"She's beautiful Hinata."

Despite having said that nearly seven times before, Naruto couldn't seem to stop saying that over and over as he looked down at his wife and the small bundle that she held close to her chest. Hinata's face was slightly pale but the smile she had on her face lit up the room in Naruto's opinion. Naruto reached down and gently stroked the newborn's head. I can't believe it…after nine months of waiting she's finally here, Naruto thought as he smiled down at Hinata and the baby.

"I know we were originally going to wait for everyone to get here before we named her…but I thought up a few names for her already," Naruto said sheepishly as he scratched his head.

Hinata nodded and adjusted the baby so she could better hold the bundle of joy. "I also thought up a few names to be honest…I thought we could discuss them before everyone showed up." Naruto smiled and then looked back at the baby who had fallen asleep while they were talking to each other.

Naruto turned his head upward and closed his eyes for a moment as the possible names he had began to run through his head. He had thought up the names before seeing his daughter for the first time, but now that he had finally was able to lay his eyes on her two possible names popped into her head.

Hmmm…Shana sounds like a good name…or maybe even Anika

A large grin appeared on Naruto's face as he turned his gaze down on the sleeping infant. "Hey Hinata…what do you think of Shana or possibly Anika? I was just looking at her and those two names popped into my mind."

Hinata thought for a moment and then shook her head. "Those two…I don't know if they really fit her. When I first saw her I couldn't help but think that her name should have something to do with the season and since it's summer…I thought we could name her Natsuko since she was born on a beautiful summer's day.

Naruto looked out the window and smiled. He could hear the sounds of children playing outside and birds were chirping.

"Natsuko…I like that name. I really do." Naruto said as he turned around and looked back at the baby who it seemed had been awakened by the conversation. The little girl was wiggling around a bit, it looked like she was trying to get more comfortable. Naruto smiled down at her and raised one of his eyebrows. "She's certainly an active little girl isn't she?" He said as he looked back at Hinata who was looking down at the baby. "I wonder if she inherited the Byakugan...I mean since it's passed down through the bloodline so it's possible she may have inherited it."

Hinata's smile faded for a quick second. "If she did…then it's possible my father might come after her. And if he does…then I don't know what I would do."

A very familiar voice cut through the silence of the room. "If anyone does come after your child then the Hyuga clan will protect her with our lives if it comes down to that. Rest assured, no one will not take her without a fight." Neji Hyuga walked into the room along with two other Hyuga clan members. Naruto looked up at Neji and smiled at him.

"Neji! I thought you were attending a meeting. I thought that being the Head of the Hyuga clan would keep you busy."

Neji smiled as he looked down at the baby and then motioned for the other two Hyuga clan members forward. "These two will be attending to you until you leave the hospital, in addition to attending to you they will also stand guard just in case someone thinks that they can get away with kidnapping her."

Hinata blushed slightly as Naruto grabbed her hand. She didn't blush that easily anymore but she still did once in a great while. "I appreciate the offer but you really don't have to do this. I'm sure that no one will try anything in the hospital. There are far too many people here to try anything."

Neji shook his head. "I'm sorry. But as long as you're here you will be under the protection of the Hyuga clan. I would be a fool if I didn't protect her. That child is a blood relative and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her."

Neji snapped his fingers as he remembered something that he had nearly forgotten. "I…well…TenTen sent this along with me to give to you. She regrets not being here but she had to depart on a mission." Neji walked over to the door and reached around the corner and grabbed a basket that had a red bow on it. "TenTen insisted that I deliver this when the baby was born…she said it was a gift for the family."

Neji brought the basket over to a table that was next to the bed and Naruto took a quick look at the contents and had to stifle a laugh. TenTen was an amazing fighter and she had apparently bought something that she considered a child's toy. Hinata looked into the basket and also had to fight back the urge to laugh.

The basket was mostly filled with food but on top of the food was a plastic kunai knife that was dulled for extra safety. It was attached to a plastic ring. Naruto laughed. It was just the sort of thing that Neji's wife would think of.

Neji turned to look at Naruto and shook his head in slight embarrassment. TenTen was always thinking of ways mess with him and making him deliver the gift basket from her was merely the latest joke she was playing on him.

"TenTen also said that she would visit once she returned from her current mission. Would you like me to inform the others that the baby has been born?"

Both Naruto and Hinata shook their heads rapidly. They were both tired and at the moment they wished simply to be alone with their newborn daughter. Naruto sat down in the chair next to Hinata's bed and smiled as the two Hyuga guards took positions outside the room while Neji waved goodbye. The leader of the Hyuga clan was just about to leave when he turned around and looked at Naruto.

"I just want you to know one thing. If someone does come after either Hinata or the baby…don't let them take them. Fight with your last breath if you need to, but please…protect them."

Naruto nodded once and then turned back toward Hinata who was now nearly asleep and then toward Natsuko who was already asleep in her mother's arms.

Naruto smiled as the door closed and looked at his wife and his new daughter.

I wouldn't give this up…not for anything in the world.

I'm thinking of continuing this but I would like to get some opinion from the readers. Let me know what you think.