Dean Forester knew his marriage was over. He just didn't know how to tell Lindsay this. He and Lindsay had only been in Stars Hollow for a few days for Christmas break and he had just gone to see Taylor's lawyer Nicole Leahy about getting a divorce. She told him that it shouldn't take long for the divorce to go through once he and Lindsay agreed on who got what.

Driving back home from New York Dean had a lot of time to think. He thought back to that spring day he had told Rory about how he had proposed. She had been unhappy and now that he thought about it she seemed jealous too. He now knew she was right. Dean and Lindsay were too young to get married. He wasn't sure why after only five months of dating he had proposed. He figured it was because he knew he'd never have another chance with Rory.

He hated admitting it but Dean was still deeply in love with Rory. When he got back to Stars Hollow, instead of heading back to the Lister's house he went to his parent's. He had to let them know what he was feeling and what was going on.

"Dean, this is a nice surprise," said Barbara when he walked in.

"Hi, Mom," Dean said. "Is Dad home? I need to talk to the two of you."

A few minutes later the three of them were gathered around the kitchen table. Dean wasn't sure where to start. "I made a mistake," he started to say.

"In what?" asked Randy.

"Marrying Lindsay," was what Dean said.

Barbara looked at her only son. He didn't look happy. He looked stressed and tired. Now that she thought about it the last time she saw Dean truly happy was when he had been dating Rory. "You still love Rory." It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

Dean nodded his head. "Yeah, I am. After everything we went through I still love her." Dean took a deep breath. "I've decided to file for divorce. I want to be with Rory but in order to do that I need to divorce Lindsay. She doesn't even know I still talk to Rory."

Barbara nodded her head and looked at her husband. "I think that's a wise decision. When are you planning on telling Lindsay?"

"I'm thinking after Christmas. I don't want to make her mad during the holidays."

"That sounds like a good plan," said Randy. "And you're welcome back here once you tell her."

"Thanks Dad," said Dean. "I should get back to Lindsay's parent's."

After Dean left Barbara turned to Randy. "I think Dean's doing the right thing. Have you noticed how unhappy he's been lately?"

"I noticed that. The last time he was truly happy was when he was dating Rory. I hated the way she treated him near the end but he loved her."

"Yes, I think Rory is the one he wants to be with. However, I will miss Lindsay. She was a good girl.

"Yes, she was," agreed Randy.

Later that night Dean was laying in bed next to Lindsay. They had just made love and she had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. He was glad he told his plans to his parents and that they had agreed. He was actually surprised that they had agreed with him.

The next morning Dean woke up to the sun shining in the room. He sat up and noticed the time on the clock. He was going to be late for work at the Dragonfly if he didn't take a quick shower. He found Lindsay in front of her mirror fixing her hair. "Thanks for setting the alarm," he said sarcastically.

Lindsay turned around. "Sorry, I meant to but I fell asleep. We were up late last night. I thought you deserved to sleep in." She gave him an apologetic smile.

Dean gathered up some clean clothes. "Damn it Lindsay I can sleep in! I have to be at the Dragonfly in forty minutes!"

"Oh, I am so sorry!" Lindsay shot back. "I just thought that since you work so much you'd like to sleep in!"

"Whatever," said Dean. "I need to take a shower. And don't wait up on me. I'll be home late."

"Fine!" yelled Lindsay. "I'm going out with Erika today anyways. Maybe I'll stay at her place."

Dean didn't say anything. He just headed to the shower so that he could arrive at work on time. Lindsay headed downstairs. She didn't know what was up with Dean these days. He was so moody and rarely talked to her.

"Hey sweetie," said Theresa when she saw her daughter. "Is everything okay? I thought I heard shouting."

Lindsay shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, Mom. Dean's been so moody lately and he won't talk to me. I don't know what to do. And this morning I thought I'd let him sleep in because we stayed up late but he was mad because I didn't set the alarm."

Dean came down the stairs then and heard what Lindsay said. Why couldn't everything just stay between them? "Great, now you're telling your mother about our problems?" criticized Dean. "That's just great, Lindsay."

Lindsay turned on him. "She asked what was wrong!"

"You know what? I don't care anymore! Go ahead, tell everyone about our problems. Tell your parents, or Erika. Hell you can tell the whole town! I'm done! I was going to wait but I've filed for divorce and I'm moving out!" shouted Dean. He stormed out of the kitchen grabbed his coat and headed off to work.

Lindsay stared after him feeling confused and angry and about a million other things. She gestured toward the door Dean had just walked through. "See, that's how he's been for a while." She grabbed her purse. "I'm going to the mall with Erika for some last minute shopping. I'll be home around six." And then she left to meet Erika at her house which wasn't that far.