A/N: I have decided to rewrite this story from scratch while keeping the important aspects, which make up the slightly alt world created in my first iteration. I have changed the story's point of view to be third person omniscient this will hopefully help as the original switched pov's back and forth so much is caused much confusion.

This story is one of true love and destiny. We begin in the small backwater town of Bon Temps Louisiana, which is home to a rather unusual supernatural family. The denizens of Bon Temps know them as the Stackhouse's, although Mitchell Stackhouse died years ago. His wasn't the last tragic death for the Stackhouse family and consequently these days Adele and her grandchildren Jason and Sookie are all that's left.

Jason works for the Parish Road department, and Sookie took a job waitressing at Merlottes right out of high school. Jason moved out of the Stackhouse farmhouse into their parents place once he turned eighteen. He won't admit it but he has never felt at home there and spends as much time as he can with his Gran and sister. Sookie's boss Sam Merlotte bought the place while they were still in high school and has been slowly buying up rental properties in the area. No one knows too much about Sam, as he keeps to himself mostly.

Each generation of Stackhouse's have been equal parts beloved and ostracized by the general community. While no one could deny their physical beauty and charisma the frequency with which odd things occurred in their presence gave most pause. The Great Revelation was met with mixed reviews in this sleepy tight knit community. The smarter of the lot whispered to anyone who would listen that if the Stackhouse's were as different as they are then Vampires being real wasn't that big of a stretch. No one came right out and said it of course since that's a sure fire way of ending up in a straight jacket, but most had their suspicions.

Growing up Jason and Sookie were closer than most siblings born two years apart. Born with telepathy Sookie bonded with her older brother, who was born with empathy, by communicating with him mind to mind. As they grew older the day came for Jason to go to kindergarten leaving Sookie behind, as she was too young to go with him. Jason ended up being held back and Sookie's preschool encouraged Corbett and Michelle to enrol Sookie a year earlier thus they found themselves right where they wanted: in the same class for their school years. The siblings were inseparable and hardly spoke out loud unless they were in public.

Loosing their parents to a tragic freak flash flood when they were seven and nine years old changed their lives irrevocably. Adele did the best she could and she took in her grand babies and buried her son and his wife. Their home was always filled with love and the smell of clean laundry and the intoxicating smells from her home business; making and selling fruit preserves. Sookie and Jason didn't have many close friends growing up save Sookie's best friend Tara Thorton and her cousin Lafayette Reynolds, and of course Jason's best friend Hoyt Fortenberry.

Tara's home life was chaotic at best and she spent more time with Sookie and Jason over at Adele's than she did with her alcoholic mother. Lafayette grew into his flamboyant personality and became a more regular addition to their group after his mother was finally admitted to a care facility. This meant he could finally get a moments peace even if he did have to work three jobs plus other more illicit activities to afford the place. Of course none of that is public knowledge but in a town with a telepath and an empath no ones secrets are safe for long.

Boys will be boys and Jason, as they reached adulthood, discovered he had a way with the ladies. While there was certainly no shortage of men who thought she was easy of the eyes Sookie has always found it difficult to ignore her companions mostly conflicting inner musings. Jason on the other hand developed thicker skin and was able to ignore the fact that his bedmates were interested in him for the wrong reasons. Sookie's suitors also had to contend with her ever-present shadow Jason, which lessened the number of indecent proposals. However this is how she came to be almost twenty-seven who's never been past first base.

Sookie tells herself that she is a lady and ladies don't do the casual relationships that have become the norm these days. She is always getting after her horn dog of a brother for his man whoring ways, while secretly she wishes she could trade places just to see what all the fuss was about. Being a telepathic virgin barmaid gave her a front row seat to all the towns' thoughts and after a few drinks the percentage of lewd thoughts increased exponentially. However she was sure that seeing it in her mind was a far cry from the actual experience.

Now in their late twenties the Stackhouse siblings have settled into somewhat of a routine, which consists of Jason and his road crew buddies coming into Merlottes for dinner and drinks when ever Sookie works nights and mostly staying until closing. Saturday night dinner is a tradition that they haven't broken yet and Adele and Sookie cook up a feast; Tara and Lafayette are the only remaining attendees now that Linda's gone and Hadley ran off. Having to bury another child almost broke Adele and Hadley wasn't even home to help during Linda's mercifully short battle with cancer.

Linda's husband Raff Delahoussaye wasn't in the picture long enough to be much influence on Hadley and unfortunately Adele's brother Bartlett had more access to Hadley than he ever did to Sookie. Hadley never showed any signs of being different as a child like her cousins Jason and Sookie did growing up. The three of them were quite close until Hadley fell in with a rough crowd and found that with alcohol and drugs she could numb herself to her childhood scars. It didn't take long for her to drift away from her family and to finally decide to leave Bon Temps.

Not an hours drive from Bon Temps in Shreveport Louisiana lives a Viking Vampire Sheriff and his Childe. Having been Sheriff of Area five in Louisiana for the past seventy years Eric the North Man called his Childe to him to act as his Second just before the Great Revelation. Not wanting her to be on her own during the historic coming out to humans he used his plan to open a tourist bar in Shreveport as an excuse to call her to him from Minnesota where she had been living for the past thirty years.

