A Second Chance

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

There a few things that need to be said first:

This is a Vlad outtake. It deals with supernatural elements...

Next, Jen328, thank you for all of your help on this. You know how many brick walls I ran into, repeatedly, to make this work. It was your twist that finally made it all flow, so thank you so much for that, bb.

Finally, ladysharkey1, this was a very hard secret to keep from you. I really hope you like it!

**crosses fingers**

Here we go!

The woods around me hadn't changed much over the years. The trees were tall and full of life. At certain points, they blocked out the sun completely, but occasionally there was a stray sunbeam that managed to break though.

I had exiled myself to the forests of my home when I ran from Edward and Bella in Italy. It wasn't that I didn't want to be around them, but I had a feeling that I needed to have some time alone. So for the last several months, I spent my days and nights walking through the land of my human years, feeding off animals when I thirsted.

As I rested against a tree, I thought about my existence. I was alone. I had my brother, but he knew that I would find him when I was ready, so he kept his distance. Other than him, there were members of the Guard who allowed for friendly conversation over the years and women who were beautiful to look at it, but there was never that want that I still remembered vividly from my human years.

Perhaps Bella was correct – perhaps my bond was jagged and broken and that part of my existence was over. I knew vampires who were not monogamous and enjoyed the company of others, but I had never been that way. Stefan had entertained different female vampires over the centuries; I tried once to feel again, but I got as far as letting her kiss my neck before I pulled away.

She just didn't feel right.

I huffed and leaned against my knees. I hated being that way. I wanted to give in and feel something. I didn't even care if it was love at this point, I'd settle for lust if I could just shake this sadness for a moment.

"Should I join you, my Lena?" I spoke aloud, staring at the place where our cottage once stood. "I'm very tired, beloved."

My eyes turned glassy and I groaned. Edward had caused this. I had pushed all of this away shortly after I had been changed. I would never have her again. She was dead and I locked her away, forcing myself to stop looking for her in the faces of every human woman I passed who shared her same hair color or pale skin.

Now, everything was on the surface. I wondered if maybe I could find her. Maybe not in this life, but if I died, I could go to her. I could be happy and in love and warm again. I smiled a little. I had just been looking for her in a world that she didn't belong to anymore.

Aro would give the…

A branch broke behind me, and I heard light footsteps and a quickening heartbeat.

"You're either lost or looking for death," I said. "These woods hold no refuge. Turn around; go back where you came from, and perhaps you'll walk fast enough that some traveling vampire doesn't take you for a snack." I didn't turn, still facing my once home.

I breathed the air to catch a scent, but when I did, I realized that the air had changed. It was stagnant. There was nothing moving, no wind, no air movement from the steps that kept coming; the scent of the traveling wasn't being pushed to me like it should have been.

"I'm neither lost nor looking for death. I was told someone was looking for me." Her words had a soft lilt to them, telling me that English wasn't her native language.

"There is no one here but me, and it's not you I'm searching for," I answer, standing slowly. "The woman I search for is long dead."

I turned then and found myself staring into ocean blue eyes. I stumbled back, blinking, trying to process what I was seeing. Her bone structure was a bit different; her nose not as straight, but her hair was the same color of wheat and her eyes the same piercing blue. After several seconds of silence as we took in each other, I asked, "What are you?"

She cocked her head to the side and looked at me strangely, not speaking. The action was so familiar and unsettling.

"Explain this to me!" I shouted as I sensed my eyes darken.

The woman shook her head and closed her eyes.

I ran to her, faster than she could process, and grabbed her arms, lifting her to my height. I stared into her eyes, watching as they flashed with emotion, from shock to fright. That's when I finally caught her smell, soft and feminine like spring, but the edges held a bold ring of firewood and winter. I dropped her suddenly and felt my hands start to shake.

"What are you?" I whispered. "I don't understand what this is."

She brushed her jeans off and stood before me, trying to appear brave, but her eyes gave her away.

They always did. The thought was already gone before I realized I'd made that connection again.

"I'm Alli," she spoke quietly.

"Alli?" I answered, shaking my head.

"Well, Albina." She laughed softly. "My parents obviously hated me. I've gone by Alli my whole life."

I nodded. "It's a good name, good roots."

