Disclaimer: I own nothing… Not even Maggie. I apologize for not updating as much as I should. I give you all permission to send hate mail. I'm just getting tired of the Twilight series. I am obsessed with Murder, She Wrote and have watch almost all of the 12 seasons on Netflix. I know, I'm hopeless. Here I am, a freshly turned 21 year old and I all I do is watch Netflix. Hehe I love it! But here is the next chapter. I made it extra-long to help ease my guilty conscious.

Edward and I share a quick glance, both of our eyes – black with hunger, turn to the front door as Carlisle charges, though the front door with a bloodied woman in his arms. The blond woman, screaming and groaning in his arms, her fresh human blood racing throughout her body.

"Marjorie, get a bowl of warm water. Edward get some towels." Carlisle commanded as he passed by us quickly with the woman in his arms to his study. I ran to the unused kitchen and heated water as quickly as I could.

When I entered the study with the warm water Edward was already there speaking quietly to Carlisle.

"Set it here, Maggie." Carlisle said, nodding to the table next to the couch. After setting it there, Edward and I sat in the corner, staring in awe and trying to wrap our minds around this whole ordeal.

It was obvious to us now that this woman was seriously hurt. The woman's dress was torn up, almost like animals got to her, and blood and dirt were stained into the dress. Her long blond hair had blood caked into it, and tear stains were running all over her face. Her poor face also had many cuts all around it and bruising was starting to form. Her arms were scratched, cut, and bruised that looked almost like hands. I couldn't even imagine what happened to this poor girl.

"Maggie, the woman, she…" Edward started, his face contorted into pain. I know Edward. I thought, I didn't want him to finish his sentence.

"Carlisle, what happened?" I asked, staring at the bite mark on her wrist. I knew now that she was turning into a vampire.

"I will tell you later." He said, patting her forehead with the warm water, trying to clean her of the blood.

"Maybe Maggie should be doing that Carlisle." Edward says quietly. Carlisle and I look at him questionably. "Trust me, Maggie needs to do it." He says, and then lowers his voice. "The woman, Rosalie, doesn't want you to touch her."

Carlisle looks down at the woman in pity. He sets down the towel and holds his hand out to me. I walk slowly to him, my throat raging out of control.

He stand and lets me sit where he was sitting, "hold your breath, lightly pat to help clean her, very soft and gentle when you're doing it, remember, she's only human."

I take a deep breath and hold it as I dip the towel into water and start cleaning her face and arms. As I watched and cleaned her I couldn't help but cry as best I could for her. Her beautiful face was twisted in pain. I could only imagine what she was facing in the horrors that the turning process brings.

I hear Edward and Carlisle turn to leave the room. My sole focus was Rosalie now, I felt so bad for this young woman. I spent hours with her, washing her face and arms and hummed. Slowly I started to watch the minor cuts and bruises start to heal and fade. Later, the more major injuries were healing and the beautification of the vampires started to form on her.

She would be a stunner when she was a vampire.

Thadump, thadump, thadump, thadumpthadumpthadumpthadump –… Rosalie's heart had stopped.

The three of us held our breath.

Oh God, if she was going to be anything like Edward and I as newborns, we were doomed.

We were standing downstairs from the room where Rosalie was currently lying in. A shuffle of the sheets from the bed, a loud creek from the springs in the bed she was in, and the deafening sounds of her unneeded breaths turning into panic. Worry bubbled in my stomach, twisting and knotting deeply in there. I turn to Carlisle.

"She we go up." Silence is what I am greeted with. Rosalie's panicked breaths turn silent. So quiet I could hear the crickets from a mile away creating their sounds.

I flit up to the door that was blocking me from Rosalie. I knock lightly.

"H-hello?" I hear a voice call out softly. I open the door slowly and peek in a bit. Rosalie is sitting on the edge of the bed. Her perfect golden curls in disarray, her once violet eyes turned blood red, her naturally pale skin transformed into the normal ashy snow white color.

"Rosalie sweetie…" I start speaking slowly to her. Almost talking to a child. I remember what it was like to first wake as a vampire. "Everything is okay."

"What is happening to me?" With each word her voice grows an octave, her panicky angry growing tenfold.

"Rosalie calm down, just relax." I try again to calm her. Though as the words left my mouth I realize they were not the correct ones to say. As I finished my sentence her face twists into a snarl and her eyes turn black. Her body slowly curls into a defensive pose that seemed ready to strike when needed.

I forced my body to not react along with her. My every instinct is telling me that I needed to get defensive too but that wouldn't help the situation. I put my hand out as a submissive measure, hoping that it would calm her, it didn't.

Her body curls up more and instantly springs into action. I prepare myself for impact and probably a ripping of my head but nothing comes.

My mind catches up to the situation and I realize that Edward as a tight grasp on Rosalie and is growling at her. Carlisle is in standing in front of me a protective measure.

"Edward!" I quietly yell. "Let her go this instant!" I try to move around Carlisle to help Rosalie but Carlisle attempts to stop me with a hand on my waist. I push his hand down and give him a quick glare.

"Let go of me! Let go of me now!" Rosalie screams and starts clawing and scratching at Edward, trying to get him away from her. Her voice on the edge of panic and fear. "Stop touching me, stop it!" I pass Carlisle and remove Edward from Rosalie's side. I grab both of Rosalie's arms, her body turning rigid in fear, but I ignore it and throw her into a hug. I squeeze her tight.

Seconds, that feels like hours, pass and soon I hear her sobs start. Sobbing and then screams as she finally realizes what happened to her. I keep holding her tight, I turn to Carlisle and Edward and tell them to leave. They quietly do with no fuss. I navigate her to the bed she was on and we sit. Her still in my arms weeping. I do not know how long we sat there but the crickets finally stopped singing.
