Disclaimer: As much as I would love to own the characters of YuYu Hakusho I do not. That privilege goes to Yoshihiro Togashi. Well just not my little Sphinx ^_^

I will continue this if the first couple chapters get a good response…and as with most of my other stories I'm not sure where this one is going lol.


Wild Goose Chase

"Urameshi! Get your lazy ass over here now! And tell the others!" Koenma's high pitched voice blared over the small compact communicator. Yusuke could sworn that some spit made it through the screen. He had never seen binky breath so agitated before.

"Huh, he must of pissed Botan off." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the house.

He found the fox sitting quietly in the shade of a Sakura tree in the yard, enjoying a cup of tea. However, the fox was not alone. Yusuke could smell the hot tempered fire demon. Hands in his pocket he greeted his two teammates.

"Hey Kurama, Hiei."

"Oh, hello Yusuke, what brings you home so early?" Kurama stood and greeted the half demon.

As per usual, Hiei grunted his greeting as he stayed in his place up in the tree. Although the half demon had earned some of his respect it still wasn't enough for him to treat him with it. What the human girl saw in Yusuke he would never know. Although he was true to his friends he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

"Binky breath wants us to all meet up at his office. Seems to be important." Yusuke answered.

"hmmm. Wonder what could be happening, things have been quiet since the last dark tournament." Kurama pondered as he entered the house. It had been a few months since he had moved into the large house that the little lord had purchased for the detectives. There a small wooded park just across the street that was secluded enough for everyone to train. Even the girls had a room in the house.

"Don't know, but I would like to get this done with quickly, got a hot date tonight." Yusuke complained.

"Hn, if you call that onna of yours hot." Hiei lept from the tree following the detective into the house.

"Watch it shrimp, Keiko is hot."

"Who's hot?" Kuwabara stuck his head into the kitchen where Kurama, Hiei and Yusuke had gathered.

"None of your business, now get in here so we can get to Koenma's and find out what diaper boy wants!" Yusuke pulled out his communicator and called for a portal.

As soon as the black swirl appeared the four young men leapt through, landing on their feet in the toddlers office. Well almost everyone. Kuwabara didn't quite make the landing and found himself on his butt.

"Hn, baka." Hiei sneered before going to his favorite spot near a dark corner.

"Alright binky breath, what is so important that I had to drop everything to come here?" the detective asked as he plopped down on the couch; while Kurama stayed standing.

"As you all know since winning the dark tournament along with the war things have been calm in both the demon world and the human world. I'm happy to leave the demon world in the cabable hands of Youmi and Mukuro. However, some things have been happening; starting with the presence of demons in the human world on the hunt."

"What would they be after in the human world?" Kurama asked, hoping that Koenma had some sort of answer.

"That's what I want you guys to find out. They seem to be chasing after something. Now hurry up and deal with it. The portal will take you to the area that the demons entered the human world." With a wave of his hand a portal appeared and the four boys jumped and landed in a very familiar place.

"Hey, this is our park." Yusuke observed as he tried to pick up the demons trail.

"Thank you captain obvious." Hiei muttered as he quickly picked up the demons scent that led the team through the woods.

"We have trained in these woods for so long, what is in here that we don't know about?" Kuwabara asked.

"That is what we are here to find out." Kurama answered before Hiei could answer with a remark that could cause a great deal of trouble. The fire demon glared at the Elvis impersonator before hoping into the trees.

Hours passed and still the trail stayed in the forest. The demons scent hadn't changed, however; there was a new scent that had been picked up.

"Kurama, what is it?" Yusuke asked when the fox had stopped.

The foxes green eyes became clouded as he concentrated. He couldn't place the scent, it was like that of a cat but mixed with something else. Not even Youko's memories helped. He turned to Hiei for confirmation.

"I have never smelled anything like this before. The demons are nothing but low class, as for this new one…..hn" Hiei no sooner finished his sentence that it began to rain.

"Great, just great. I'm already late for my date cause binky breath had to send me on some wild goose chase!"

"It's our job Urameshi, neither rain nor snow, sleet or hail will stop us. For I Kuwabara will find the bad guys and save the world!" he announced taking on a 'hero's' stance.

"Kuwabara, you couldn't find your way out of a paper bag much less save the world." Yusuke fired out at him.

What was that Urameshi!" Kuwabara made a dive for the detective but only ended up flat on his face as he slipped on a spot of mud. This only made Yusuke laugh at his friends position. Kurama tried to hold the laughter in, but it was no use. A chuckle escaped as the fire demon smirked.