She stared at me. "I don't think they really considered roots to my name."

"It's Greek, yes? You're Greek?" I posed the questions already knowing the answers.

"Yes. I grew up outside of Athens."

"Albina, she was a goddess who protected ill-fated lovers."

Alli laughed loudly. "That makes a lot of sense actually. My mother went through a 'Romeo and Juliet' phase around the time I was born."

I swallowed hard, thinking that her name wasn't just about her mother's phase, but it was also a sign, to me, of what she would offer.

We stood in silence for a moment, and finally she spoke again. "I travel a lot. I do what I want and just enjoy being free." I listened, nodding. "I ran into a fortune teller a few months ago and figured - 'Why not', you know?"

When I didn't respond, she said, "I know you." My face must have revealed my skepticism because she added, "When I was sixteen, I started having dreams, well nightmares. I was always wearing long gowns made of heavy fabrics. I was so cold, and I remember thinking that the dress should make me warmer. But the door was opened, and it was snowing, and I couldn't move to close it." She sighed. "A man would always enter; he had furs and coats that were sprinkled with snow and he called my name, except I couldn't answer back." Tears clouded my vision - I didn't want this to be what I thought I was. "Finally, he reached me. He shook me and called for me. He was the last thing I saw.

"I wake up crying every time I have it. The pain in his eyes…" she looked away. "Your eyes…was unbearable."

I stood so still, not breathing, not blinking, completely unnatural as I listened to her tell of Lena's death.

"Anyway, I went to a fortune teller, and she cried when I walked into her tent. She told me that I was getting a second chance. That I had lived a hundred lifetimes apart from my soul mate because he didn't know that he could find me. She said that he was going to look again and it was my chance, our chance. She told me that I would know when, that I would walk, that I would find my resting place finally."

Tears were streaming down her face, and she looked at me expectantly, but I couldn't speak. "Please, tell me that I found it. I've been looking and looking and I'm so very tired."

A sob worked its way from my chest as she wiped away her tears and spoke again. "She said that what happened wasn't part of our plan. Our lives were taken when they weren't supposed to be and that when that happens, sometimes we get another try." She stood tall and let out a deep sigh before asking so quietly I almost didn't hear, "Are you my Mir?"

I shook my head. "No." Anger was coursing its way through my body, making me want to break something, to rip up every tree near me. "I am not your Mir." Even as I said the words, I knew they weren't true. I could feel something between us, something soothing and familiar, but I wouldn't let myself give into it.

"Don't do this," she pleaded. "Don't run from me now."

I laughed harshly, mocking her. "You know what I am. I could run now and you'd never find me again."

"If you run, I will go to Volterra. I will walk right up to that castle, and I will ask to be changed." Her voice was fierce.

"They will kill you," I said quickly.

She shrugged. "Maybe not."

I walked a few steps away. "There is no possible way this is true."

She walked toward me. "There is no way that you don't feel what I feel! You probably feel it more strongly because of what you are!" She stood just a foot in front of me. "Let yourself feel it," she whispered and placed her hands on my chest.

Warmth. It was like my whole body was finally alive. I felt the wall providing my defense start to give way, and I backed up quickly. "What you're saying is a beautiful lie. I have done nothing to deserve a second opportunity, and you are not my Lena."

She gasped. "No. I'm not your Lena. I'm Alli, and I have been several others, but we've all been searching for you. Will you really turn your back on this?"

There was no way of knowing the truth. Was she really mine? Did we get our life taken away viciously and get another chance? "Do you have her memories?" I asked.

"No." She shook her head. "I don't."

"Then you do not know me."

"I do. I have the dreams, and I know that I'm supposed to be with you." She reached out again, but dropped her hand.

I laughed humorlessly. This was all Edward's fault; he had made me believe that it was possible to find Lena again. I had driven myself away and all this had jumbled together to lead to my insanity. It was his fault and as soon as I could, I would beat him to death for causing it.

Then a thought occurred – one that made me groan. "Bella."

"Bella?" Alli asked quietly.

"Yes. She'll know. We need to get to Bella." I started walking toward town, trying to decide the best way to get to Washington State.

"I'm going with you?" She tried to keep up with my pace.

