Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

Speak Now!


Rated: T

Summary: Kagome and InuYasha dated for a long while back in high school and a bit through college. They were known far and wide as the perfect couple and easily agreed along with everyone else that they were meant to be. Unfortunately one summer their relationship came to a drastic end when InuYasha went to the States to finish school. It was upon a mutual agreement they not see each other because of the long distance however he vowed to return to her. Now, 3 years later, InuYasha returns to Japan only to announce his engagement to the mysterious Kikyo Hiromi, to which Kagome is heartbroken. Now with only months away from the Wedding Kagome has to decide whether to hold her peace or Speak Now!

Chapter 1: Her Story

Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room

And we're not speaking

And I'm dying to know is it killing you

like its killing me, yeh

Kagome Higurashi smiled inwardly as she helped the poor old woman lie back down in her bed. It was her fifth month as a nurse at Houshi Inc. and so far she had been going along great. The 24 year-old woman watched with proud eyes as the old woman, Keiko, waved her helping hand and sat into her own bed. Keiko was a 61 year old war veteran-Vietnam to be exact- and had the strength of an ox when provoked. However after the war she had obtained a trauma that was proven to be life threatening and was sent to Japan in order to relieve her of the trauma. It was quite a coincidence that she arrived the same time Kagome had and even more a convenience because she and Kagome hit it off pretty well. As soon as the two met, the owner, Miroku Houshi, her half-brother, had assigned the two together. Kagome soon began to love the old woman and she had no doubt through Keiko's tough exterior that she cared for her as well.

She continued to watch her friend as she rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles, almost making her giggle. Just looking at the woman no one would dare believe that she spent time in a war, Vietnam, in the least. She was a beautiful old woman merging somewhere between Betty White, however unlike, Betty, Keiko was far taller and had a nice firm body do to her extensive training in the war. Also, she was sure that if anyone stepped up to this woman, they'd be in for it.

"Kagome stop gawking at me, I know I'm beautiful dearie, but it's quite impolite to stare" The old woman joked as she laughed at Kagome shocked expression,

"I-I'm sorry Keiko I was just-

Keiko silenced her with a firm hand in the air, smiling lightly at the young woman before her, "It's alright Hime, now do your darling Keiko a favor and go get some rest you've been working all day"

Kagome laughed quietly, "Keiko I just got here two hours ago, besides that it's only one in the afternoon"

Keiko looked at Kagome with a raised brow, "Are you sure? It looks pretty dark outside to me" she announced pointed out her bedroom window. Kagome frowned as she took note of the darkness then smiled softly as the soft pitter-pats of rain thumped against the glass.

"It's raining Keiko maybe a storm is coming"

"Hmp, maybe still, Hime, you look exhausted take a seat for a time why don't you?" Knowing she couldn't say no to the woman, she seated herself on the two-seater behind her and took a deep breathe, letting her body relax. Keiko frowned as she examined the rain closer,

This rain doesn't look like it'll let up any time soon and you know what's always good to do when it's storming like this don't ya?" Kagome shook her head and looked at her,

"No, what?"

"Cuddle time with the hubby of course, I'm sure a beautiful young woman like has a man lurking around here somewhere"

Kagome giggled and shook her head, "Unfortunately, no I don't, the last boyfriend I had was three years ago and if he hadn't moved I'm sure we would be married right now"

Keiko frowned, "What man is his right mind would leave a woman like you behind?"

"No he asked for me to come, to run away with him and elope, but I still had a lot to do out here" She said quietly. She didn't really like talking about her relationship status; it was truly a pain subject for her. Ever since he left…..ever since he left her soul felt like an empty shell; hallow in every way. Sure, she wouldn't exactly say that she lost without him, but after knowing him for so long, being with for so long, she still couldn't imagine herself with anyone else.

"Do you two keep in contact?"

"Not really. It used to be we would talk all day but then as years went by we talked less and less, and now we hardly talk at all."

