My Name is Gladiator

By: Dean's Leather Jacket

Chapter One: Two Months Later

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0… if I did… I'd probably be a lot more creative with these disclaimers!

"Everyone… you should all be happy. This is one of four lectures left until the end of the school year. And then you won't have to see my face anymore."

A collective murmur rose up in Dr. Penelope Harrison's Freshman World History 101 course, one of two sections that she taught. Penelope or Pen to her friends (with the occasional Penny) had realized in her undergraduate years that the professors were about as happy as the students, if not happier, to see summer vacation approaching. Pen now felt these sentiments. She could sleep as much or as little as she wanted, research when she needed, plan trips back to the mainland if she desired, or just become a beach bum. She was fairly certain the last option was what her colleagues at Hawaii Pacific University did during the summer, why shouldn't she just follow their example?

"The lecture today will be on the Ottoman Turks," Pen spoke again to get the class back to attention. "And the last three will be on the Renaissance. So! Let's begin shall we!"

There was some shuffling as everyone got their notebooks ready and pulled out their writing utensils. Pen started her PowerPoint up, and her first slide displayed an image of a painting. It depicted a man with an elaborate headdress, black hair, intense moustache, and long, curly locks of hair. He had a straight nose and a prominent bottom lip (maybe because the 'stache was covering the top lip?).

"Any one know who this guy is?"

There was silence.

"He isn't Turkish… but I swear he is relevant to this lecture on the Ottomans."

Still nothing.

"No one? You all know this guy!"


"I'll give you a hint. He's Eastern European. From what the Romans called Dacia."

Someone finally raised their hand, a blonde girl that sat on the right side of the room. Pen nodded at her to go ahead.

"When you lectured on the emperor Trajan, you mentioned all of his campaigns in Dacia. Roman Dacia is Romania, right?"

"Yes, that's correct. Anyone know who this guy is now?"

Still nothing. Damn, did these kids not read or watch movies anymore?

"What is a famous region of Romania?" Pen tried again.

Finally! A kid, brown haired guy with classes, raised his hand.

"Yes sir," Pen said.

"It's famous for Transylvania."

"YES! And out of Transylvania comes…?" Man! These kids were killing her! Making her feel old!

"Vampires?" Someone piped up, as if unsure.

"YES! Well… sort of. Vampires aren't real you know, no matter how many of you Edward Cullen lovers want them to be real." A few groans and chuckles. "This is Vlad Dracula! The REAL person behind Count Dracula!" Pen wiped away imaginary sweat from her forehead. "You kids…"

Pen advanced the slide, and the next picture was of the entire breadth of the Ottoman Empire at its peak.

"Ok, anyway, I swear that Vlad Dracula actually has a purpose in this lecture…"

She then began giving them some background information on where the Ottomans had come from and how they were able to rise to power. And finally brought it back around to why she had introduced them to Dracula in the first place.

"So… the Ottomans… they held this practice called the devshirme. It's basically a human tax that the Ottomans levied on their conquered subjects, mainly the Christians. It was sort of a way of keeping them in line. They would take the sons of these Christian families and then raise them in the Ottoman culture. A lot of the time, these children would convert to Islam too, and they would be educated with the best teachers. They could take one of two paths: either a political career or a military one. If they chose a political career, they could climb the ladder to become grand viziers, which were advisors to the sultan. And if they chose a military career, they would be a part of the group called the Janissaries. This was an elite military group that would fight in the sultan's army.

"Vlad Dracula, being the son of the Prince of Wallachia, which was a province in Romania, was a part of the devshirme. And so was his younger brother, Radu, who later became favored with the sultan Mehmed II. Eventually, Dracula left to rule Wallachia after his father's murder, and that's when he gained his bad reputation. You know… that whole impaling thing."

That got a few chuckles. These kids weren't all lost causes.

"If there's one thing I want you guys to take out of this course, is the conflict that has always existed between the nobles or the elite class and the monarchy. Vlad had this problem as well. The nobles had killed his father and eventually they led to his demise. You can see this particular conflict between the nobles and Prince John in England, around the time with the legendary Robin Hood and with the signing of the Magna Carta. You can see it between the Greeks and the tyrants that rose during the Archaic Period. You never, ever want to get on the bad side of the nobles… especially if they become so powerful they can unseat you… Anyway… back to the Ottomans…"

Pen honestly couldn't wait till this class was over. She would have finished out her Tuesday, which was the first of the last two Tuesdays of the regular school year, then it would be finals time, and THEN it would be SUMMER!

