
Alice Swan was always nervous before these meetings. Not only would the client be there, ready to shoot down all of her ideas, but so would Maria, her immediate supervisor. Maria Blake, the supervisor from hell, always had a hard time being impartial when it came to Alice's work. And Alice knew the reason why. Maria hated her because she felt that Alice had slept her way into her position. Alice was well aware that her supervisor believed that there was no way she would be heading up these big projects if it weren't for the fact that she'd slept with the man at the top.

Alice felt that she was always having to prove herself all over again on each and every new project. If she wasn't able to capture the client's imagination immediately in these pitch meetings and bring them on board with her ideas, Maria would be right there telling the client that someone else in the firm would be more suitable for what they had in mind.

As a result Alice had to bring her 'A game' every time she had these pitch meetings. She knew that she was a brilliant architect. Hell, she'd wanted to design buildings since she was five years old and her Barbie townhouse did not meet her design expectations. While other little girls were playing dress-up with their Barbie dolls, Alice was busy sketching her version of the dream home. She still had dozens of notebooks in her bedroom, all of them filled with ideas that had spurt forth from her imaginative little brain. Her mother, Renee, never threw any of her notebooks away; she always supported her and told her that one day she would be a great architect. Renee would even frame her favorite sketches and tell Alice that one day her name would be famous.

Alice could use a little of that belief right now. Suddenly, she felt a wave of sadness, realizing again how much she missed her mom. If Renee were still alive, Alice would not hesitate to call her and get some of that love and support. But instead she had to settle for the hope that her mother was an angel in her corner, pulling for her.

In one respect Alice was glad that Maria was her supervisor. Forcing her to work doubly hard on each and every project had made Alice into one of the most successful architects at Hale Designs. That part of it she was actually grateful for; she was at her best when she felt challenged to prove that she was more than just a pretty face. The fact that Maria really and truly despised her was what got her down. Maria never had a kind word to say to her, ever. Alice could never go in and run ideas by her, never count on her for constructive criticism and never get feedback that was crucial when developing new and creative ideas. That was not the nature of their working relationship.

Unbeknownst to Alice the reason for the hatred was deeper than the fact that Maria couldn't forget or forgive the fact that Alice had slept with Jasper Hale, the owner and CEO of the firm. What bothered Maria no end, was that Jasper still had a thing for Alice, even though Alice had dumped him more than two years ago to marry someone else.

Maria had no designs on Jasper, frankly she despised him too. She thought it unprofessional of him to carry on an affair with an employee, a young woman just out of college. In addition, it annoyed her that Alice was fifteen years younger. It stirred in Maria a memory of herself as a young female architect starting out. She had had a difficult time establishing herself and she felt that Alice had taken the easy road to success, trading sexual favors in return for career opportunity. Maria was an equal opportunity hater, she had as much respect for Jasper as she did for Alice. Zero.

Maria often wondered how Alice did it. How the hell did Alice manage to start an affair with the boss within a week of starting the job? Then get promotion after promotion? Ultimately, after having gotten what she wanted and done with using Jasper Hale, dump him. How did she manage to dump the boss, turn around and marry her handsome young doctor, and still have Jasper so sick in lust with her that he was willing to be at her beck and call? Whatever magic Alice has, Maria thought to herself, Jasper couldn't seem to do without it.


Alice walked down the hallway to the conference room at exactly one minute to nine, her assistant, James, walked by her side. They talked quietly as she flirted with him. She'd hired him for his easy looks and his easy conversation. He was witty and smart and she needed that right now.

Bringing her 'A game' meant that not only did she have to bring some fantastic designs to the table, she also had to bring her personality to the table as well. Alice was no stranger to the art of seduction; she wore it like a cloak. She took it everywhere she went, from the bedroom to the boardroom. She wore it differently as the occasion warranted, that's all.

At nine o'clock exactly she opened the door and stepped into the sixteenth floor conference room, a husky seductive laugh shared between herself and James caught everyone's attention. All eyes turned to her and that's the way she liked it. She projected the air of someone who was confident and exciting.

