I know I know... Some people may be yelling "WHY AREN'T YOU WRITING THE ALREADY PUBLISHED STORIES? YOU TOTALLY PISSED LOSER!" Now, you see. I got the idea for this AGES ago, then I got really paranoid that someone had sensed this idea, and was writing it down at that very moment... So I typed up the five lines I'd written during Geography, and published them! So I'll update with a MUCH longer chapter soon! :D

"Here's the post for you sir!" Nilsson called.

"Thank you, Nilsson." Thierry answered through a mouthful of toast. "How's the act like a butler dare going?"

"Very good sir." Nilsson replied, taking his master's tray and leaving the room.

Thierry heaved a sigh as he saw all the notice of prosecution letters and immediately picked up the only non-official looking one. It was from some kind of TV studio.

After reading it and getting extremely angry, Thierry yelled through a megaphone. "Meeting in the TV room! NOW!"

When everyone was in the TV room, Thierry began. "Would anyone like to tell me why we've been accepted for WifeSwap?"

If anyone has any ideas, or thoughts... or anything really! A random thing? The colour of your socks? If you say in your review I promise I'll make a reference to it in this! (It's a challenge) Then I'll credit you! I think it'll be fun! :P