Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Two boys sat under an old oak tree.

They just talking about things that little boys talk about; school, the newest game, a song perhaps. Well, maybe not everything.

Arthur, the older of the two, was talking about his fairy friends and how they would talk back. Alfred, the younger boy, would laugh at him or just go along with the other, opening poking fun at the sunny blond. He knew all to well that it made Arthur mad and puff up in embarrassment or anger.

At a glance, the two boys looked like they didn't like the other, or rather Arthur didn't like Alfred's 'happy go lucky' attitude about the world. But if you were to just watch them interact together, it would be obvious that they cared for one another. They were very close friends, best friends.

Alfred pulled out his pocket knife, the one his father gave to him before the man went off to war leaving him and his mother back in the states.

"You know what?" Alfred said, standing up. Arthur made a little noise as an absentminded response, his eyes closed as he napped against the old oak tree "I'm going to carve our initials into the tree!" And so, the boy went on with his plan and carved a jagged 'A F J + A K.'

Arthur stood up, the afternoon sun hitting his closed eyes and waking up out of his nap. He watched Alfred carve away and huffed "Alfred, that is the stupidest thing in the world. Why must Americans do that, carve their initials into a tree? It makes no scene."

"Says you. It'll be a reminder of our friendship! So you can remember me once I'm gone!"

Alfred stood back, Arthur next to him, so he took his friend's hand innocently.

When Arthur had arrived in the States he had not a single friend. Alfred had been his first, and closest, friend. When word had reached him that his friend would be moving away he had cried and cried. He still cries about it. The next thing Alfred does startles the poor boy out of his thoughts. Alfred gives Arthur a kiss on the cheek, this deepening the light blush on his face.

Alfred just smiled like there was nothing wrong with kissing Arthur. He turned to face Arthur, taking his other hand now. "I'll come back, ok? I promise! It's what Heroes do! And they never go back on their promise, especially if they seal it with a kiss!"

Arthur just smiled a watery, red smile, looking away from the younger male, trying his hardest not to laugh. "Okay then, Mr. Hero. You better uphold that promise to me!"

The nest thing he knew, Alfred had moved out of his life onto some where far away. Everyday Arthur waited and played under the tree where the initials were.


Ten years pass and two people walk up a small hill to where a tree stood, hand in hand, ring touching ring. They stopped before the tree, the taller blond pulled out his pocket knife. "Artie, this tree is out dated."

"I think you're right, Alfred."

Right above where the old caving of their initials where, Alfred carved them again with an old pocketknife, but with a more confident hold and around the new initials he put a heart. "There we go! Much better!"

The blond stood back, going back to Arthur's side and taking his hand.

"Happy anniversary, Arthur." Alfred leaned over to the slightly shorter man and gave him a kiss on the cheek, just like how he did back when they were kids.

AN: Ok, so a friend asked me to right this to a picture she drew. I really like how it came out and so does she. :D

Now let me tell you this, if you are part of the USUk community on Livejournal and you see this fic, it is mine. I did not copy it from there. Just putting that out there so no one gets mad or anything.

Reviews are loved and thank you for reading.