Her appearance didn't hurt either. Alice was five feet six inches but in her shiny cranberry pumps she was five nine. Her hair was a curly caramel brown with natural bronze highlights. Her heart shaped face was in a word, beautiful. She had clear green eyes and a narrow nose and pouty full lips.

Her eyes and hair she inherited from her French Canadian father. Her looks, she got from her mother, who was a mixture French Creole and Native American ancestors. Her mom always joked that she was a walking talking United Nations. Her mom, Renee, was born in New Orleans and she was descended from French Creole, Choctaw, and Cajun. Alice was very proud of that heritage.

Alice's clothes were her armor and she wore it well. She had on a tight cranberry red wool pencil skirt that came to just above her knees. Her cream colored top was a clingy silk jersey knit that wrapped around and tied at her waist. The blouse showed just enough cleavage to entice but not too much to shock. A simple gold chain with two gold wedding bands hung from her neck. Her gold hoop earrings completed the outfit. On any one else the outfit was simple, on Alice the outfit was sexy.

Mr. Glenn Burnett was a Texas tycoon who had come to San Francisco all the way from Austin. His business was booming and he was expanding his offices. He was old enough to be thinking of his legacy and he wanted to leave something beautiful behind bearing his name. The Burnett Buildings had to be aesthetically pleasing not just functional. He chose Hale Designs because he had heard that Jasper Hale had one of the best team of architects in the country. They were making news as a young cutting edge firm and Burnett wanted to see what they could do for him.

He'd had a meeting with Jasper Hale in Austin and he was impressed when Jasper seemed to know what he wanted even before he himself could fully articulate it. Jasper had talked about Alice Swan as someone who could design his building and bring his vision to life. Glenn Burnett wasn't too sure if a woman could do the job, but he was so impressed with Jasper that he was willing to hear the pitch.

When Alice walked into the conference room, Mr. Burnett took notice. She was vivacious and sensual and she captivated the eighty year old tycoon. He briefly wished he was a much younger man. But he started to have serious doubts about her abilities. She was a very, very young woman. She couldn't be more than twenty-five or twenty-six. What did Jasper see in her other than the obvious?

Alice walked over to her client and he stood up to shake her hand. "Mr. Burnett, it's so nice to make your acquaintance." She introduced herself to the other men in the room and nodded to Maria. "Everyone this is my assistant James Hunter and we have a slide show presentation for you." The first few slides showcased Alice's best designs and she described the clients and their vision and how her designs had brought that vision to life. The last few slides were her ideas for the Burnett project. "Well I know you want something of lasting design, and if I could give you the Alamo, I would." Everyone chuckled. "But here is my suggestion." And the last six slides revealed several sketches and computer renderings of a beautiful six story adobe and stucco structure, slightly reminiscent of the native architecture of the southwest but with modern curving lines.

Alice pointed to the slide of the exterior, "The adobe-like façade extends up to the third floor. The exterior columns are reminiscent of the style of the original Mission San Antonio. As you will notice the massive arched doorway is echoed in the niches here and here. The windows of the lower floors are all small and very reminiscent of 18th century southwest architecture. The upper half of the façade is stucco in the same color as the adobe, to provide continuity, but the style is more modern and the windows are much larger."

She showed the next slide. "The arched entrance leads into the lobby which has exposed timber in the ceiling with more stucco and distressed adobe walls. The floor is Mexican tile from Guadalalajara. The gem of this building is the atrium which occupies the center. The entire interior of the building is an open plan," she showed the next slide, "with walls and elevators made of glass to lend it an airy feel. The atrium extends all the way to the roof, which is made entirely of tinted glass. Solar panels, here and here will make this energy efficient."

She clicked to the next slide. "When standing in the atrium or riding the elevators you will be able to look up and enjoy the pure blue Austin sky. And in this next slide you can see enclosed balconies on every floor where employees can enjoy a lunch and or use as meeting spaces." Alice showed the last slide.

"I feel this is the best marriage of the beautiful organic form that you desire and the twenty-first century function that you need. I also believe that the design itself is beautifully classic and will stand the test of time."

