
There was a bright light and no I don't mean the 'I'm dead' light but an annoying light which is currently warming my arm and blinding me. Having enough of that I finally opened my eyes a little and took in my surroundings. Let's see, I'm in a white comfy bed, huge TV, clothes everywhere along with bottles, a mysterious looking arm around me…WAIT! I quickly turned to my right which I shouldn't of done because my head went right into a frenzy which could only mean that I pretty much tried to drink into my grave but what made up for it was seeing a very handsome man snuggled against my back. He had a messy bed-head, chiseled jaw, and an adorable pout on his lips. I noticed he didn't have a shirt on but I figured that wasn't a big deal since he is a guy and all until I suddenly felt a draft. I hesitantly looked under the sheets and then quickly pushed them back down before I screamed my heart out. I was in my birthday suit. Wait a second. What day was it? I carefully slid out of the bed and laid the muscled arm back down but then froze because the Adonis started shifting around. I didn't know what to do so what can I say I panicked? But being the wimp I am I dashed into the bathroom. After about three minutes I carefully peeked around the door frame and saw him laid diagonally across the bed and now clutching the pillow I woke up on. I smiled at how cute he looked.

Remembering that I was still butt naked I went and picked up a white shirt that seemed to be his and put it on and buttoned it half way. I went and found my undergarments but while putting them on being the klutz I am I tripped and fell hard against the ground. What really didn't help was I shirked as going down. I was on the ground fixing myself and praying he didn't wake up when a snore rang out in the room and him quickly sitting up (talk about karma). With wide eyes I stayed quiet as possible as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His bright green eyes scanned the room and did a double take when he saw me. Then all of a sudden we locked eyes and he screamed which in turn scared me out of my mind and triggered my scream. So here we are screaming at each other and not knowing where the hell we are and why are in the same room.