Carlos laid in his bed, pouting. His dad was leaving for work late tonight, and after telling him that he told Carlos he had hired someone to come watch him for the night.
"I don't need a nanny,I'm 16!" he had yelled at his dad.
But his dad had just laughed and told him it wasn't even close to a nanny.
Carlos had ended up rolling his eyes and going upstairs to wait. He felt so pissed at the moment he didn't hear his dad until...
Carlos, in fear he might lose his beloved helmet, was downstairs in less then a second.
Standing next to officer Garcia was at all gorgeous brunette. Carlos had always known he was gay, but his jaw literally dropped when he saw the guy.
"Hijo, this is your baby sitter, his name is James."
Carlos closed his mouth and nodded.
"Hola." was all Carlos could say.
James flashed Carlos a smile that could make anybody melt.
While his dad talked to James about rules, all Carlos could do was try NOT to stare at James.
He was so fucking cute!
"Hijo, I'm leaving." Carlos snapped back to reality and bended over to hug his dad.
"be safe dad."
"gracias, hijo, Te quireo."
"Te quiero papi." Officer Garcia turned and looked at James.
"keep him safe Ninero."
James nodded, before officer Garcia walked out, locking the door behind him.
James looked up at Carlos.
"your dad said you weren't allowed to watch R rated movies. Or have any desserts before bed."
Carlos groaned.
"I swear I'm 16 but he acts like I'm 5!" James laughed. "and I hope you know I'm going to be here every day because your dad has to work every day."
Carlos rolled his eyes, actually wanting to shout yay.
He couldn't believe a hot guy was going to be here every day.
James laughed.
"hey we can watch a movie, as long as you don't tell your daddy."
Carlos frowned at him, before smiling a bit.
"okay." he bounded up the stairs, grabbing his helmet and shoving it on his head before grabbing his favorite movie, the last exorcism and running down stairs.
He jumped off the stair case and bounded into the living room, where he found james sitting on the couch, a duffel bag sitting on the floor next to him.
He had a bag of candy sitting in front of him, and Carlos noticed it was his favorite candy.
Butterscotch candies. His mouth watered, he hadn't had any in a while.
James had one in his mouth and he was sucking on it, when he looked up to see Carlos.
He grinned up at him.
"hey nice helmet. What movie ya got?"
Carlos glanced up at him, before showing him the movie.
"yes!" james pumped his fist in the air.
"you like this movie?" carlos questioned him.
James laughed and nodded.
"I love scary movies."
Carlos nodded and smiled at him.
Carlos popped the movie into the DVD player before sitting on the couch a bit away from James.

It was halfway through the movie, and Carlos was already scared.
He loved to make himself be scared silly.
He glanced over at James. James was watching the tv screen, his eyes hooked on the movie.
He was so still that when James stood up, Carlos jumped a bit.
James laughed at him.
"don't worry I'm just going to get a drink. These butterscotch candies are making my throat hurt bit."
Carlos nodded.
"have some if you want to." he motioned to the bag before walking out of the room into the dark kitchen.
Carlos noticed how quiet James was. He jumped when the movie let out a scream, from who knows where. He jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen, knocking into James, who was holding a big glass filled with purple kool-aid.
James jumped, knocking the glass all over his grey shirt.
Carlos and james gasped.
"oh god I'm so sorry! Perdon!" he ran over and grabbed a towel, then tried to wipe the kool-aid off but it wasn't working.
Carlos looked up at him.
"look it's ok. I'll just take this shirt off okay? It's not a big deal."
Carlos nodded and sighed,glad James wasn't pissed at him.
They both walked back into the living room, where James pulled off his wet sticky shirt and threw it on his duffel bag.
Carlos have to hold his nose, so he didn't get a nosebleed. James had the sexiest abs he had ever seen.
James turned around to see Carlos staring at him, holding his nose.
He had seen a lot of people do that, so he was used to it, but he was happy THIS guy was staring at him. He smirked, and decided to keep his shirt off.
He sat down and put his feet up on the coffee table, smirking even bigger as Carlos' eyes were still stuck on his abs.
"like what you see?" james asked him in a husky voice.
Carlos licked his lips, then realized what he was doing. His eyes opened wide and he turned from James.
James noticed and bit his lip.
He was going to have a good time with this kid tonight.

