Author's Note: Hey Hey Hey! so this is another one of me(Catherine) and Cat's combined stories. We loved writing this story, and we hope that you enjoy reading it. Clare may seem a bit OOC, but that is because this is our portrayal of what she could be like years later. And be warned...there is a LOT of cursing in this (teehee).

Disclamer: We don't own Degrassi, Its characters or the lyrics to "Come as You Are", or "I will always love you " :)

It's six o'clock at night and the sky is dark
and some stars are out. I lock my Volvo and go into the house I've shared with my husband for the past ten years. We've been married for thirteen years. We got married during our sophomore year of college. We have three kids, Annabelle who's twelve, William who's seven, and Violet who's four. When I get into my house I hear soft music playing, and murmuring noises coming from upstairs.
"Bill?" I call out.
No answer. I drop my purse on the end table by the front door and climb up the stairs.
"Yes." Bill moans. I go to my room and see the door's slightly ajar. I hear numerous moans and a continuous "thud, thud" against the wall. I open the door.
"So this is what you've been doing when I work late?" I scream. Bill's head shoots up from under the naked girl straddling him.
"Clare!...this is not what it looks like." He says.
"Oh, so you aren't lying in front of me naked and I didn't hear you moaning moments ago?" I seethe. The girl blushes.
"Why does there always have to be an angry wife?" the girl whispers.
"Excuse me for interrupting you, you little home-wrecker. But I think this is my husband you're fucking on the night of our anniversary!" I scream.
"Babe, you said you were leaving her…"
I cut her off, "Babe? No. Bill, how long have you been fucking this slutty little intern?"
"Who are you calling slutty, bitch?"
"Let me see… the naked bitch straddling my husband!"
"Are you going to say anything to defend me Billy?" the girl bats her obviously fake eyelashes.
"I think I'm just going to stay out of this." He says.
"Stay out of this? Stay out of this! This is your fault. That bitch wasn't the one who made a vow to God and me. You were."
"But, Clare…baby." He pleads.
"You lost the right to 'baby' me when you started fucking around. What will the kids think?"
"Nothing, because they won't find out. Do you really want a broken family like yours, Clare."
"Don't play any of your fucking mind games with me Bill. I'm done. You hear me? Done with you and your little hoe. Don't talk to me. Don't call me. Don't try to contact me. We are over. I'm going to Darcy and Peter's place and picking up the kids. We're through. Don't come near me or my kids anymore. Ever." I say as I back out of the room. Tears stream down my face as I run down the stairs ignoring the pleading calls from my husband. I grab my purse and slam the front door shut after me. I open the car door and drive off. My vision blurs from the tears streaming down my face. As I come to a red light I put on the radio.
"And I will always love you…" I shut the radio off with a slam.
"No you won't. You'll lie and cheat and fuck around with slutty interns." I say as I begin to move the car again. I check the speedometer and note my speed is nearing ninety miles per hour, but I'm too furious to slow down. I even crack the window so I can feel the slap of the cool night air as it hits my face and whips my hair around like a tornado. I continue to put pressure on the pedal, riding through the familiar curves of the road as the world blurs by. Fuck that Bastard! Oh wait…someone already has! That man has been ruining my life since the moment I got pregnant and we had our shotgun wedding. All he cares about is sports, money, and sex. I had thought that I was in love. Sure, he'd been charming. Oh he'd used every trick in the book; his goofy grin and sexy smolder, but I'd been top naïve to see through him. I was nineteen and starry-eyed and I'd made him into a prince. But Bill would never be a prince. The man was a fucking bum. He'd never cared about me or the kids. I was worth less to him than even his hot sex with that intern. God, I've been so blind! All the signs were there. I wonder how many others there had been. I glance at the speedometer again and see that it says ninety five. I don't care anymore. All I want to think about is the adrenaline and the fast pumping of my heart sending blood through my limbs and to my fingertips. I need to feel young. I need to feel like I am alive.
Suddenly, my headlights flash across a black car speeding down the opposite side of the road. The road is narrow and I know that we're going to collide. I press down on the brake hard, and the wheels screech as the car slows, but it's too late. We're going to crash. I brace myself and all I can think about is my kids. I see their sweet, innocent faces and pray that God still has mercy. The impact is brutal and when the airbag goes off I know that I am going to have bruises. I breathe out. I'm alive. The airbag deflates and I stretch out my limbs. I feel fine, but I can feel the anger bubbling back up. I had wanted adrenaline and adrenaline is what I got. I want to scream. I want to scream at the top of my lungs so all of the world can hear me. I want to run and scream so loud that Bill will fall to his knees and claw at his ears. I push the door open and see that there's a large indentation in the side of my car. I see the person from the other car step out as I do. I hear Nirvana blasting as the evidently male figure strides toward me.
Come as you are
As you were
As I want you to be.
I hear the music as I strut equally angrily towards him. I feel like screaming and cursing. So I do.
"Fuck you!" I say. "You just crashed my car!"
"Hey, you were the one going at what? A hundred miles per hour?"
"It was ninety five actually, you Bitch!" I scream.
"And that's still way over the speed limit. What were you doing?"
"It's none of your goddamn business what I was doing, you bastard!" As I scream I imagine Bill standing in front of me and not this nameless, faceless man from the black car.
I hear Bill's voice when he says "You sure have a dirty mouth for a woman."
"This, coming from the dirtiest, filthiest, most disgusting son of a bitch I know!" I take a few strides closer to him and I'm standing next to the hood of the car.
"Watch your mouth, Lady."
"How the hell could you do this to me Bill. You're ruining my life!" My fist wraps around an ornament on the hood. The metal is cold against the hot palm of my hand. I rip the ornament off and chuck it with all of my force and anger at Bill. I scream at the top of my lungs, but he doesn't crumble before me. My aim is a bit off and the ornament hits the side of the car and then falls to the ground at his feet.
"Whoa," He says taking a step towards me, "Calm down, Clare."
"Calm down? Calm down! I will not calm down you son of a bitch. You hurt me! You cut me! Deep. All those years of my life wasted. On you. I hoped that you would change, but now I know that fucked up pieces of shit like you can never change. God Bill, how could you sleep with that whore! But it's more than that. It's more than you just cheating on me. You never loved me. I gave you my heart on a silver platter, and all these years you treated it like dirt. You treated me like dirt." I'm crying now. Crying and screaming. And Bill just stands there with his arms crossed and the streetlights casting a glow over him and his smirk. That smirk.
As a friend
As a friend
As an old enemy
I run my hands through my hair and pull, wishing my scalp were numb.
The man bends down and picks up the ornament that I had thrown to the ground and he takes another step towards me so that we are now only a few feet apart. I look down at the ornament in his hand and see it clearly for the first time. It's a silver skull.
"Clare," He says, and for the first time I don't hear Bill's voice, but a very different, but familiar one. One from a long time ago. "Clare, it's okay. It's going to be okay."
My heart stops for a moment and then starts up again. Three times as fast. Memories flood through my head as I stare at this man, illuminated by the street lights.
Don't be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As an old memoria
This was adrenaline.

Author's Note: So please review! Reviews inspire us. :)