Keiko nodded solemnly then looked at the woman sitting down. She could honestly say that Higurashi, Kagome was perhaps the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on, and for such a woman, so young, free spirited, and optimistic as she, it was almost hard to believe that she could not pursue a relationship because of an old fling; there must be more to it.

"How long were you and this fella together?"

She shrugged, "Roughly five years"

Keiko nodded in understanding, "So you loved him?"

Kagome looked up then at the old woman before her and for once wasn't sure how to respond. Sure she could go ahead and say that she loved him, although she, in reality, still in love with him. Not that she would admit it to anyone. She was only 24 for Kami sake! She still had a long way to go before she needed to settle down; however, her heart had already chosen who she wanted to be with.


Keiko smiled slyly at the young woman but commented no further. The girl was obviously still in love with this man, especially since she had gone three years without even a small relationship. Yes she could sense Kagome cared about this man…more than she'd like to admit. Stretching widely she let out a tongue curling yawn, "Well that's good Hime, but now I'm very tired and in order for a woman like me to keep it moving I need to have a nap first."

Kagome stood up immediately, "Do you need anything?"

"No Hime, I'm fine, you however should enjoy the break you have, visit more patients. I'll just let the T.V watch me for a while"

Even as she nodded, the girl still looked hesitant to leave the woman alone. Sure she had her naps but over the past month she's been taking a lot frequently and she couldn't help but worry, "You sure?"

"As sure as the earth will turn, now leave me be child, I need my rest." She said smiling. Kagome nodded walked over to the old woman and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, "Alright I'll be back later" she promised before walking out the door.

Keiko merely nodded and watched as her young friend left, feeling sorry for her. 'She has such a kind heart but she refuses to share it with anyone. That man of hers sure is a lucky one. I just hope he comes back before her spirit dies' With that last thought Keiko fell asleep, dreaming of the war that became her home.

After leaving Keiko, Kagome moved expertly through the halls of the hospital in search of her brother. Knowing the lecher he was probably harassing some poor woman or getting hit by his fiancé and her best friend Sango. She walked swiftly towards his office and opened the door without bothering to knock. Kami was that a bad idea.

"Oh my Gosh! I'm so sorry!" She squeaked out as she turned away from her brother and fiancé getting busy on the desk. Unfortunately this wasn't the first time she caught her brother doing such an act like this. Either he had a knack for being horny at the wrong time or she had a death wish that involved traumatic therapy. She heard the rustling of their clothes a few minutes later and when she peeked she was relieved to see them fully dressed and a good 4 feet away from each other.

"Little sister I can honestly say that I believe you enjoy watching me and Sango" He teased a lecherous grin on his face. Kagome's face turned a bright red and she stuttered a few times before Sango-ever so violently- grabbed the nearest book and clunked him on the head. Kagome stifled a giggle at the fallen form of her brother and moved to speak to her best friend,

"You guys are horny all the time aren't you?"

Sango grinned, "Not all the time. Just apparently every time you're within the vicinity" Her eyes sparkled and Kagome noticed how particularly beautiful her friend had looked today. She wore a white cotton blouse with ruffles flaring out along the outline of the V-neck, black slacks, silver shoes, and her hair in a messy bun, that looked to be rush.

"Ew! That sounded so wrong" Sango shrugged and helped her fiancé back on his feet. His short black hair was pulled out of the small pony tail it had begun in and his suit jacket lay on the carpet next to him. He only wore a white long sleeved dress shirt, with a purple vest over it, and black slacks.

Sango snorted, "I was just stating what seemed to be a fact" After successfully placing her husband in his chair she turned her full attention to her best friend, already sensing that something was wrong, "So what happened?"

"Keiko I'm worried that she is becoming worse. She's taken naps more this month than she has in the first five months we've had her and her memory is fading a bit. She didn't even know what time it was."