A door opened at the top of the lecture hall, and Lieutenant Commander Stephen McGarrett, Steve, slid into the room and into a vacant chair. Pen tried to contain her smile, but couldn't help it. It also screwed up her concentration with what she had been talking about. A few of her students were turning around to see what was distracting their professor. Random guy? Ok…

The Naval officer sent her this huge wink, and Pen faltered in her lecture even more. Steve was the only man that had ever had such an effect on her. She couldn't explain it and she honestly didn't care.

She cleared her throat, gathered her thoughts, and continued talking. It had been about three months since Steve and Pen had first met and started a relationship. He still sent her stomach and heart fluttering in that sugary, romance novel way.

Steve, as always, sported khaki colored cargo pants, desert combat boots, a white t-shirt and a blue unbuttoned over shirt. He sat low in the seat and propped a foot up on the back of the chair in front of him. Pen didn't know what he was doing here; he hadn't said anything about coming to visit her today. In fact, she was under the impression that he and his task force, Five-0, had been on a very important case. Whatever. She didn't care. He was here to see her!

"Can anyone tell me when the Ottoman Empire fell?" Pen asked the class.

The female population of the room kept glancing back and up to check out the stranger that had entered their class. Not only was Steve distracting her, but this turn in events was also distracting her. She knew that Steve was an excellent example of male specimen to observe… but that didn't mean Pen couldn't get irritated when college co-eds were ogling him.

Someone finally raised their hand in response to her question. Thank God.

"It was at the end of World War I," The girl said.

"That's right. They were a part of the Central powers during World War I…" And Pen then began wrapping up the lecture, ending with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. It was out of the time period of the class (the class ended at the Renaissance), but Pen liked to give the whole story for some of the things she taught. She didn't test them on the parts that fell out of the realm of the class, but she figured it would help them be more well rounded individuals.

"All right. I've talked enough today. Get the Hell out of here," Pen concluded.

As the crowd of freshmen filed out of the lecture hall (the girls obviously taking their time to get their last looks at the man calmly lounging at the top of the lecture hall) Pen closed up her PowerPoint and pulled out her USB drive.

"Excuse me, Dr. Harrison?" A brunette girl asked.


"I was just wondering if you were going to have another review session like you had for the midterm?"

Pen knew colleagues and past professors that delighted in the fear that shone through the eyes of their students. It was definitely showing through this girl's. But Pen didn't really get off on that kind of thing. Grades were important to some people, and they weren't a laughing matter.

"Yes! Thank you for reminding me! I'm going to send an email out and book this room for either the Saturday or Sunday before finals week. It'll be structured like last time… I'll give you guys a study guide before hand, and then you can ask me specific questions."

The girl nodded and looked relieved.

"It's going to be like the midterm. Identify key terms and write an essay, plus an extra credit question. I'm not going to throw something off the wall at you. Don't stress out too much, all right?"

The girl smiled.

"Thank you, Dr. Harrison. See you Thursday."

"See you Thursday!" Pen replied. She then flung her messenger bag over her shoulder and looked up again. Steve was standing in front of her now, a slight smile on his extremely handsome face.

"What?" She asked, heading out of the classroom so the next professor could get ready.

"Nothing. You're just a nice professor, that's all," Steve said.

"My main job is to teach them. And I think that helping them goes hand-in-hand," Pen told him as she hit the "UP" button on the elevator to head to her office.

"Oh, I agree. I just never had a professor as helpful as you," Steve said. The elevator dinged and they both entered. When no one else followed them in, Steve hit the "Door Close" button, and pulled her to him. "I never had a professor as beautiful as you, either."

Oh God. He was doing that voice where it got all deep and breathy. It made Pen's insides tremble and her body temperature rise. God she really wanted this man. All of him. But every time they got hot and heavy and it was leading toward that awesome moment of complete release and abandon, Pen could just not bring herself to go there. Steve deserved to become a saint with what he had to put up with her. But there was just something in her mind that clicked off whenever they got close to making love. It wasn't him… that was for damn sure. It was her. Some weird, awful mental issue she had that she needed to work out and fast.