When the movie was over, James stood up and stretched, flexing his muscles. He wanted to see what Carlos would do.
Carlos stared at him,his eyes taking in James sexy body. "okay I think it's time to hit the sack." James walked to his duffel bag, making sure Carlos was still behind him, before unzipping his jeans and pulling them down, he stepped out of them and dropped them in his bag, faking trying to find his sweatpants, which he knew were at the bottom of his clothes. He glanced backwards, to see Carlos breathing a bit heavy.
Carlos couldn't take it. He stood up and ran upstairs as fast as he could, slamming his door shut and immediately pulling his pajama pants and boxers down to his knees, before grabbing his hard cock. He began pumping himself as fast as he could, wanting it over with so he could go to bed.
He could feel the bottom of his stomach burning and his cock was slick with his pre cum as he pumped himself as fast as he could, not noticing the nosebleed he had gotten from watching James.
His breath was fast and errotic,moans spilled from his mouth. As he pumped himself as fast as he could, he knew he was close. Then with a shudder and a deep throated moan, he came, a rope of white shooting out of him and splattering his hand.
Carlos stood there, letting his breath return to normal, before pulling his pants up and grabbing a dirty shirt off the ground, wiping his hand off before climbing into bed, oulling the covers up to his chin.
James pulled his fist out of his mouth, looking at the red bite marks he had made, to keep himself from moaning as he listened to Carlos moan and jack himself off.
And all from that, he had a raging boner. He would have gone and jacked off too, but this was something he didn't want to do himself.
He waited a while before carefully opening the door, and tiptoeing in. From the soft breathing coming from Carlos he could tell he was a sleep.
Carefully, he walked to carlos' bed, pulling up the covers and slipping underneath. He press his body to Carlos' warm body, his fingers dancing up and down his body.
Carlos' eyes flicked open and he gasped as he saw James sitting next to him in bed.
"j-James?" but james pressed a finger to his carlos' lips, shushing him before he pressed his lopsided to Carlos'. James nipped and bit at his lip, before pressing his tongue to Carlos' lips.
When Carlos didn't move, james looked up at him. Carlos had his eyes squinted shut and his face looked a bit pale.
"come on baby I know you want this..." James hissed in his ear, before reaching down and sticking his hand in Carlos pants, grabbing his dick and pumping it bait, rubbing the head.
Carlos let out a gasp and James took advantage, sticking his tongue down Carlos' throat. Carlos whined, not wanting this, and squirmed. But james took it the wrong way.
He reached down and pulled Carlos' pj bottoms and boxers off, before pulling his tongue out of carlos' mouth and moving down, kissing Carlos body.
When he reached Carlos cock, he noticed Carlos was only halfway hard.
Guess I could help him a bit...he smiled to himself.
James licked the underside if Carlos cock before leaning forward and swirling his tongue around the head of him. Carlos let out a small whine, not used to the feeling and wanting james off of him.
Hell he barely knew the guy!
But James didn't stop. He continued, engulfing all of Carlos in his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, feeling Carlos get hard in his mouth. The sensation almost made james cum.
But James had to force himself not to, wanting to save it for a bit later.
Pulling off of Carlos with a nice popping noise, he stuck two fingers in his mouth, coating them with saliva before reaching down and teasing Carlos hole, rubbing his fingers around and massaging the hole.
He stuck his fingers in and Carlos screamed. James jumped, not wanting to hurt him, so he leaned down and pressed his lips to carlos's trying to keep him from screaming as he moved his fingers in and put, making a scissoring movement and stretching him.
When James figured Carlos was stretched enough, he spit into his hand and slicked himself up As he aligned himself with Carlos virgin hole, he bended forward and kissed Carlos, knowing he would scream...
And then James pushed himself in. HARD. Carlos broke the forced kiss and screamed. It hurt so bad..he felt tears slide out of his eyes and down his face. Choked sobs escaped from his mouth. Oh god...he thought James had been hot but now...why was he doing this!
James started moving his hips, his member pulling in and out of Carlos,and sucking and kissing Carlos neck, before biting down deep on his shoulder.
Carlos screamed. Oh god...
James pulled away and licked the love mark he had just made for Carlos.
James started thrusting faster and faster, before reaching his peak and coming deep inside of Carlos, painting his inside with his hot seed.
He fell next to Carlos, their breathing hard and erratic. James scooted over and kissed Carlos cheek.
"thanks babe. God you were good."
Carlos gave a small sob.
"I know I know it hurts the first time. Trust me it gets better every time."
James stood up and pulled his pants up, doing the same to Carlos before kissing Carlos on the cheek and walking out.
Carlos made sure he was downstairs before he rolled over and sobbed deeply into his pillow. He hadn't wanted his first time to be just a simple fuck. He slowly stood up, the area between his thighs burning like fire, and walked to his bathroom. He switched the lights on, before shutting the door and locking it.
He grabbed an old towel turned the shower on as hot as it would ho before stepping in,hissing as the hot water pierced his skin. He took the old washcloth and rubbed soap on it before rubbing himself as hard as he could.
He felt so dirty...

After the shower Carlos got out. He looked in the mirror and was horrified. His usually creamy tan skin was now a deep red. His eyes were puffy and red, bloodshot. He lost his knees, but grabbed himself and stood up, running out of the shower. He was about to get in his bed, but then he pulled all of the sheets off, leaving only his comforter before climbing in, pressing his face too his pillow and sobbing, sobbing so bad and so hard he literally cried himself to sleep. poor carlitos! I'm sorry but I had this gruesome thought in my head(like I always do) and HAD to write this... I'm sosososososo sorrryyyy! I promise it'll get better! If I don't keep that promise, I swear Ill blow my brains out with my mom BFs gun for Carlos!