I looked back at her, felt the pull in my chest that ached for her, and said, "Of course you're coming. How would I know if this was real if you weren't there? I need to make sure that you are who you say you are."

I picked up my pace a little, striding out, needing to get to Bella. After several minutes, I turned to Alli, hundreds of yards behind me. I stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"I'm in a hurry," I said as she walked beside me. "I need to carry you so I can get places faster. Do you trust me with this?" I looked back into her eyes, getting slightly lost there.

"Of course."

I picked her, carrying her across my body with her arms wrapped around my neck. Her face was buried in the curve of my neck and her breath fanned across my cold skin.

I shivered.

"Time to go."

I started running, hoping that the wind whipping past would clear my thoughts, but all it did was blow her hair in my face, spreading her scent around me. I was starting to crumble and the slight pull that I was fighting was starting to get bigger and harder to resist.

The running made talking impossible, so instead, I thought intensely about this woman. She was beautiful and really could pass as Helena's twin. Everything about her seemed familiar, and I wanted to rush into her arms and ask her to hold me. At the same time, I wanted to run away. She couldn't be my Lena.

My heart screamed at me to recognize this woman, to accept her, but my mind was fighting so hard against it.

Bella would know. She'd tell me, and I could either give in to this feeling or makes this woman leave me alone. But while we ran, I'd enjoy her presence and imagine that just for these few hours that she really was mine to have like I wanted.

Outside of the first major airport we arrived at, I gently sat Alli down and walked to a pay phone. After two tries, I managed to find Stefan.

"Brother? How are you? Where are you?" he asked quickly.

"I'm fine. I need to find Bella. Do you know if they're still in Forks?" I was very aware that Alli moved to stand beside me and that she was leaning her face close my shoulder.

Stefan clicked his tongue. "You've almost missed it. They're getting married in three days."

"That's just wonderful," I said, making my voice go high. "I can bring them a gift."

He laughed. "They're getting married in San Francisco. I'm actually on my way there. Care to meet up? We can go to Atlantic City like we'd planned before the Challenge."

"I'll be there. I don't know about after, but I'll soon you soon, brother."

I hung up and turned to Alli. "We're going to San Francisco."

Her eyes went wide, and she said, "I don't have documentation."

It was my turn to laugh as I walked her into the airport. "My dear, you'll find that I have some reach in this world."

She smiled at the term of endearment and I sighed.

I was getting too comfortable.

Alli tried to link her arm with mine, but I pulled away.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she said sadly.

I snorted and went to stand in line. Not outwardly acknowledging her, but speaking too quietly for her to hear, I muttered, "You have no idea how wrong that statement could be, beloved."

As we sat on the plane, Alli spoke, "You never told me your name."

"You called me 'Mir', I assumed you knew it." I turned my heading, looking into her eyes.

"I just know the nickname." She looked away.

I reached out, placed a finger under her chin and turned her back toward me. I wanted to see her eyes, feel her stare on me, and feel her lean against me. "I am Vladimir. Do you want me to tell you a story?"

She smiled softly. "I'd love to hear a story."

I looked away, losing myself in my thoughts, trying to think of what to tell her. I must have sat for too long getting lost in the past because Alli shook my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"You were going to tell me something and you've been sitting there for about two hours."

I took a breath, enjoying her scent for a moment, and then said, "When I was sixteen, I received my first kiss."

She smiled as I told her a story from my human years. A story about Lena. She didn't flinch or get angry that I mentioned her, but seemed desperate for the memories.

I filled the flight, well, the hours that she didn't sleep, with things I remembered. As she slept, I fought against the urge to pull her close to me.

I wouldn't give in because before I did, I needed to know what Bella would see between us.

After endless agonizing hours in a plane and waiting for connecting flights, we finally walked into the terminal in San Francisco.

"I've never been to the United States," she spoke quietly.

"Don't worry, my dear. I know the way." I took her hand, not even thinking the move through, and led her toward the exit. Her hand, it felt so right in my own.

I didn't let it go until we reached the door to the condo where I knew Edward would be.

He opened the door, smiling, obviously very happy. "Vladimir! It's wonderful to see you. Come in."

I walked in first, leading Alli.