The slide show ended and everyone was silent. Alice knew she had some great ideas, but it was up to them to decide if that was what they wanted. Her face was calm but underneath it all she was nervous. Maria looked unbelievably unconcerned and Alice realized that it was a win-win situation for Maria. If Glenn Burnett rejected her ideas, Maria could crow that Alice doesn't have what it takes to be one of the company's top architects. If Glenn Burnett liked her designs Maria could bask in the reflected glory, taking supervisory credit for Alice's hard work. Alice made a vow to herself there and then that she would press Jasper to get out from under Maria's control, pronto.

Maria started to speak, "Thank you Ms. Swan. Well, Mr. Burnett do you need some time to think this over, perhaps confer with your people about…."

"Ms Blake, I don't need any more time. I trusted Jasper Hale and by God he has delivered. I don't mind telling everyone here that when I saw her, I was very skeptical that this little lady would have what it takes to design my building, but she has proved me wrong. I'm sorry Ms Swan, for even momentarily doubting your talent."

Alice gave Mr. Burnett her thousand watt smile. "Please think nothing of it, and please call me Alice."

"Delighted, Alice." Mr. Burnett laughed and put his arm around her waist.

Alice was in her element she flirted with every male in the conference room. Champagne flowed and Alice beamed, "Let's make a toast to the beginning of a beautiful partnership." She knew she had charmed their socks off. She barely spared a glance to the fake smiling Ms Maria Blake. As far as she was concerned, Maria's days as her project manager were numbered.


Before Alice could call Jasper, he called her. James peeked in and told her that Jasper was on the phone, calling from San Diego. Alice was grateful for the heads up as the phone on her desk rang and she picked it up. "Alice," his husky voice always had the ability to make her heart thud, "I hear congratulations are in order. Glenn Burnett called and told me about your design. It seems as though you have yet another conquest."

"Well you know Jasper, I can't help it. I have that kind of power over men, there's nothing I can do about it." and she laughed.

"Sure there is. You can tone it down a bit, but I just don't see you doing that." he teased.

"Why should I? It helps me get what I want. You of all people should know that." and they laughed together. Only she and Jasper knew the true nature of their relationship, the relationship that almost everyone in the firm had an opinion about. They felt no need to clarify for anyone. Alice loved Jasper, he was by far the most important man in her life. And Jasper loved Alice right back. They just wouldn't ever be lovers again, that's all. End of story.

"Anyway I want to be the first to congratulate you. I know that you are not just beautiful but a brilliant architect, and I'm happy that you have yet another fan. Pretty soon you'll have them standing in line."

"Jasper you are so sweet, thank you."

"Sweet? I'm not sweet Alice. I just know that I lucked out when I hired you. I want to take you out to dinner, a celebration dinner. I'm flying back to San Francisco in a few hours, can you see me tonight?"

"Sorry Jasper, not tonight. I have plans. But I'd love to see you, soon. How about Thursday night?" Her voice dipped huskily so that he wouldn't take it as a rejection, Alice knew how to please him.

"I guess you're booked for Friday and Saturday night too. Glad that you can fit me into your busy schedule." his voice was light but Alice knew that he was a little annoyed by her busy social life.

"Jasper, if I could I would break this date tonight for you, but I can't. It's with my sister and she needs me right now, she's going through a hard time with her break-up from Chris. I'm spending as much time with her as I can. "

With those words, Jasper was back in good spirits. "Okay, Thursday night it is. I'll pick you up at seven."

"Make it seven-thirty. I have a slave driver for a boss so I can't leave work until six. I need time to look beautiful."

"Hah. Now I'm a slave driver. And you are such a liar, I know that you don't need any time at all to look beautiful. You are beautiful no matter what you wear or don't wear. Remember, I've seen it all."

"Yes, I remember. As a matter of fact you won't let me forget it, you keep bringing it up. But I'll see you Thursday at seven-thirty. Bye." Her voice was sultry.

"Seven- thirty it is, Alice. Wear something sexy." He chuckled at her gasp. "Bye." His voice was husky and soft.

Alice was going to have to be extra careful Thursday night. She knew that Jasper would try to get her into bed and she had no intention of going down that road again and becoming his casual lay. "Although," she thought, "I can't imagine a better man to have in bed." She and Jasper together were magic. Alice sat there at her desk thinking back on the relationship that started like wildfire almost three years ago.