Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective companies. I do not own anything except the story and the characters I made up. Done purely for fun

Optimus prime stood of the deck of omega supreme's bridge area. A whole stellar cycle had past since his battle with Megatron and prowl's funeral. He still thought of his friend and how he had given his spark for the autobots.

"Prowl," he whispered quietly to himself, "Why couldn't we have found a better way?"

Just then, a tussle brought him back to reality. Sari and bumblebee were having a mock battle with each other. When the autobots returned to Cybertron, they were hailed as heros. The high council thought it appropriate for such bots to have formal training. As a result, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Sari were admitted as honorary elite guard members. Optimus himself was granted full re-instatement upon a grant from Alpha Trion. The old bot seemed to like Optimus. Althougth prime couldn't understand why, Alpha Trion said he had more potential than he gave himself credit.

As the comical brawl between mech and teen continued, Bulkhead and Ratchet entered the room.

"What's going on here?" Ratchet half grumbled, half demanded.

"Ah, cool your radiator Ratchet. Were just having a nanoshred of fun." Was bee's response.

"Fun? You call pounding each other into filings fun? Cause that dosen't sound fun to me."

Ratchet crossed his arms and gave a look of gruff hopelessness to the now standing yellow bot.

"Ah, leave them alone doc. " Bulkhead butted in, "They're not harming anyone."

Ratchet shrugged and walked off. "This from the bot who knocks over buildings on accident."

Optimus couldn't help but smile. He was happy his crew was in, by their standards, good spirits. He motioned for Sari to come see him.

"Whats up big guy?" She said when she was in earshot.

"Where coming up on Earth's sector. I just wanted to know if you're glad to be coming back home."

"Of course I'm happy to be back! I can't wait to see my dad! I haven't heard from him in a while untill yesterday. I hope he didn't feel rushed giving him so short notice."

"Im sure he can handle things Sari. Its not everyday someone you care about comes home from another planet."

"Yeah,you're right. But ya know, its in a way a second home for you too."

Optimus nodded. He had grown very fond of Earth. He missed organics and their ways; especially those he had left behind that were his friends like Prof. Sumdac and Capt. Fanzone.

"Attention Optimus Prime. Earth's sector is now being entered. ETA: Four mega cycles to destination."

"Thank you teletran one." Optimus replied as he walked over to the control panel. He hit a button and began talking. "Jazz, Arcee, meet me one the bridge. I'm calling a meeting."

Optimus turned to face the bots and sari who were on the bridge. "Attention everyone, i would like to say a few things."

As Jazz and Arcee entered the bridge, Bumblebee stopped wrestling bulhead's servo; Sari put down her upgraded cell phone; Ratchet walked over to Arcee and put his arm around her, cracking a tender little smile; and Jazz leaned against the doorway.

" Yo O, got your message, whats the info dog?" The white ninja asked.

"Not much Jazz, just wanted to say a few things to everyone before we reach earth."

"Well fire away prime." The gruff medic bot called from his spot. "I dont have all orbital cycle to rust"

Optimus nodded straight faced. "As you all know, we are returning to earth. The purpose of our stationment there is to resolve a few things. Mainly, to round up any decepticons we missed. Further more, Upon Ultra Magnus's request, we will be taking a detailed census of all information regarding Earth."

"No offense boss bot," Bumblebee said, "But isnt this task a more suited for someone else?"

"I know it doesn't sound that fun Bumblebee, but i think if we all pitch in, it will go fast. Who knows, you may even like it." Optimus said a little cheerfully.

"Pffft yeah right." Bee shot back. "There is only bot i know with enough rusted circuitry to care about this stuff and he's-" Bumblebee shut his audio processor and looked down. He knew he had gone too far to bring up Prowl. The others knew it to. Everyone stared at him with solem faces. Then, before he could react, Ratchet used his magnets to grab a empty oil can, and whip it at Bee's head. It bounced off with a clunk.

"Still running your audio processor before your main one I see." He commented. A twinge of disgust in his voice.

"All right everyone, settle down." Optimus said trying to ease the mounting tension between the two bots. "As I was saying, we'll be landing in Detroit in a few hours. Once we get their, were to go strait to Sumdac Tower and get a breif from Captain Fanzone and Professor Sumdac. After which, we'll be heading back to the plant. Jazz, when we get their, go pick out a room. Arcee, same thing for you too."

"Thank you for your kindness Optimus," The pink femme began. "but if it's all the same to you, I'd rather stay with Ratchet." Arcee gave Ratchet a smile and hugged him tighter.

"That's fine Arcee, just be you can deal with Ratchet going on call at any hour. We never know when we'll need him."

The pink autobot gave a nod and then refocused her gaze to Ratchet's face.

Optimus gave a slight smile and continued his speach. "As for Omega, i think it best if he stays on Dinobot Island. After the whole buisness with Megatron hacking his system and then the Lugnut clones, the inhabitants of Detroit might find his presence...unnerving."

Ratchet was about to protest, but Arcee gave him a sympathetic look that made him think better of it. Prime was right. Mass panick would occur if Omega was walking around the city in robot mode. Dinobot Island was the best solution.

"All right, anyone have anything to add? Nothing, O.K. Lets get ready to see Earth." With that, Optimus stepped down and finished the meeting. Excited chatter began to erupt between clusters of the Autobots.