"So who's this lovely lady?" He asked, extending his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Alli. It's very nice too meet you…" she trailed off, and Edward took her hand.

"I'm Edward." He gestured for us to sit. "We have a friend named Alice, but she goes by Allie. Is your name short for anything?"

I watched as he interacted so naturally, so much more carefree than when I'd known him years ago. He looked at peace.

Alli nodded. "Albina."

"Ahhh, the goddess who protects ill-fated lovers." His eyes found mine, and he smirked.

"Does everyone know that but me?" She laughed softly.

Edward shrugged. "When you have eternity, you have to find some way to pass the time, especially if you're alone."

The room took on a tense atmosphere. I cleared my throat. "Where's Bella? I need to see her."

Edward looked between me and Alli and our joined hands. "I'm sure you do." He looked at the clock and sighed. "She should be back soon. She had a dress fitting and pick-up."

I nodded.

"So you're getting married?" Alli asked politely.

"Yes, we are. We're very excited." He looked shocked and then said, "I forget my manners. Bella doesn't eat human food anymore, so I forgot to ask if you need refreshments. We have plenty of human food since we have human friends coming to the ceremony, so whatever you'd like I can get."

"Thanks. I'd really like some water," she said, smiling.

Edward was away before she finished, and I berated myself for not asking her sooner.

"Vladimir," Edward whispered only to me. "You'll get it."

I scoffed. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Maybe not." He walked back into the room. "Here you go, Alli."

We sat quietly as Alli took a sip of her water and then Edward spoke, "We booked you a hotel room like the other guests. We weren't sure if you'd use it or not, but we figured better safe than sorry."

"That must have been Bella's doing." I sighed.

"It was." He smiled and gave me the hotel information, saying, "She wanted everyone to be in a romantic room for a romantic occasion. The ceremony will be tomorrow at twilight and the reception right after."

Alli said, "That's going to be very pretty." She looked out the glass doors that lead to the deck. "Twinkle lights?"

Edward nodded. "Yes. Bella's vision."

Alli took the final sip when the front door swung opened. Bella breezed in, laying a garment bag across a chair and kissing Edward soundly before saying, "I missed you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Vladimir, it's so great to see you! And you've brought a guest." She reached her hand out. "I'm Bella."


"We have a friend named Ali—"Edward cut her off.

"I already told her." He kissed her hand. "Vladimir wanted to visit with you."

She turned toward us, sitting on Edward's lap. "What can I help with?"

I swallowed hard, knowing that I was about to find out what was going on. "Bella, I'd like for you to look at the bonds between me and Alli. She has made some declarations that I need you to verify."

Bella shook her head. "I'm not supposed to."

"Just this once, Bella. Please," I pleaded.

She smiled sadly and sighed. "I really shouldn't. You know I shouldn't."

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, Bella."

Bella groaned and leaned back into Edward. "Just this once and you can't ever mention it, Vladimir."

"I won't."

She cleared her throat and then stared directly at us. I waited for her revelations with bated breath.

Bella gasped and stared, stunned for a moment, then she shook her head.

"Vladimir, I don't know how this happened. They're the same. They match. It's a perfect, jagged match." Her eyes teared up, and I turned to look at Alli. As soon as our eyes met, I felt myself give into the connection I'd been feeling.

At that moment, Bella sobbed softly with her hand over her mouth. "The bond - it closed. Oh God, it closed and it fits. How did you find her?"

I couldn't answer. My body was on edge and I smiled at Alli; suddenly I saw her how I should have from the moment I laid eyes on her. She was beautiful and soft and graceful. I released a trembling breath as I gazed at the stunning woman who sat beside me. I was in awe of her.

"Vladimir?" she asked, and I closed my eyes, her voice washing over me and making me feel real again.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I didn't find you sooner." I reached across the small couch and pulled her into my arms.

Edward drew Bella into his arms and exited the living room, leaving us in private.

I just held on to her, my head finally following my heart and accepting who she was to me. She was my Lena, but not, she was my first love, but she wasn't. She was everything that I'd ever wanted and never thought I'd have again.

She was mine, but more importantly, I was hers.

Her scent surrounded me and calmed me. I knew that this was right and that I had been given this opportunity to have my mate, but I couldn't come to terms with what I'd done to deserve it. I had never really led a great life. For years, I killed ruthlessly and without mercy, yet sitting on my lap was my mate.

