Though I may have started drifting away from the Hetalia Fandom, that doesn't mean my inner fangirl had been entirely extinguished. Anyways, I decided to update this since a brilliant idea just popped into my mind combining Hetalia and another fandom. Meaning that yes, this is a crossover.

This was also inspired by a one-shot I read on the Philippines Hetalia Livejournal page. Which was adorable, by the way.

Disclaimer: I don't own either Hetalia or the other anime series in this. I do, however, own the OC!Philippines in this.

Lost in Sicily (Part One)

Maria furiously looked over the map again as she tried to figure out where in the city of Palermo she was. The filipina was doing her best to try and hold herself together but she had been lost for nearly four hours and not only were her feet so sore that she could barely walk but her stomach was growling too, gnawing at her insides. She also felt light headed and had nearly stumbled several times while trying to find her way around.

It had been late afternoon when she had set out to see the sights of the capital of the Province of Palermo with Feliciano, but now the sun was beginning to set in the sky. Her italian guide had gotten distracted by a group of pretty girls who were just as interested in him as he was with them and had soon forgotten that he was supposed to be keeping an eye out for her. Knowing that the brunet was going to be distracted for a while, Maria decided to explore a little around the area and then come back to get the Italian.

However, she didn't realize that she would be swept and jostled around by both the citizens of the city and the numerous tourists that visited every year. By the time she got back to where Feliciano was chatting up those girls, he and the girls he had been talking to were gone.

Maria tried to contact her friend but then discovered that her cellphone was no longer in the pocket of the jacket she was wearing over her pink sun dress. She could only guess that she either dropped it somewhere or someone else had swiped it from her pocket when she wasn't looking. A tourist had been kind enough to give her map when he realized that the girl was lost and in some need of trying to find her away around the city. She had been extremely grateful for the act of kindness, but she realized she had a new problem: all the phone numbers of her friends were listed on her cell and there was no way she would be able to contact the Italy brothers without it.

So not only was she lost and hungry, she was stuck in a foreign city with no place to stay and no money since it was Feliciano who promised he would pay for lunch, dinner and anything else that caught her interest.

With the sun nearly disappearing over the horizon that would soon make it impossible for Maria to read her map in the darkness, what little composure she had up to this point was beginning to crumble away.

Her eyes watered and lips trembled as she realized that she was going to be sleeping outside in the cold.


"What?" Every mafioso in the room turned to the fuming brunet as his voice took on a sudden dangerous tone. Most of the mafia famiglia heads were used to hearing the man swear obscenely like no man's business all the while yelling, so the sudden undertone that spelled pain for anyone who dared to come near him at the moment was something that had them curious. "You fucking what?"

"I'd really hate to be the person on the other line right now," A blond haired man chuckled nervously to an older man with greying hair wearing a black suit and a pair of glasses and the mafioso boss he considered his younger brother.

The younger boss just shook his head with an exasperated sigh, knowing that the meeting had been officially thrown to disorder and that they were probably going to have to continue it tomorrow. However, he continued to listen to the 'Father of the Mafia' rant and yell at the unfortunate person who had called him with what he assumed was bad news.

"Fratello, you idiot! Of all the places to lose sight of her, you lose her in Palermo!" Lovino was clutching his cellphone so tightly, his knuckles were turning white. It was actually a feat he hadn't destroyed the device since he was squeezing it so tightly.

"I'm sorry Lovi~!" Feliciano was wailing from the other end. "I saw some cute girls and talked to them for a few minutes but when I looked around, Maria wasn't there any more!"

Lovino Vargas, South Italy as well as the 'Father' of the mafia, growled. He highly doubted his stupid brother had been talking to those girls for a 'few minutes' if Maria wasn't there by the time he realized he was supposed to be showing their younger 'sister' around, not flirting.

"What should we do?" Fucking shit. His fratello was beginning to panic now. "Maria's probably out there scared and terrified for her life. She's also probably hungry and... I DIDN'T GIVE HER ANY MONEY SO SHE PROBABLY HAS TO SLEEP OUTSIDE WHERE SOME MEAN THUG IS GOING TO GRAB HER AND TRY TO RAP-"

"FELICIANO, WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Lovino finally snapped and screamed at his brother. There was silence on the other end and the older of the Italy brothers sighed since Feliciano was no longer was yelling in his ear. "Alright, stop panicking idiot. Have you tried contacting her on her cell?"

Of course Maria had a cellphone. She and her brother were known as the texting capital of the world for a reason.

"I DID!" Feliciano was sobbing. "But she never answered at all!"

His brother started wailing again.

Lovino twitched, nearly banging his head against the wall at his brother's utter stupidity sometimes. Knowing that his brother was freaking out like crazy and was going to be of no use, he hung up on him and started dialing Maria's cellphone. As he waited, he heard another cellphone ring from somewhere in the room.

"Che palle! Shut that thing up!" Lovino looked up with a scowl to tell the morons to keep it down when he spotted the phone in the man's hand.

A pink cellphone.

That looked an awfully lot like Maria's.

Lovino snarled as he slowly advanced towards the mafioso, his cellphone finally cracking from the strain of his hold.

Everyone else could only look on in awe as the man who usually cowered in fear from most of the other mafia members started beating the ever loving crap out of the man for robbing Maria of her only means of communication.

"EXTREME!" A loud man with a bandage over the bridge of his nose yelled.


Maria sniffed, hugging her knees closer to her chest as she hid herself close to a tall wooden crate at the back of an alley. At some point during her crying, she had remembered that Palermo was in Sicily... where the mafia was known to be roaming around.

Having heard stories from Feliciano and Lovino about how dangerous they were (not that she needed to be told that, she'd watch plenty of movies with italian mafiosos in them), Maria decided to hide herself until the next day where she could try and figure things out and find some way to contact either of the italian brothers.

Resting her head on her knees, she tried to get fall asleep but it was uncomfortable and her stomach was churning painfully due to the fact that she still had nothing in her stomach.

She closed her eyes, trying to think of good things that would lull her to sleep.

While she thought of her papa's churros and how good tasted, she could hear male voices coming closer.

"Ushishishi," She heard a voice chuckle. "The prince will not go into an alleyway."

Maria's breath hitched within her throat and she lifted her head up, eyes wide and fully alert.

"VOOOI! Suit yourself!" A second, much louder voice snapped making her cringe.

The filipina's heart thudded hard against her ribcage as she heard footsteps getting closer and closer to where she was. She tried to make herself smaller and less visible, edging towards the shadow of the crate.

When she spotted the pair of feet in front of her, she thought her heart would explode from fear. With a gulp, she looked up to see the menacing face of a man with long silver hair. If she was scared before, she was down right terrified now.


The last thing Maria consciously remembered was her arm being yanked upwards by the man and being forced on to her feet by him.

And I'm done the first part! This is a two-shot, so obviously this is part one. Can anyone guess what I crossed Hetalia over with? Anyways, enjoy!