DATE: October 12th, 1997

Dear Dad,

I planned on writing to you yesterday, but it just didn't work out. School decided to just drop a huge load of homework on us, so that's what I did all day. I don't like to procrastinate with that sort of stuff too often. I just like to get it done so I can just do what I want. It's not like it's really hard anyway.

I'm sure you would be happy to learn that I'm doing well in school. Well, the school board says more than well. I'm in the top 3% of my class. It's funny how easy I can imagine your reaction if I had been able to tell you that in person. "Alright, man!" or "Good job, kiddo!" comes to mind. I guess this is why they haven't gotten on me too hard in the past, despite how much trouble I've caused them. I'm one of their top students, so they actually want to bother keeping me around. Works for me.

My day was alright today. I went to my classes, ate lunch with a couple of guys who aren't exactly role models, like me. The 'bad' kids, you could call it. It's not like I'm hurting anyone. Not really, anyway. After school, I sped off (I've got a Ducati like you. They're the best.) and just cruised. It's good to just go, you know? To have that rumble of the engine beneath you, the wind surrounded your body, that speed... I've got to admit, I don't exactly follow the speed limit. Sometimes not even close. I don't get caught though... It's not like I want Gram to know that I'm speeding outside of school property too.

I got home in time to help out with dinner. This time Gram made pasta with marinara sauce and Caesar salad. I'm sure you miss her dinners. Wherever you are, they don't make a meatloaf like she does, right? Doubt it.

I guess you've noticed I haven't mentioned Gramp yet... He's gone. We lost him three years ago. It was too soon. It had only been five years after you. Gram was heartbroken, but I took care of her. I still do. I don't want to lose her too. I'm tired of losing people. First Mom, then you, then Gramp... Maybe I can get a break and Gram will live a really long time. I help her as much as I can around the house and I protect her. I don't like her to answer the door when I'm not here. I rigged up some cameras to a television for her, and I had an intercom put in. We're an easy target for being mugged. It's not like we're poor. Hopefully what I do is enough.

Well, I'm beat. I'm going to go play a video game before I go to bed. Not sure what yet. Talk to you soon.