Alli cleared her throat. "I need to use the bathroom for a minute." She waved a hand in front of her face. "Clean up a bit."

I nodded, hesitantly releasing her to stand. "Can I help you?" I asked.

She shook her head slowly. "I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet. Bathroom time is not for an audience." She laughed softly.

I hadn't used one in hundreds of years and in my time it wasn't that private. It was a necessity and during winter we'd have a pot in our bedroom that kept us from having to brave the snow to relieve ourselves. I just nodded again, knowing she had more experience with that particular human characteristic than I did, anyway.

"It's the door on the right." I pointed down the hallway, remembering where it was from my time here when we got Bella.

She left me standing in the living room, and my mind went to work. I needed to do something nice for her. I needed to talk to her, too.

I picked up her empty water glass, and an idea hit me. "Bella? I want to get Alli a few food items. Can you help?"

Bella was standing in front of me a few seconds later holding a small box. "It's a small cooler. Like a lunch box that kids take their food in to school."

I nodded. "What will she eat?"

Bella led me into the kitchen and showed me where the food was, before saying, "You'll do wonderful, Vladimir. I'm so happy for you."

The door to the bathroom started to open, and Bella ran back upstairs as I zipped up the lunch box.

"I got you something to eat. I thought we could take a walk…" I trailed off as Edward said to me, "Golden Gate Park." I finished speaking, "We could go to Golden Gate Park. I hear it is lovely, and I've never been, myself."

"Probably one of the few places you've never been, I'm assuming?" she answered.

I led her to the door and Edward spoke again, "Take the car. Keys are by the door." I opened the door, picked up the keys and said, "It's one of the few places I haven't been. Honestly, I spend far more time in Europe than the Americas. I prefer it there."

The car was fitted with GPS, but I wasn't familiar with it, so Alli typed in the name of the park and soon we were on our way.

"So you've been driving since the very beginning of cars?" she asked, smiling out the passenger window.

I snorted and turned right, just like the voice told me to. "No, actually this is my first time driving."

Her head snapped in my direction and her mouth dropped open."Is this safe?"

"I'm a vampire. This is nothing." We drove a little further before I had to turn again, this time we were met with a loud honking of the car behind us.

Alli cringed, and I stared fiercely at the driver as he passed us.

Finally we made it to the park, and I felt proud of my driving abilities.

"We can walk and speak, yes? There's so much that I'd like to know about you." I spoke quietly as I helped her out of the car.

I was still teetering between shock and amazement as I took her hand in my own. I was hoping that I could make her feel comfortable around me before the lustful part of my bond hit because honestly, I was excited about that part. I didn't want to make it less than what it was, but I hadn't been touched or felt real lust for so long. Stefan would have had a good laugh if he knew what I'd been going through that day.

"How old are you?" I asked as we continued down a walking path.

"I'm twenty-three." she answered. "And you?"

"I was turned at twenty, but I'm very, very old. Hundreds of years old."

We were quiet and I sighed. "Do you have family?"

She nodded and smiled. "My parents died when I was eighteen. They were in a car accident. I have two older brothers, but they don't really keep in touch. I'm the different one in our family." She shrugged. "They never agreed with how I started to live after our parents died, so they wrote me off, I guess."

"That's terrible. They aren't deserving of your time." I walked to a bench and sat down, offering her the box of food. "Please, eat. I'll listen or talk if you have questions."

She pulled out a sandwich and I sat still, watching her move. After a few seconds, she asked, "Will you always stare at me like that?"

"I'm sorry? Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"A little. You stare intently." She smiled and chewed on her food.

"Are you educated?" I asked casually, hoping to spark conversation.

She cocked her head to the side. "Do I appear uneducated?"

I thought about her question for a second then answered, "You speak and carry yourself well. I think you're educated, but curious as to what level of you have completed."

"I graduated secondary school, but never went to university."

I nodded and looked off over the lake that we'd stopped in front of. It was beautiful, very rustic, and made me miss home.

"You've never searched out your mate before. Why?" Alli's question stung and made me slightly sad.

