A/N: Hey guys! What's up? Well this is my new story, Time Twister. It takes place after Wizards Vs. Werewolves. I hope you guys enjoy it. This chapter is just a filler chapter basically nothing exciting happens till chapter 2. I hope you enjoy! Please make sure to comment!

Alex ran into a random room. She couldn't let Professor Crumbs find her. She shut the door as quietly as she could, then looked around at her surroundings. The walls looked like they were lots of swirls running on and on and on. It was beautiful in a way, but it also made Alex's head hurt to watch.

She turned away and looked at what was in the center of the room. There laid a table with crysal ball/orb on top of it. Alex stepped forward and reached her hand out to touch it...


Max Russo sat on the couch of his home in New York. This would be his last day here for a while. He had recently turned fifteen years old, just old enough to go to Wiz-Tech. He wore a black bathrobe and dorky glasses.

"Mom! Dad!" He yelled. "Come on!"

"C'mon, Jerry!" Theresa yelled rushing down the stairs. Jerry came down after her, with a spicy chicken wing in his mouth. Theresa grabbed it out of his mouth and threw it across the room. She smiled and walked over to Max. "Oh! My little boy's going to wizard school!" She exclaimed. She pinched his cheeks.

"Mom!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry." Theresa said pulling her hands away from Max's face.

"It's fine." Max said. "Where are Alex and Justin?" He smiled.

"Oh," Theresa said. "Alex is out with Harper and Justin is working on an extra credit exam."

Max looked down. He had really wanted Alex and Justin to come and say goodbye to him. When he looked up he hid it though. He didn't want anyone to know he upset by it.

"Oh, ok." Max said. "Let's just go then." He said.

He kept his head low and walked down to the sub-shop. They would be taking the portal there. His mother and father followed him inside the lair. They went through the portal and into the wizarding world.

Alex Russo sat on the edge of her bed looking down at a picture frame. It was of her, Justin, and Max. She traced Max's face with her finger. He had been gone for two whole weeks now. Although she would never admit it aloud, Alex really missed him.

There was a knock on her door. She put the picture on her bedside table. "Come in!" She exclaimed standing up.

Harper opened the door. "Hey, Alex!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, Harper." Alex said. "What do you want?"

"Nothing." Harper said. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" Alex asked.

"Um, I don't know. I just wanted to." Harper said.

"Oh." Alex said. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "OK!"

Harper smiled and sat on the edge of Alex's bed. "Things have been kind of quiet since Max left." She said.

"Yep." Alex said, hoping she didn't give away anything by the sound of her voice.

Harper did notice though. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Alex said.

"Um, I don't know." Harper said. "I was just checking."

"Well, I am perfectly fine." Alex said, as she faked laughed. "Come on!" She exclaimed. "Let's go get some lunch!"

She grabbed Harper's arm and pulled her out of the room and down the stairs. The two made themselves a sandwich. Alex was quiet the whole time.

"Alex, are you sure you're ok?" Harper exclaimed, just as the door opened and Theresa, Jerry, and Justin walked in with grocery bags.

"I'm fine." Alex said taking a bite of her sandwich.

"No you're not!" Harper exclaimed. "You haven't pulled one prank in like two weeks!"

"So!" Alex exclaimed. "Maybe I'm trying to live a better life. Maybe I'm trying to be a better person."

Justin, Theresa, Jerry, and Harper began to laugh and Alex joined them. Alex? Good? That was the most absurd thing known to man.

"Wait!" Justin said.

"What?" Theresa asked.

"Alex got sad exactly two weeks ago." Justin said. "You- know- who left exactly two weeks ago."

Realization hit the Russo family and Harper. "AW!" Theresa exclaimed. "Alex! You miss your brother!" She exclaimed giving Alex a hug.

"Pfffft!" Alex said. "As if I miss Max!"

The Russo Family and Harper stared at Alex. "Ok, maybe I miss him a little bit." Alex said holding up two fingers, gesturing to a small amount.

"Aw!" Theresa exclaimed, hugging Alex again.

"This why I don't tell you guys stuff." Alex said gesturing to her mother.

"Sorry." Theresa said. She threw her hand up in the air. "Why don't we go visit him!" she exclaimed.

"Are you aloud to do that?" Justin asked.

"No." Theresa said. "But since when have we ever followed the rules?"

Justin nodded his head. "That's true." He said pointing at her,

"So why don't we do it then?" Theresa exclaimed.

"OK!" Alex exclaimed.

Justin nodded, as well as Jerry. Harper smiled and nodded her head.

"Great!" Theresa said. "When will we go?"

Alex smirked. She took the wand out of her left boot. "Now!" She exclaimed. And before anyone could object, she flashed them out of the kitchen.