This was inspired by daydreams I had on Saturday and today but Shrek related.

It's about the Knights of Duloc an order of warriors who protect the kingdom from darkness and an evil sorceroress is about to try and take over the kingdom but the new Knights of Duloc must embrace their destiny using their powers to defeat the evil sorceroress and keep the kingdom safe.

This is what happends when you watch Avalon High on Friday and then watch Shrek all weekend long.

I hope people like.

It was a gloomy day in Duloc but Merlin was worried knowing a dark sorceroress would emerge to try and take over but only the Knights of Duloc could stop her but they were ancient beings who protected the kingdom from danger but sensed that the new Knights of Duloc would emerge as it would be their destiny.

He then cast a spell which would show him who the new knights were but gasped at the identies of the new Knights...

Leah's hazel eyes opened as she'd had a strange dream about her and two of her best friends in armour and different as she'd been a griffin while her best friends had been half dragon and gargoyle and half gargoyle and ogre but she then sighed getting ready for the day as she peeked into the guest room where her best friend was sleeping but saw a long silver necklace around her neck in the shape of a knight on a dragon but she wore one in the shape of a wolf but they enabled them to travel to Shrek's world whenever they wished.

But they hadn't been in a while because life had been hectic but were planning to go as it was nearly Spring Break but she was curious about the dream she'd had but could ask a certain sorceror as she smiled knowing David wouldn't be up yet.

"Duloc." she said as she vanished in a haze of light...

Merlin was trying to contact Shrek's friends in Earth but was stunned seeing Leah show up but she explained her dream to him but he smiled knowing it was time to tell her a little.

"Only Knights of Duloc have that dream.

That means you're one of them.

But we should talk later.

When you and Carley get home from school." he said.

Leah was annoyed at that but understood as she went back home using her necklace but wondered what Merlin meant about the Knights of Duloc but would have to wait until later as she smelt breakfast...