"My mate was dead." She flinched then. "I didn't look because I knew what I had with her - all of my human memories with Lena stayed perfect and intact. I tried once." This caused Alli to turn toward me expectantly. "She got as far as kissing me beneath my ear before I backed away. It wasn't right. The feeling wasn't there."

She shook her head. "So never. Not once since you were turned?"

"No. Not to say that I haven't taken matters into my own hand, so to speak, but I have never been assisted."

She coughed and took a sip of the canned drink that I'd put in the box. "That's very candid."

"You asked." I felt my brow furrow. "I have no secrets from you."

I watched as she swallowed another sip of her drink. The muscles in her throat moved fluidly, and I moved my eyes along her shoulders, appreciating how her collarbones were visible. My body felt charged and antsy.

I shook my head, trying to clear it of the lustful thoughts that were starting to make their presence known. I smiled to myself, the awe from earlier was leading straight into the arms of lust.

"And you?" I asked, straightening up. "I realize you're young and in this time — there must be suitors." I steeled myself for her answer.

"A couple, yes," she answered, putting her trash back in the box.

"That's a lot," I spoke too loudly. When I caught her incredulous stare, I said, "I mean, that's an interesting number. Would you care to elaborate?" Her fingers carefully pulled the zipper on the box. I noticed that she flushed slightly at the question, and I licked my lips.

I didn't need to know, but I did. It didn't make sense.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. The motion caused her shirt to rise up and reveal a sliver her pale skin. I wanted to touch it.

"I don't know how to elaborate, Vladimir. I had two boyfriends. That's pretty straightforward." She bit her lip and stared ahead. My eyes fixated on her full lower lip; it looked very soft.

I wanted her lips against mine.

"Did they know you intimately?" I asked quietly, watching her lips still.

I watched her words form on them and fought back a fury that I never really knew had existed within me, and I had killed hundreds after the vampire takeover.

"Yes, and before you ask, both." She didn't look at me.

The pressing lust was overshadowed by a possessiveness that made me want to push her down on the bench we were sitting on and claim her as mine. Mark her in any way.

My mind then went to the two boys she'd been with. I'd need to find them. Mentally, I was working through how I could do such a thing, and then I wondered how long ago it had been for her. It had to have been longer than a couple of months because I couldn't smell anything on her. Thank God. Had she held their scent I probably would have been driven insane.

I bet they had been tan and well-muscled, tempting her with rides on their mopeds and visiting secret places in the wilderness or islands that surrounded Greece.

Fucking Greeks.

Always in the middle of things. Trying to be superior and smooth. I could crush them all.

"Vladimir? Are you all right?" Alli asked quietly.

I thought about her question and debated the answer before finally deciding on the truth. "Not at all. I need to know when and if you were treated respectfully. I need to know names and places." I rambled a bit more. "I must ensure that your happiness was thought of first."

She stared at me, and I breathed heavily. I wondered how other vampires handled this type of thing. I had known her only two days and I was contemplating murder. How did Edward do it? Then I remembered that Edward was the eternal fucking virgin and Bella was practically a child when they met, so it most likely wasn't an issue.

"I was treated fine, Vladimir. As for your other questions, you don't need to know the answers."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers. "I beg to differ. I need to know. How long has it been?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "Three years. My past is my past as your past is yours."

I followed behind her as she walked up the path. "My past is nonexistent. Yours, however, causes me to shake with fury. Other men have touched what is mine." She turned quickly, and I could tell she was getting angry. "You are mine, and you've allowed other men to know you." I whispered, completely furious, "Other men have been inside you."

She took several deep breaths, and I stared as her breasts stretched the material of her top. "I will take into account that you're obviously from a different time and have not managed to get up to our modern ways of thinking yet. My body is mine and only mine to give. You may hold me emotionally and have a power over me physically, but I am my own person, Vladimir. I had no idea you even existed until three months ago. What I did before your entrance into my life holds no meaning now."

"We both know that I don't mean that you're mine like I own you, Albina." I walked to her, pulling her body to mine, feeling her softness against me. "I am yours, too. I'm just a bit jealous."

"A bit?" she asked breathlessly, looking up into my eyes.

"More than a bit. Driven slightly mad, actually," I whispered as I leaned down a little. She rose up on her tip toes, almost allowing our lips to touch.