"I can hardly wait to get back to Earth again" Bulkhead told Jazz. "It's hard to find inspiration for my art on Cybertron." Bulkhead remembered that not too many bots shared his appreciation for art on his home world. He mainly received awkward glances from those who came across him painting. Or, in his case of Sentinel Prime seeing, a mocking laugh and a snide comment about humans making his processor rust out.

"Yeah dog, I dig. I'm actually jivin' to try out this thing humans call music. I heard its way cool." Jazz, while being new to the team, had eventually got a chance to ask Sari a few things about human life. While a couple things had caught his attention, none quite did like Sari's definition of music. He was especially surprised when he learned of a music style bearing his name.

Ratchet and Arcee were talking to Optimus concerning how the dinobots would treat Omega on the island. Prime looked a little worried, but assured Ratchet Omega could hold his own on Grimlock. Bumblebee, on the other hand, leaned on a counter off to the side and glared at the medic for hitting him with an oil can. He barely even noticed Sari trying to make slight conversation with him.

"Bumblebee, Bumblebee!" She kept saying over and over.

"Yeah huh wha?" Was his repsonse as he finally came to. "What is it Sari?"

"I just wanted to know if you were allright."

"Yeah. Im fine." Bumblebee said in his over confident voice as he waved off the comment with his hand. "Why do you ask?"

"I just thought you looked a little upset."

"Well yeah, I'm a little "upset". The crazy old bolt bucket threw a can at my head." Bumblebee pointed to his head.

"No, I mean before that, is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No. Not at all." Bee began to walk away. "If anyone needs me, I'll be playing my game system."Bee exited the room and no one heard from him for the rest of the trip.

After four mega cycles, the ship was finally entering Earth's atmosphere. It was a bumby ride, but everyone was strapped in. " At least it's better than last time." Optimus thought to himself. As the ship began to touch down, Optimus could see a massive crowd gathering. So many that riot control was brought out. He could also make out Captain Fanzone and his little yellow car bearing mud stains like always.

As the Autobots descended the ramp of Omega Supreme, the roar of the crowd was so loud prime felt as if his audio receptors would burst. Clearly one year did not dim their reputation in Detroit. Just then, Optimus noticed Professor Sumdac. He was still sporting his green lab coat, and had a smile from ear to ear when he saw Sari. Sari rushed forward to hug him much to the delight of the crowd.

"Oh, Sari, my daughter, how I've missed you." Prof. Sumdac said as he pulled away from the warm embrace to get a good look at his child.

"I've missed you to daddy." Sari said back; her sky blue optics glowing warmly.

The professor then looked up to Optimus Prime. "I see you've taken very good care of Sari, and for that I thank you Optimus."

"You're quite welcome professor, but it was a team effort" Optimus motioned to his team who were all smiling and waving at the people with the exception of Ratchet. He was just standing there.

"Well, let us not dilly dally. Lets go back to the tower. Captain Fanzone, if you be so kind." Sari and her father moved towards the yellow replica of Bee's alt mode.

Fanzone, put down his bullhorn, and opened the drivers door.

"For once, I'm actually happy to see machines." He commented before getting into drive.

With that, the Sumdacs and Fanzone headed towards the tower; Fanzone occasionally yelling at the crowd to move and uttering a few choice words under his breath.

The Autobots quickly transformed. Everyone had kept their Earth mode from the last time they had visited the planet with a few minor changes here and there to keep the appearance of this years models. Arcee, on the other hand, was new and after much contemplating, had decided on a pink convertible; although she was much to modest to let down the top.

When they arrived at Sumdac tower, they were aware the tower had gone through some modifications of it's own. A large side door in the lobby lead to a confrence area big enough for even Ultra Magnus and the rest of the Elite guard to sit comfortably. When Optimus and the rest of his team had taken a seat on the makeshift furniture made for them, Fanzone began the meeting.

"O.K," He began. "Since you guys have been gone, things have changed a little around here." He took a remote control out of his pocket and hit a button. Images began to flash on a projection screen. A collection of mug shots that humans call a rouges gallery popped up. Optimus recognized familiar faces such as the Angry Archer, Nanosec, and the Constructicons. Their were other faces however, that Prime didn't know. "Yer already familiar with Mr. Green tights, speedo, and the tin plated trio," Fanzone said motioning to the photos Prime had mentally noted a second ago. "but we got some newbies like this clown." Fanzone hit a button and a little robot bearing a Decepticon logo appeared. "Calls himself Frenzy. He's been raiding the oil refineries for the past eight months along with an oversized robo cat. Were counting on you to bring these cons down. Until the job is done, DPD will back you whenever we can."

The meeting dragged on for another hour. Mainly, it consisted an overview of new bad guys, reminding the Autobots to obey traffic laws, and advising Sari not to get in over her head. It would have been shorter, but, Fanzone being the tech jinx he is, managed to short circuit the projector for about twenty minutes; muttering swear words all the way.

As the meeting adjourned and Fanzone departed, the Autobots were left alone to talk with Issac Sumdac.

"Dad," Sari began, "I'm so happy to be home. Nothing could possibly spoil this." She hugged him.

Just then a strange voice called out,

"Sorry I'm late Professor! Traffic was absolutely insane. I promise it won't happen again."

Sari looked up just in time to see a tall brown haired girl of around sixteen standing in the doorway.

"Dad," Sari slowly began, "who is this?"