachel was making a snowman with Finn. Brittany was trying to make a snow angle but kept messing up. Mike and Matt were having a snowball fight with Puck and Artie, and Tina, Quinn, and Santana were helping Brittany. As I looked around watching my friends play in the white powder I was hit in the side of the head by something cold and wet. I turned my head to see Kurt had thrown a snowball at me and he was smiling at me throwing another one up in the air so it landed back down in his hand.

"You did not just do what I think you did right?" I asked standing up with a clump of snow in my hand as well.

"What? Do you mean this?" he smirked throwing the second snowball at me and it hits my shoulder then turns to powder.

"Oh, it's on white boy!" I yelled throwing my snowball at him.

"My jacket!" he complained

"Oh that's it, now it's really on." he declared. Our snowball fight lasted for a good ten minutes until I hit him in the face. He then ran at me full speed with all his might and knocked us both over to the ground. I was on my back with him on top of me. We laughed at we stared at each other. Our faces were only inches apart, that was until I leaned up and closed the distance between us. He returned the kiss immediately and wrapped his hand around my back. The kiss was soft once again. And his lips were unsure as well. He pulled away when we heard someone whistling at us. We look up to see Puck staring at us.

"It's not what you think," he stutters standing up in a spastic motion. I sit up in the snow feeling a little depressed that the kiss had to end so soon.

"Whatever, I was just going to ask you guys if you wanted to join our snowball war but I see you're busy with other things-"

"We're not busy, come on Mercedes, lets go play." he states grabbing my hand and helping me off the ground to run over by Finn and the rest of them.

A/N: So if you want me to continue please let me know. Also let me know if you have a way you want them to kiss or a place or an event let me know that as well. Please review and I'll try to have an update soon depending on the reviews I get.