"There's no reason for it. I've already forgotten them."

I held her body so tight against mine, and my need to claim her gave me the courage to lean down the rest of the way and have her lips touch mine.

They were soft.

She opened her mouth, pulling my bottom lip between hers and sucking hard. I clutched at her hips, grinding myself against her.

Alli pulled back, catching her breath, and I moved down her jaw to her neck. I sucked the skin beneath her ear which earned me a low moan, her hands tugging at my hair.

My body was worked up and I had no intention of stopping what was happening. I pushed her back against a tree that stood next to the path. After I reclaimed her lips, I reached down and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist, bringing us flush, with my erection pressed against her center. I could feel the heat through our clothes. "I want that burn, beloved. Let me in?" I panted against her neck, feeling like I was moving in a haze.

"Yes." She nodded, and her fingers went to the buttons of my shirt.

"Excuse me." A stern voice called me back to the present. "You need to move along. This is a public park."

I turned to see a short, balding man giving us a stern expression. When he noticed that I was a vampire, he didn't flinch, but his look turned to disgust as he looked between us. His eyes lingered with contempt a little longer than necessary on Alli and I walked forward, my lust and possessiveness giving way to the devotion and loyalty to my mate.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"This is a family park. That kind of thing isn't tolerated here." He didn't budge.

I was soon within inches of him. "If you continue to stare at her like that, I will be the last thing you ever see." He flinched at my tone and backed up. "You have no idea what kind of pain I can bring. Do not judge as if you know us."

"Just leave," he spoke in a rushed voice before turning and walking quickly away.

I watched his retreating form and some of my anger dissipated. I would not stand for those side-long glances and assumptions from humans. I had been around for longer than they could fathom, and I would be damned if I'd let them make what we were discovering anything less than amazing.

I felt her hand on my arm and I relaxed slightly, only to be excited that I would feel her touch again.

"Mir?" she asked quietly.

I turned then and smiled at her. "Will you call me that forever?"

She seemed to search for words for a moment, and then settled on, "It's natural. It just seems to be the only thing that I want to call you."

"I have always loved it." I took her hand and started walking again.

When we had covered some ground, she asked, "Where are we going?"

I sighed and debated how to answer it, before I decided to simply tell her the truth. "I would like to go to our room and continue what was just interrupted."

Her cheeks turned a lovely rose color and she nodded. "I'd like that."

By the time we reached the car, the tension was back and only increased as we drove. Each brush of her hand against my thigh or neck, the way she would let her fingers twist the hair at my nape. When the hotel came into view, I sighed with relief. "Here we are."

The valet took the car, and I made a note to thank Edward for getting such lovely accommodations. The time spent parking was time I needed to spend on other things.

At the front desk, I retrieved our keys and turned for the elevators, only to have Stefan appear out of nowhere.

"Brother! So glad you could join us." He pulled me into a tight hug, noticing quickly that I was in a bit of a situation. His eyes widened at they met my eyes, then he glanced back down before backing away from me quickly. Finally, he looked to me, blinking in shock. "I apologize. I didn't know." He looked away embarrassed.

"Ummm, yes. There's been a bit of a development on that front." Alli moved from behind me and wrapped her arm around my waist.

Stefan gasped and reached out, touching her hair softly. "Lena?"

She cleared her throat, "I'm Alli."

The elevator dinged, and I pulled her forward. "I'm sorry, brother. We'll discuss this later. As you can see, I've got things to take care of here."

He nodded and smiled widely. "It was lovely to meet you, Alli. I'll be seeing you soon."

The doors closed and Alli's lips went to my neck. I turned us and pressed her against the back of the lift, kissing her fiercely. "You're mine," I whispered. "Everyone will know you're mine."

She nodded. "You're mine, too."

"Forever," I answered.

The elevator chimed and I pulled her, never breaking the kiss, into the hall. We managed to make it down the hall, and I finally pushed open the door, only to slam it shut once we were inside.

I lifted her, carrying her into the bedroom.

When we were beside the bed, I placed her on her feet again, yanking her shirt over her head. I stared for a moment, taking in her form. Her breasts were covered in pale pink lace. "You're stunning, beloved."