The Revelation had gone much smoother in most of the United States than Eric had anticipated and Fangtasia was thriving. However financially successful it might be having the vermin throw themselves at him every night was beginning to lose it's appeal. At first it was a novelty to not have to glamour a meal to forget the feeding part of the interlude, but with the rise of the fangbanger this quickly lost it's cachet.

Having been Sheriff of Area five for so long has it perks, he no longer needed to focus most of his time on running the Area and with Pam as his second it practically runs it self. The only intrigue comes in the form of Louisiana's impetuous Queen Sophie Anne Leclerq. At half his age she is no match for him and is only Queen because he has no wish for any more power than he already has.

Turned at fifteen Sophie Anne is ruled by her emotions and if she didn't surround herself with completely loyal children she would never have risen to the level of power she has. Her ability to hold her children to her is considered her Vampire gift but few seem to realize that she is able to communication with them telepathically. Her eldest Andre is a creepy and vicious Vampire who was also turned in his teens. Sophie Anne relies upon him for his council and holds the position of her Second. The next eldest are the Saxon twins Sigebert and Wybert these mountainous men are clearly not very bright but very loyal to their maker and Queen.

Over the years her entourage and then court has been filled with different supernatural races and even human races. Sophie Anne likes to collect those she finds interesting or special in some way. Of course her methods are completely against the laws that govern the Vampire race, which puts Eric in between a rock and a hard place frequently. Although Sophie Anne doesn't trust Eric fully she allows him to reside in her Kingdom as a deterrent to anyone who might want to over throw her. Over the years she has frequently used her position to test his loyalty both publicly and through more covert means. Since Eric genuinely has no interest in becoming King he passes each test with flying colours even if they do wear on his patience.

Having been turned by Eric in the eighteenth century Pamela Ravenscroft took to Vampire life with very little remorse for her former life. She was ecstatic that she wouldn't have to marry the man her father had promised her to and her new life with Eric and Godric, her grandsire, was more than she had dared to dream of. Over the years her and Eric's relationship changed when her interests strayed to almost exclusively female companions. As the new world opened up Eric and Godric brought Pam with them to explore this new territory. Growing up in Victorian England did not lend it self to colonial excursions but as with the transition to vampire life she took to it with gusto.

Pam while she enjoyed her freedom living on her own in Minnesota missed her Maker and was secretly thrilled when he called her to him before the Revelation. Her only regret is that even though Godric's Area nine in Texas bordered Eric's Area five in Louisiana they very rarely saw him. Since returning to Eric's Area as his Second Pam has been spending a fair bit of time at court, which Eric absolutely abhors. Sophie Anne while childish and temperamental sure knows how to throw a party and since she too is not a lover of men they have much in common. The donors at court are always unique and memorable as is the state gossip, which is her real reason for attending on Eric's behalf.

One of the court humans is especially close to Sophie Anne and seems to also want to pump Pam for information about Area five while they spoke of life in the palace. Hadley is her name and her blood is one of the most interesting Pam has ever tasted. She has been living at the palace since before the Revelation and even though she remains the Queens favourite they are not bonded. Sophie Anne's court has many hangers on including a Vampire whose responsibility it is to procure assets that the Queen desires. William Compton has been in the Queen's employ for only a decade or two before which he held a similar position in Arkansas.

In a bookcase lined study heavy with the scent of old parchment, amidst the unending Sheriff's paperwork sat an increasingly apathetic Godric. His Second Isabelle popped her head in wondering if he would be needing a donor before they left the nest. He offered his usual negative response without raising his head in her direction. Godric has been consuming less and less blood over the last fifty years so that now it's rare for him to even feed once a month. Not that this fact stops Isabelle from offering every night in the hopes that he might feed.

The Area's in Texas have been quiet in the same time frame under King Stanislaus Davidowitz or Stan Davis, as he likes to be known these days. When Godric first took the Area there were intrigues and battles, which allowed him an acceptable outlet for the more base Vampire natures. However as the years wore on the State and his Area - other than the confounded paperwork - practically runs itself. Stan and Godric met centuries ago when Godric saved Stan from the true death shortly after Stan's Maker ran afoul of a coven of Witches resulting to his true death. This was during the time when Godric and Eric had parted ways for a time and he and Stan have been close ever since.

While the Great Revelation had been rather well received in most parts of the country Godric's Area has become home to the Fellow Ship of the Sun. The fots for short maintain claim they are a Christian church when in fact they are a cult of hate mongering intolerant bigots. In the past two years their tactics have become troubling. Having lived for two thousand years Godric has seen more than a few of the same types of movements. Baring a miracle the only question is: at what point will the rest of the world deem enough is enough?

Godric was glad to hear that Eric called Pamela home to him prior to the Revelation had he not he would have asked her to take a position in his Area. Godric felt they had been lucky that when they decided to settle that they found Area's with a common border with Regents who would allow them each to take a Sheriff's position. Their first choice was to settle in one Kingdom, but found that even Vampires with whom they had been allied with for centuries wouldn't hear of it. After a few years Pamela struck out on her own and ended up in Minnesota of all places for a number of years. She claimed to enjoy the Minnesota's Queen Maude and life in her court.

Vampire politics while a necessary evil of our existence can be rather draining whether it leans towards the dull or dangerous spectrum has never been something that Godric has enjoyed. The only reason Godric ever took a position of power in the Vampire hierarchy was to ensure his Childe and Grandchilde's survival. With neighbouring Area's even if they are across clan lines they are near enough to come to the others aid if the need arose.