AN: Ok, as you guys know, my friend, Meowx93, is taking over the sequel to KOA, it's going to take place after Drake assumes the throne, showing how he gets with Victoria, how she turns, how he makes the kingdom better... then it'll set into TLK2 storyline with Lia Ashburn, their daughter. So it'll be a long story, and it won't go off track like how I have a lot with the others, so it's easy to say that she's going to do a very good job with this. I have total faith in her :) and you guys should too.

Of course, there will be AU moments. So be prepared for that, guys.

Alright, so she asked me to post her writing for a last chapter (Which I know I wrote and re-wrote a million times) but we don't want to give up on this. Truth be told, I'm not a big TLK2 fan. At all. and I kind of wanted to stay away from it as much as possible, but since meowx93 likes it more than I do, it'll probably turn out better for her.

So give her feedback on how her writing is and if you'll give her a chance, I promise, you won't be disappointed. Nala-Nay has given her feedback and loves what she has written for the new story so far and her and I both definitely encourage her to do this. Do yewwwww? :)


Hearts At Stake

Cheering. Clapping.

The entire kingdom performed this as their newest king won over the realm, voiced a speech and walked up to the balcony, sitting upon the throne that Scar once nested.

Perilous lightning strikes danced across the nefarious black sky and, through the clouds, the moon created a foggy, eerie glow. Rain poured down upon everyone, dying out their candles and soaking all of their clothes. However, the people of the kingdom did not seem to care. They were too relieved and pleased about their new king that the thought of them being saturated with water didn't discourage them one bit.

Within the distance, shapeshifters lurked, watching this chummy scene with hatred and revulsion as Drake Ashburn smiled and looked up at the sky, almost as if he were retrieving some type of message.

"Some king he'll be." Ashton spat, standing next to his younger brother. "He's pathetic. He ran away for so long, neglected his kingdom..." The shapeshifter seemed to be shaking with anger, about to phase any moment. "All of the sudden he comes back, murders my brother, murders our king and decides that everything's ok again?"

Fire increased behind his eyes, his hands clenched into fists, teeth gritting together. "I want him dead."

"In time..." Elvira, a shapeshifter who remained quite close to Scar, spoke with a sure smile, touching Ashton's arm. "...he will be."

"I want him dead now."

"He's too strong now." She protested, but it was very unclear as to see if he took it all in. "In time, he will be dead, but for now we must be patient."

Ashton was going to argue back but the sound of someone walking made everyone look in a specific direction and Elvira tensed when she saw one of Drake's friends. The one who helped him fight for the kingdom, but didn't particularly like something about this whole situation.

Cole Archer.

His dark brown eyes scanned the people around him and he noticed he walked onto shapeshifter grounds, everyone around him was a follower of Scar and the boy immediately tensed.

"Oh, don't be afraid." Elvira smiled and swiftly moved over to him. "That's the last thing we want, right guys?"

Everyone nodded their heads, however, they kept their focus on Cole, half wondering if the king had sent him here to finish some business.

"Why do you look so blue? Shouldn't you be over there with your friends, enjoying the whole... celebration?"

Cole's eyes met the ground and he shook his head. "No, they hate me."

Pretend compassion embedded onto Elvira's face. "Now why would they hate you?"

Cole refused to talk and Maeva moved along side her sister, examining the boy's mannerisms, noticing a deep depression from within. Something terrible really had gone down. "What did you do?"

"Something awful." He admitted, still unable to look in anyone's eyes. "I really don't want to talk."

"Good." Ashton sighed with annoyance, feeling that this was an utter waste of time. "We don't wanna hear about it."

Elvira and Maeva hissed at Ashton and he immediately stopped talking, Ed, however, began laughing and shaking his head over and over, hitting his hand against the ground.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Elvira asked and Cole shook his head.

"Not unless you can change the past."

"Well, if you want to belong somewhere..." Maeva gave him a flirtatious smile, her bright yellowish-green eyes dancing. "You can always stay with us."

He flinched and jumped backwards, shaking his head over and over. "No way! You guys followed Scar! I'm never going to your side." They all growled and he smirked. "Think I'm pretty damn stupid don't you? Well I'm not and I don't need your help! I don't need anyone anymore. I'm fine by myself, thanks."

They watched him run off and the moment Ashton was going to go after him, Elvira's arm wrenched forward, hitting him square in the chest. "Don't. Leave him be."

"But Elvira, he can go back and tell-"

The shapeshifter laughed sinisterly, "He isn't going anywhere."

Cole walked through the forest, muttering to himself about those mangy shapeshifters and how ridiculous they were. Somewhere behind him, a twig snapped and Cole looked around for a moment, unable to see anything. "What the hell..." He muttered and decided to just keep walking. All he needed to do was get past that gate and he was gone. Out of this kingdom. Forever.

He wouldn't have to keep reminding himself that he's the most hated in that group. Out in the normal world, he'd start a new life, be a new person. A better person.


Out of paranoia, he spun around again, hearing eerie laughter and shuffling of leaves... it was as if someone were running. "H-Hello?" He called out and glanced around nervously. "I swear, if it's you shapeshifters... you'll have another thing comin'!" No answer, just more shuffling of the leaves and this time it came from behind him.

Cole turned quickly and looked through the darkness, gulping. "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!" The boy stuck his hand in his pocket, gripping the pocket knife. "COME ON! SHOW YOURSELF!"

Abruptly, everything stopped. The laughter, the running.

He still looked around nervously and nodded his head. "YEAH, THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!"