Her hands went to my shirt, unbuttoning it as I released the buttons and zipper of her jeans. I shrugged my shirt off and shivered as her hands explored my torso. "That feels amazing," I spoke softly.

I kicked off my shoes when her hands reached for my pants. In a matter of seconds, she stood in her undergarments and I stood naked... I was a little impatient."

My breathing was loud to my own ears, and I knew that if I had been human I would have been blushing. I pulled her to me and kissed her again, while I reached behind her and tore the back of her bra.

"Why did you do that?" she asked after it tore.

"I've never opened one before, and I didn't want to waste the time, my dear." I traced the curve of her neck with my tongue then pushed her gently to lie on the bed.

She scooted back to the pillows, and I crawled up and situated myself between her legs, kissing her stomach and her breasts, circling her nipples with my tongue. I felt her hands in my hair, holding me against her skin and smiled. I still had it.

Soon I was kissing down her stomach and pulling down the pink cotton panties that covered her from me. I took in her sex before brushing my hand over the trimmed hair that framed it.

"It's so short," I whispered to myself. It didn't stop me at all from bending down and taking a long lick between her swollen lips. I groaned and did it again, this time circling her clit afterward.

I looked up and saw she had an arm covering her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"No one has ever done that to me before and you're a vampire, so I'm sure everything is heightened for you and I'm certain it must taste terrible," she said in a rush.

My hand gripped her hip tighter, and I growled. "Do not mention other men in our bed." She looked at me with hooded eyes. "Also, you're made for me. Your taste is everything that I desire, don't ever doubt that."

With her still watching me, I ducked down and took her back in my mouth, licking and sucking with as much pressure and effort as I dared. It wasn't five minutes later that she was shaking and clenching against my mouth, her essence coating my lips and tongue.

I moved up her body, kissing her roughly and placed my cock against her wet skin, sliding easily against her but never going inside.

"You want this?" My voice was throaty and full of passion.

She nodded and kissed my jaw. "I want it."

I turned her face to me and kept eye contact. "Watch me, beloved. I want to see your eyes when I slide into you."

She moaned at my words, but never looked away.

The motion was smooth and natural as I pressed into her. She was hot around me, squeezing me. Alli wrapped her legs around my waist, and I groaned at the movement.

"Move, Mir," she pleaded.

"It's like fire," I panted. "Consuming."

I pulled out and thrust in hard, setting a fast pace. I watched her face, taking in the way her skin flushed and how her voice came in breathy moans. "Yes!" She groaned when I titled her hips.

I leaned down for a kiss, before sitting back on my knees. I raised her to sit in my lap and let her bounce over me. I watched, entranced, as her breasts swayed with each stroke; giving in, I leaned down and took one in my mouth. I moaned around her nipple when I felt her start to tighten around me and pulled back quickly.

One hand went from her hip to her hair as I held her head steady so I could watch her. Her mouth was hanging open slightly and her eyes were almost closed. Alli ground against me on the next down stroke and arched her back, pressing her breasts against my chest.

"Give me it all. I want to feel it." I spoke quickly in my native language. Her breathing stuttered and she moaned. "It will always be this good. Look into my eyes, tell me, Alli."

Her forehead pressed against mine, and she spasmed around my cock, gasping, "Mir! Oh, God, Mir!"

I thrust into her climax, finally letting myself give in and release, calling out her name and hugging her tightly to me.

We sat there, still connected, for several minutes before Alli slid off my lap and onto the bed. She threw her arms over her head and sighed.

I stared down at her, overcome with emotion. She had found me again. She was beautiful, and she'd just let me love her. As I took in her relaxed face and body, I felt a level of commitment that before I'd only sensed through memories.

"I love you, you know," I whispered, causing her to open her eyes and stare at me. "I realize that you might not feel that yet, but I do. You'll never have to doubt my affections, Alli. I am yours, and I hope that one day you will feel what I feel and that you choose to stay with me."

She leaned up and her hand gently stroked my check. Her eyes looked thoughtful and she finally smiled at me. "Where else am I going to go, beloved?"

Thank you for reading, and I really hope that you like this ending for Vlad.

And final thank you to Jen, without your advice and chats, this wouldn't have happened. This outtake has as much you in it as me.