A Companion for the Doctor

Spoilers/ Disclaimer: Doctor Who is not mine- believe me, it would have had some changes. These boys are not mine, take it up with someone else. Spoilers? Well, if you haven't seen the end of Doctor Who Season One, then a small spoiler for Jack.

Pairing: Jack/ Tenth Doctor

Thanks for the reviews!

Jack stared at the ceiling somewhat angrily. He hated when someone refused to see something that was so obvious. He knew the Doctor was most definitely interested in him, at least a little bit. And Jack knew he was most definitely heads-over-heels for the Doctor.

So why wouldn't the Doctor see it?

He rolled onto his side. Because he doesn't think he's worth it. Or because he's not used to it. Or because...

He shook his head. Silly guesswork would get him nowhere.

He won't believe me... but who would be believe?

Jack stared into the darkness and thought about the companions that had once traveled with the Doctor. Who would best be able to convince the Time Lord where Jack failed?


If there was one woman who could sway the Doctor's mind, it was Martha Jones.

Jack smiled to himself. He always felt better with an idea- maybe a visit to Martha would not be so bad. And the Doctor surely would not have too many reasons not to go, especially if that was where Jack really wanted to go. How could he possibly say no?

He rolled over again. But what if she can't convince him? Then nothing will...

He stilled as he listened to footsteps pad softly down the hallway. They stopped outside his room only a moment before continuing on. Jack almost wanted to call out to the Doctor, to summon him in. But he caught himself, thought better of it, and stayed silent.

I don't think it'll take much from her. She knows him.

Jack thought over their few adventures so far, thought about all those they had yet to experience. He had forever to convince the Doctor, but he was so impatient. Why wait when he could have it sooner?

That was it. In the morning- or when they awoke, at least- he was asking for a visit to Earth. Knowing the Doctor they would find some sort of trouble. But really, with the two of them and Martha Jones? No matter what happened they would be absolutely fine.

Jack tried not to think about all the other people who once promised themselves they would always be with the Doctor. Is that why he remained so reluctant to let Jack in? To him it could just be another empty promise, one that the Doctor knew Jack would one day break.

But I won't. There is nothing else in this universe for me. He does not have to worry about my safety, so that is no excuse.

Footsteps again. Jack wondered briefly if the Time Lord was pacing. But why would he pace in the hallway? Maybe he was moving possessions and needed help or something like that... none of it made sense to the Immortal.

So he slid from the bed and went to open the door. He barely caught a glimpse of the Doctor as he turned around a corner.

"Doctor?" he called.

"Oh! Jack!" The Doctor ducked his head back around the corner. "Did you need something?"

"No. Do you need help?"

The Doctor looked perplexed for a moment before he smiled. "Oh, no, no, not at all!"

"Are you sure?" Jack stepped forward.

"Quite!" The Doctor proclaimed. "I'll see you in the morning, Jack."

That was a proper dismissal if Jack ever heard one. He returned a "Goodnight" and went back into his room.

What is he doing now?