Steve had her backed against one of the sides of the elevator, and had his hands at her waist, making circles with his fingers that she could feel burning through her clothes. Just as he was about to bring those fantastic lips to hers, the elevator dinged, signaling that they had arrived at their destination. Pen cleared her throat, stepped away from him, and straightened her blouse. She took hold of his hand and pulled him out of the elevator and down the hallway toward her office.

"So what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, I really am, but I thought you were working on a case?" Pen asked Steve as she unlocked her office door.

"We got lucky. Found the right guy, case closed. I stuck Danno with the paperwork." Steve grinned.

"How nice of you!"

"What can I say? I'm a nice guy!" Steve shrugged, sitting down in one of the armchairs in front of Pen's desk. "I told him I had someone very important that I needed to see."

Pen grinned widely and sat down in her desk chair.

"Meaning me?"

"No… my pimp… YES YOU!" Steve joked.

"That makes me feel all special."

"Good! It should!"

Pen laughed.

"Well… I'm done for the day now. What do you want to do?"

"I was thinking of you… coming back to my place, and spending the rest of the night with me."

"Hmm… I don't know…. If I do… can I help you work on your car A.K.A. just watch and hand you tools?"

Steve chuckled.

"I figured you've gotten bored of that routine."

"Hell no! How could I be bored? Hot man… hot car… hot man getting dirty from working on hot car… what more could a girl ask for?"

They had spent many a night just sitting in his garage and working (well, him working, Pen didn't know shit about cars) on his and his dad's 1974 Mercury Grand Marquis. They would just talk, and he would tell her to hand him something, and she would. She would work on dinner while he showered, and then later they would curl up on the couch and watch a movie. It was pretty perfect for Pen who was kind of a homebody, and it was nice for Steve to relax after a hard day's work of chasing bad guys and getting shot at.

"Sounds great to me," He told her.

"I've got to stop and change clothes and you don't mind if I bring Ram, do you?" She asked.

"Have I ever objected to you bringing Ram?"

Ram, or rather Ramses, was Pen's German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix that she had gotten about a month ago. He was about six months old now, and such a friendly, energetic, cute as a button puppy. He was going to be a fairly huge dog, which Pen didn't mind. And he was already acting like a guard dog.

He loved Steve and he loved Grace, but he didn't much get along with Danny Williams, Pen's best friend. Whenever Danny came around, Ramses would growl once, and go into another room.

Pen had decided on getting a dog instead of a car (as her mother had wanted). She had been in Hawaii for almost an entire school year, and had felt like she was settled enough in her new home. She had taken steps in her new life: new boyfriend… and now a dog.

"I'm ready to go if you are," Pen said, standing from her desk chair and throwing her messenger bag over her shoulder. She grabbed her phone and keys from her desk drawer, and then grabbed her thermos that she put coffee in. Steve jumped up out of his chair, and tried to take her messenger bag from her.

"I've got it!"

"I was just trying to be nice!"

Pen had to admit that the special treatment she had been getting had lessened. But ever since a blond, trampy, dirty cop had stabbed her; people had been making sure she was really careful. Kono hadn't continued Pen's surfing lessons until a month after her injury. Steve hadn't let her do any heavy lifting for a while, and sometimes, unconsciously, he still treated her like she was back in her hospital room. She was completely healed now, and actually felt better than she ever had in her life. Pen would be lying if she didn't admit that every once in a while the wound would twinge, but it was normal, according to Dr. Yablonski. It was her own weather forecaster! Every time it rained, it would ache a little. That's when she knew to bring the umbrella.

Steve had managed to get a parking space around the back of the building where Pen's office was housed. He opened the passenger door for her, and she hopped up. When she was safely in, he shut her door.

Ramses was super excited when Pen and Steve walked in the door. He barked and wagged his tail and almost knocked his momma down.

"All right, Ram, all right. Calm down! I know you're excited! I'm excited to see you too!" Pen cooed at him.

"I'll take him out while you get changed," Steve offered.

"Thanks!" Pen said. She bent down to give Ramses a good rub down, and he took it in, tongue out and wagging. Pen reached for his leash and clipped it on. "Steve's gonna take you to potty," Ramses barked once and licked her face in response. Pen laughed.

"Come on, Ram," Steve coaxed the dog out the door and down the stairs. Pen smiled at the sight. Her two favorite boys.