Sango nodded in understand, she knew that Kagome was attached to the old woman and worried so much about her; besides herself, Miroku was the only family she had. She placed an arm round her shoulders and squeezed lightly, "Kags, she'll be just fine. She's a tough old lady and a war veteran at that, she's going to beat this illness and be running around threatening people in no time"

Kagome had to smile at that, "Like you huh?" Sango smirked and nodded her head, "Well I guess you're right Sango I worry too much Keiko is strong-willed and tough as nails"


Kagome frowned suddenly, "But this isn't normal" Sango rolled her eyes and gripped her sister-in-laws shoulders,

"Kags you are a worry wart seriously Keiko will be fine ok?" She could only nod. Her mind was still working at a fast pace on Keiko's condition; it just wasn't normal. Sango shook her head, "Say it Kagome"

"Keiko will be fine"

"Good now I believe your half-ass brother had something to tell you" She pointed to the still fallen man and chuckled slightly, "I guess I hit him too hard"

Miroku moaned and tried to stand up holding his head, "Dammit woman what was that for?"

Sango shrugged and walked over to her fiancé, "For being a hentai Miroku, now what did you have to tell Kagome"

He frowned at first then his expression showed realization then sadness, "Ah yes, I forgot about that."

Kagome seeing the stricken face of her brother became worried, "Don't tell me you're dying Miroku"

"No. It's not about me at all"

This time Kagome frowned, "Then wha-

"InuYasha called yesterday and invited me to his wedding; he comes back next month"

At that instant the world seemed to freeze and all the oxygen Kagome believed was in the air suddenly disappeared and her throat tightened. 'H-he's getting married' was her last thought before the darkness consumed her.

"Oh great monk look at what you did?"

Miroku chuckled nervously and scratched his head, "I didn't expect her to faint" He sighed heavily as he picked up his sister, while his fiancé ranted on,

"The nerve of that guy honestly. How can he do this to her? Didn't he know that she was waiting on him, for Kami sake she hasn't dated in the last three years and he's getting married. I swear when I see him I'm going to castrate him!"

Miroku sweat-dropped at the look of determination on his fiancés face and gulped, "Lady Sango I'm afraid to inform you that they had indeed broken up because he left, neither promised to come back to each other I don't believe."

Sango growled, "Kagome told me he vowed to come back to her. She said that he said, "To wait for him because he couldn't live without her" Did the jackass tell you that before he decided to get married? Did he even tell you to tell Kagome?"

Miroku shook his head, "Actually the opposite"

"So he was just going to hide it from her? That heartless little shit!"


"When is the wedding?"

"Sango I don't think-

"When is the wedding Miroku?"

He sighed, "He said in four months"

"Is he here now?"

The Monk could only nod, fearing his sexy fiancé at the moment. Kami was she hot when she was mad.

Sango frowned and looked at her best friend, "I'm actually glad he's getting married he doesn't deserve her"

Miroku nodded in agreement, "He doesn't. However Kagome doesn't feel that way. She's been in love with that man ever since High School"

"I know. That asshole."

"You do realize calling him names isn't going to change the situation at hand"

"Shut up. So what now?"

"Honestly Sango I don't know. It would be rude of me not to go to my best friend's wedding especially as the best man but this is my sister we're talking about and she comes first always."

Sango nodded knowing how deeply loyal Miroku is to his sister. At first she was jealous of the relationship they had but after getting to know them it became clear that the two had a special brother and sister bond that not even she could break. She looked at her best friend and tried to hold her tears in. She couldn't even fathom the amount of pain Kagome must be feeling at the moment and she didn't want to. To find out the only man you've ever loved was getting married wouldn't exactly be good news.


"I won't go. I can't go. He undoubtedly broke my sister's heart, although unintentionally, and I just can't support him in doing so"

Sango smiled at her fiancé, "Do you think Kagome will want that?"

"You know she won't Sango but I just can't betray her that way"

Sango nodded, "I understand. I just hope she takes this better when she wakes up"

Miroku smiled knowingly, "Knowing our Kagome, all hell breaking loose wouldn't even begin to describe what's in store when she wakes up"


Yeah so I started a new story. Sorry? lo I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan and after playing her Speak Now album on repeat for like three days straight I thought hey I can make this a story...and so TADA! Hope you enjoy it isn't going to be that long but hopefully very entertaining!