Author's note: Again, like my other stories, this is not betaed but I did read it again and again and used the spell and grammar check on Word to correct what I could. Hope it's not too hard to read.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character's except Harry and Larry, who I don't care about at all :D

Faith in his cousin.

"Are you sure you don't want to come hunting with me, Luke?" Bo Duke asked as he put his bow and arrows in the back seat of the yellow car. Luke Duke was about to reply as he walked up to Bo with a backpack in hand when Jesse Duke yelled out to them from the porch.

"I'm already short one set of hands today Bo Duke! Don't you go dragging your cousin along with you!" Jesse, the family patriarch, was always complaining that his boys were always trying to get out of their chores. "I agreed to let you go, I ain't said nothing about your cousin."

Luke turned his back to Jesse and rolled his eyes at Bo. He didn't dare to do or say anything else because Jesse seemed to have a sixth sense about stuff like that. "Don't you go rolling your eyes at me, Luke Duke! You're not too old for me to give you a good switching!" Both boys' faces broke into a grin. They've heard that threat plenty of times, but Jesse had stopping tanning their hides since Luke got back from the marines. It was an empty threat, but that doesn't mean that the boys don't mind their uncle. They loved and respected their uncle too much for that.

"Don't worry, Uncle Jesse. I wasn't even thinking about going along." He said this, but deep down he didn't like the idea of his little cousin going hunting by himself. He understood that Bo wasn't a kid any more, but his cousin did tend to be hot-headed and never thought before he acted. "Here, Daisy packed a couple of sandwiches and water for you." Luke handed the backpack to Bo, "There's also some bandages and alcohol, just in case."

Bo frowned, "Luke you trying to get me arrested. I can't carry no alcohol!"

Luke slapped Bo across the back of the head "Hey!" Bo complained flattening out his hair at the back.

"Not for drinking, you numb-skull! It's for taking care of any cuts or injuries you may get." Luke shook his head, maybe I really should go along.

Bo grinned, "Thanks Luke, you and Daisy think of everything."

"Alright, you better get going." Luke pat Bo on the back, "You have to be back by 4.00pm."

Bo got into the car and looked up at his cousin who was closing the car door for him. "Why 4pm?" Bo asked, looking up to his cousin from inside the car.

"Because, if you're not I'll be going out there to get you!" Luke ruffled Bo's hair as Bo grinned at that. He may not like to be treated like a kid, but he sure did like the way his cousin looked out for him. They may not know it, but it was Luke's protective nature that allowed Bo to remain so easy-going and carefree. Luke slapped the top of the car roof as Bo started to drive off. Luke stood there until the car disappeared from sight before walking back towards the house. Luke couldn't quite shake the niggling feeling at the back of his head.

"Stop your worrying, Luke! Bo's a big boy now!" Jesse said. Luke smiled at his uncle, like he said before, a sixth sense. Truth is, if Uncle Jesse had a sixth sense about his boys and their cheeky ways, then Luke had a sixth sense about Bo and the trouble he gets into.