She hurried into her bedroom to change into more casual clothing. Pen also packed a bag, putting what she was going to wear for work tomorrow in the duffel. This is how it had been for the past few months. She would either be sleeping at his place, or they would be sleeping at hers. There was rarely a night when she slept by herself. Pen, who fancied herself a fairly independent woman, really didn't mind this fact at all. Steve was a great pillow and he always kept her warm and feeling safe.

When she came back into the living room, Steve was back in the apartment, playing tug-o'-war with one of Ramses' toys. Pen almost started laughing, because Steve was growling a lot like Ramses would. Ramses won the battle, but judging by Steve's look, Ram hadn't won the war.

"You ready?" He asked her.

"Of course!"

This time, she let him take the duffel bag, and she grabbed Ramses' leash. Ramses absolutely loved going for rides in cars. He stuck his head out of the window like any ol' dog would, tongue sticking out, taking in the sun and the wind.

As they rode in Steve's truck, with Ramses barking at random things he saw, the couple held hands over the center console. Pen had never felt happier in her life.

"I'm going to make an accusation… I think… it was Colonel Mustard, in the study, with the lead pipe!"

"All right, monkey. Check it and see."

"YEP! Colonel Mustard, study, lead pipe!" Little Grace Williams declared, showing the three Clue cards to her two opponents. Detective Danny Williams, the father of this precocious girl, shook his head and threw his cards down in defeat. Kathryn Murphy, Danny's girlfriend, professor of Art History and friend to Pen, just smiled.

"How do you do that?" Kathryn asked little Grace. "That's like… the fifth time in a row you've beat us!"

Grace just smiled and squirmed in her chair out of pure excitement.

"Just promise me one thing monkey," Danny said to her. "Promise you won't become a cop like me."

"I can't make that promise, Danno!" Grace replied. Danny sighed, and then glanced at the clock. Whoa, way past her bed time! It was a school night!

"Time for bed!" He declared. Grace looked way disappointed, but she knew better than to argue with her dad. "Come on! Brush your teeth, get in your jammies, and I'll tuck you in."

"Can Kathryn tuck me in too?" Grace asked.

"Of course, monkey," Danny said. Grace disappeared into the bathroom to accomplish her bedtime tasks. The detective turned back toward Kathryn and smiled at her.

"I feel honored," Kathryn said, as Danny stepped closer and closer to her. "She wants me to help tuck her in!"

"Well…" Danny said, finally snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him. "… you should feel honored."

Kathryn linked her arms around his neck and smiled back at him. He was only two inches or so taller, but that was just right for her. Kathryn had had her own fair share of shitty boyfriends over the years, but the minute she had laid eyes on Daniel Williams, she knew her life was due for a change. He was so funny, and had the most caring personality of anyone she had ever met; he cared for his daughter so much, and he cared for his team, and he cared for his best friend, Pen. He may be a hot head, but Kathryn loved that about him.

Danny had also been instantly smitten the moment he stepped into the bar and saw Kathryn sitting there with his best friend, Pen. She had been unlike any girl he had ever laid eyes on or seen. She had these crazy eyes that almost seemed golden… and a personality to match. Intelligent, funny as Hell, bubbly at the right times, and so god damned beautiful. Suddenly, this godforsaken island… didn't seem so godforsaken.

"I'm ready!" Grace's voice exclaimed, breaking both of them out of their reflections. They broke apart and Kathryn held out her hand to Grace.

"Let's hit the hay then!" The woman said, and Kathryn got her first experience in tucking Grace into bed.

Things had gone WAY too far.

He realized that now, but it was too late. He and his cronies lifted the body of the fighter known as Narcissus, and dumped it off the nearest cliff and into the Pacific Ocean. They all brushed off their hands and watched as the body of the hulking fighter disappeared into the foam of the ocean.

As a result of things going too far… someone was now dead. The man could have been someone's husband, father, brother… and definitely someone's son. But because the bloodlust had gotten a little too intense for the fighter known as Spartacus, a man was dead. And it was all his fault. He hoped that the Emperor would not be displeased with him.

A/N: Hope you guys will enjoy this story! I can't promise chapters will come out as fast as the previous story, but I will promise that they WILL come! Thanks for sticking around though, and reading the continued adventures of Steve and Pen. There are going to be some more times where you'll probably hate me… but I promise it'll end happily!