"That's it Urameshi, I'm gonna…..Yukina." Kuwabara jumped up and made a dash for the edge of the forest.

"Hey, get back here, we're not done yet! If I have to be stuck out in this lousy rain then have to too!" Yusuke shouted as he took after his partner.

Kurama and Hiei looked at each other before shaking their heads and following the other two. They all knew that Kuwabara had a link to the little ice maiden; something that Hiei didn't quite like.

She had to get out of this rain, though her scent was dampened by the falling water she was still soaking wet and very tired. They were after all still after her. It didn't seem to matter where she went they still hunted her.

Having made the jump to the human world, she now sought refuge. Somewhere, anywhere, as long as no humans were present. After all, she didn't think that it would go over well if some human were to find a naked Sphinx creeping around their house.

Racing out of a small wooded park, the Sphinx came across several large houses. Quickly she let her senses scan each house until she found one that was void of any life form save for a few plants. *It will have to do.*

Breaking and entering was not exactly her forte, but she eventually made it in. The house was silent, the scent of tea lingered in the air. Her small wings dripped water onto the floor below her feet.

*Oops, better take care of that* The Sphinx thought, giving her wings a good flap they quickly lost the large droplets of water that had been clinging to them.

She scanned the kitchen in search of somewhere to hide. There were so many different things that the young Sphinx had never seen. The objects seemed a little hard and dangerous to hide among. As she entered the living room her ears picked up the sound of three sets of feet that were becoming quickly familiar.

*Why me?* going back to all four feet, paws took her up the stairs as the first demon broke through the front door.

Once upstairs she found herself faced with several doors to choose from; the first door smelled of hair gel and cologne, the second of dirty socks; the third of roses and the fourth of fire. Opening the door she found the room to be very dark. A large bed occupied one side of the room while a desk sat on the other side. However that wasn't what caught her eyes. The large window that faced out into the forest was breathtaking. If she only had the time. The demons were trashing the main floor in search of her.

Making a dive for the bed she scrambled under and crawled to the farthest corner. Just as the demons made with entrance into the dark room she noticed that her tail was sticking out. *Oh dear* jerking it back in, the Sphinx watched as one of the scary creatures entered the room.

"Hmmmmm, not much of a decorator." One commented.

"Shut it, we're not here for a tour, hurry up and check it out."

"Hn." The demon tossed the desk against the wall startling the little Sphinx. Her claws digging into the carpet with fear.

He made his way over to the closet and opened the door to find nothing. There was only one place left to look, the bed. The Sphinx began to panic, what could she do. If she used her power it could flatten the whole house. Not exactly her first choice.

The demon was about to kneel down when voices from outside the house caught his attention. "Shit, time to go boys." He ran to the window and threw it open. The other two quickly followed their partner into the rain.

Her whole body shook with fear as she listened to them leave. It wasn't only fear that had her shaking; being out in the rain hadn't helped matters. She could now hear new voices as her lion like ears twitched at the new sounds.

"Yusuke! How could you stand me up! Again!" a loud smack could be herd and the Sphinx guessed that someone was on the receiving end of the woman's hand.

"Owww! Keiko, I can explain." They had yet to enter the house as she could only faintly hear them.

"Whats your excuse this time, huh, wha…." The loud woman became silent.

"What happened here?" it was another woman's voice. This one sounded more perky than the other one.

"Looks like someone invited themselves in." a soft voice now spoke.

"Yukina, you stay here with the girls while us men go check it out." It was a raspy voice now.

Four new sets of feet made their way into the house. The young Sphinx never meant for their home to be destroyed, but there had been no helping it. Her golden eyes widened as a pair of feet stopped at the door. From what she could see they wore black and from the smell she knew it was the one who dwelled in this room.

"Jesus, they trashed your room too." This one smelled like hair gel causing her nose to scrunch up.

"Hn, they just left." The one who smelled of fire finally spoke.

"Well it would seem that we all have some cleaning up to do before getting back to the mission." The soft voiced one had now entered the room, bringing the scent of roses with him.

She could tell that two of them were full blooded demons and the third, the one who reeked of hair gel and cheap cologne was a half breed.

"Its ok to come in girls. Here Yukina let me take that for you." The raspy one announced that all was safe.

I know, I totally cut a little odd there...yeah...all i can say is sorry for that. ^_^