Vee~ Ciao tutti!

Feliciano here! After seen Fratello and Big Brother Spain start writing letters to the world I decided to try it too!

Please send letters to me! It can be advice (I'll try my best with that, Fratello always tells me I don't give very good advice), to chat, or to talk about pasta! That would be very nice, si?

So if you send a letter in, GRAZIE! Hope to talk to everyone later! ADDIO!

Hi! Dogsrule here! As you can see this is a letter story from Italy. Yay! This one's based off of 'Crap, I Got Tomato Stains on These Letters, Dammit!" By Yuri n' Chuka and 'Cartas a España' by MsKatsuten.

It can have swearing and or innuendos I really don't care, just make sure I can keep it at a "T" rating. And sorry, but I'll only accept signed reviews because a few years ago I got a REALLY creepy email from someone on fanfiction and it really freaked me out.

And finally even though this thing's 100+ chapters new letters are always welcome! XD

Hoping to hear from people! Let's get this started!