The Promise

I know I have been so horrible about updating my other stories, but this one can't be ignored. It contains spoilers and implications from Forging Bonds and of course What Happens in Burma. I tried to fill in the blanks along with some of the script pieces that Jeff Eastin shared on Twitter but were later not included or altered. Maybe for the future episodes? I found myself asking a lot more questions after last night and coming up with some answers. Here is my take. Anyway, love to know your thoughts. I can have chapter 2 up tomorrow if anyone is interested. Enjoy!

Mozzie sighed contented with yet another one of Neal's prized wines. He sipped it gingerly, relishing its taste as well as sadly realizing Neal was right. He was going to have to start replenishing the supply. Mozzie was jarred from his thoughts as he heard a key turn and the door opened. He took note of his friends demeanor: pale faced, tired eyes, no not tired...haunted.

"So, how did it go with Chris and his father?"

After the words left Moz's mouth he began to regret them. Perhaps choice words without mentioning a happy family reunion would have been more apropos.

Neal didn't seem to hear the question at first. He shrugged off his suit jacket and hat and then began to unbutton his shirt a, few buttons slowly and with a shaky hand.

Oh God, here it comes.

Trying to rip the band aid off faster than necessary, Moz blurted out what he feared most.

"You told the Suit, didn't you?"

Neal's usually brilliant blue eyes were dull and that was all Moz needed to see for his friend.


"I told him he was a dirty cop."

Moz paused.

"And that he died when I was two."

Moz blinked once then twice.

"Really? I thought you said you would never lie to the Suit?"

Neal blanched at Mozzie's choice of words.

"I didn't exactly lie. I just didn't tell him what happened after that and he didn't ask." He had walked over to the fridge at this point and began removing a few beers that were left in there from Peter's visit the other day. He continued to move toward the couch careful not to meet Moz's eyes.

Moz watched Neal tear open the beer bottle and sighed. Neal and beer. This was going to be bad.

Neal kept his dark head down.

"Lately, things have been...harder."

Moz snorted, not respectable but understandable.

"That is true to say the least."

Neal's eyes met Moz who had stopped mid sip.

"This made me remember everything I worked so hard to forget. "

Moz replaced the glass.

"Maybe remembering isn't such a bad thing... I mean the Suit could help you..."

Neal's eyes flashed full of anger.

"There is no way, Peter can help me and you know it."

He dropped his head in his hands.

"God, Moz..."

Moz who wasn't the one who should or could be doing this but since no one else was available he had to do it. He got up from his chair at the table surrounded with beautiful things and walked over to his best friend, who was trapped in his own hell. He sat down next to him , hands folded.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Peter twirled his fork for the hundredth time staring off past Elizabeth who had long given up trying to talk to him. Peter may have been physically present but he was a million miles away.

"Is Neal OK?"

Peter seemed to awaken at the word Neal as he finally realized his wife had been talking to him for the past hour.

"Sorry, El. It has been a really long day."

Elizabeth reached out a hand and squeezed Peter's reassuringly.

"I'm sure Neal will be OK. I mean this case probably brought up a lot of bad memories for him or at least stories for him."

Suddenly Elizabeth frowned.

"That's what it is isn't it?"

Peter met her brilliant blue eyes.


Elizabeth's mind raced to piece together the problem set before her.

"It is understandable that Neal would be upset and angry about his past, but...there's more to it isn't there?"

Peter nodded."I think so. "

He picked up his fork and took a bite.

"He said he was two when his dad died. Then he got this strange look in his eyes...faraway you know? Like he was remembering something horrible. Then you know what the kicker was?"

Elizabeth shook her beautiful brown head.

"He said he got really good with guns."

Elizabeth frowned." Hmmm..."

Peter nodded grinning that their thoughts were on the same page.

"Exactly I mean he tried to make it as a joke, but ...he is good with guns, EL. Awfully good yet he hates them. Total contradiction.."

He took one more look a the meal and before he said another word Elizabeth began to take his plate.

"Go to him. Whether you realize it or not you can help him."

Peter met Elizabeth's determined face and prayed that she was right.

Peter knocked on Neal's door hesitantly suddenly wishing he had stayed at home.

The door opened but it wasn't Neal who stood there.

"Can I help you, Suit? Now isn't a good time."

Peter dropped his head nodding.

"I know."

Moz cocked his head and stared deeply at Peter. Peter don't know what changed his mind but maybe he saw something...the same something Elizabeth saw, one that Peter was completely blind too. Whatever the case, Moz opened the door and let him in.

If Peter knew that things were never going to be the same, he would never have crossed the threshold.

Well hope you liked. Please review!