Triumph washed through his body and quickly, the boy turned and continued to walk, but when he did, he felt his body get wrenched into the air, pulled up into the tree's. Sharp fangs pierced his skin, and Cole's bloody scream bounced off the night sky, causing birds to fly from their resting place, causing any bystander to stop petrified.

Elvira, Maeva, Ashton and Ed followed the scream, but when they saw emptiness, they all glanced around, knowing that something happened.


A body hit the ground, his neck was practically torn out and Maeva, Ashton and Ed stumbled backwards, however, Elvira smirked peering down at the boy and looking up in the trees, where a vampire jumped down. He had light brown hair, light brown eyes and a smirk that could go on and on for ages.

"Ladies," he bowed his head respectfully, "Gentlemen."

Ashton felt himself trembling, pushing his younger, slower, brother in front of him. "W- WHO ARE YOU?"

The man's brown eyes flashed over to the shapeshifter and he laughed merrily. "I don't believe we should get too friendly, Ashton. It may give you the wrong idea, and who knows how long you'll be around for."

"Demitri is an original vampire, he knew who the original witch was and it's said that all vampires stem from him." Elvira spoke and he hissed, glaring at her. "Believe me, you can trust them. They want to bring him back just as much as I do."

The original vampire they call Demitri smirked, and lowered his voice to a rough whisper. "You do realize that if I get a hold of this book, there is no turning back. He will be alive again, possibly more powerful and dangerous than anyone has ever imagined and he could be a living tormentor or hunter on this earth."

"I do realize this, but it's Scar." She grinned, but quickly enough that smile was wiped off and seriousness took over. "Now, what must I do to bring him back? Surly I need to prepare myself for this spell the original witch has to offer."

Demitri smirked kicking Cole's pale body aside. "Great power requires great sacrifice, young Elvira." She gulped and he continued on, hissing in a sly tone of voice. "How do you think I became to be the most powerful original vampire?" When they all shook their heads, the prevailing vampire before them laughed maniacally and his eyes grew large with insanity. "I killed them!"

"Sorry but, how does one kill an original vampire? I thought you people couldn't die..." Everyone shot a glare over to Ashton and he immediately became nervous. "Not for future references or anything..."

"I'll tell you how I killed the other original vampires." He grinned, getting into the shapeshifters face, the man's body trembling with fear. "I shoved my hand through their chests and ripped out their slow... beating... hearts."

Ashton, Maeva and Ed winced, Elvira, however, frowned and understood what he was going to tell her next. "One by one... they all perished. You see, I'm not only an original, I trained to hunt. To kill. I kill for a ... undead... living." Demitri pointed a finger at Ashton. "As for people like you, ripping out someones heart takes a whole lot of strength, which only the originals contain."

"Then what do we do?"

Demitri laughed again and clapped his hands together. "Well you cut it out, of course!" Brown eyes shifted over to Elvira, who immediately gasped. "Which is exactly what you must practice for the spell...Cut out... a heart..."

"Any heart? What is the heart needed for? A ritual?"

"Precisely, but you must cut out the beating human heart of someone pure of spirit." Everyone flinched, he, however, ignored them. His focus was on Elvira and Elvira only. "How far are you willing to go?" Demitri exhaled, his lips growing closer to her ear. A tingling sensation burned the hairs on her neck as he began to circle her like a shark fixed upon it's prey. "How far are you willing to go... to get exactly what you want?"

She knew exactly who she would go after, who else better than to go after the one human who was pure enough to die for the kingdom and for her own brother. "As far as it takes."

He grinned, bowing his head in respect. "I shall retrieve the book for you, meanwhile, I want you to pin point who you want and lure them here. The ritual will being on the full moon, when Scar was his strongest. The victim must still be alive when the ritual begins, during the spell is when you cut it out and spill it's blood."

"Don't worry, I already know who I want, I know who is pure of heart." She smirked and Demitri and the rest of the shapeshifters gave her a confused look. "It'll be two birds with one stone."

"What are you talking about, Elvira?" Maeva breathed and the woman shrieked with laughter, repeating that it was strangely brilliant over and over and over again. "Can you please tell us what's going on!"

"We will kill the thing Drake loves... or wants most."

Maeva sighed angrily, crossing her arms over her chest, clearly getting fed up with the riddles. "Which is?"

Victoria. Freakin'. Morlet.

That subject was a rather touchy one.

Days ago, it was said that Scar was going to choose his queen, someone to live by him and give him children, and when Elvira had hoped it was her, Scar had ultimately chosen that Victoria bitch because she was a strong willed girl with definite beauty, but pure of heart. No one would die for their family or kingdom if they weren't. Of course, people say they would all the time, but saying and doing are two completely different things.

Yet, of course, she was all Scar wanted. Someone beautiful... as an icon to rule beside him, now Elvira realized that love wasn't even an option. He didn't love Victoria, but she was breathtaking, even for a human, and he wanted her body, wanted her looks to pass down to his children... and now what better way to award Scar the gift of Victoria's actual heart, and as much as it pains Elvira, Victoria then... would truly be his.

"We'll go for Drake's heart." She smirked, keeping a metaphorical mind, her red eyes focusing on nothing in particular but the mental images of a dying Victoria. "After all, how else does one kill a vampire?"

They all exchanged looks of understatement and Elvira smirked, looking to the heavens. "Don't worry, Scar. Everything will be back to normal soon and guess what?" She laughed and they all shivered. "Victoria will be the sacrifice."

AN: So how was her chapter? I am leaving November 4th to go on that internship and she wanted to start it as soon as possible. Seriously guys, just give it a chance, I'm sure it'll be great. :]

Meowx93 message: hiyaaa i hope u enjoyed my chapter :'D v_v xD .-. ._. (zees are my many faces)