A/N: for anyone wondering where Arwen is-she doesnt exist.

"What are we going to do?" Glorfindel asked. He and Elrond were in Elrond's study to discuss in private what they were going to do.

"I do not know." Elrond rubbed his forehead, feeling helpless. He didnt know what he could do that wouldn't put Legolas or all of Imladris in danger. "Besieging Mirkwood isnt an option." he added, seeing Glorfindel open his mouth.

"Why not?" Glorfindel demanded. He didnt know when he became so protective over the child, but he was and he wasnt about to allow anyone, even the Legolas' own father, put him in harms way. "We have the element of surprise on our side!"

"But they have location on theirs." Elrond pointed out. "We do not know where exactly he is. They might have him in some dark chamber in the dungeon somewhere. We have to go about this rationally."

"Rationally!" Glorfindel stood up, eyes blazing. "If we wait much longer, who knows what they might do to him! Do you not care?" at that, Elrond stood.

"What do you mean 'do I not care'?" he said in a low, angry voice. "If course I do. He is like another child to me." realization dawned on him as he looked at his closest and most trusted friend. "But apparently, not as much as you do." Glorfindel sighed.

"I do not know why he matters to me so much." he said. "But the past few weeks I've spent helping him and the other boys train...I know what you and Celebrian feel like, having children."

"Never fear, Glorfindel." Elrond smiled. "We shall get him back." -

"Welcome home, little bratling." Gwyneth was dragging Legolas through the dark castle, attracting stares from the other servants, but no one said anything.
Legolas was trying to take everything in through his one good eye. All he knew was that it was dark. When they got to the stairs, Legolas lost his footing and slipped and fell down seven steps. Gwyneth growled in irritating and swung and busted Legolas in the face, making him gasp in surprise and pain.

"Get up, you worthless orc!" he spatted. Legolas blinked dumbly for a second before blinding finding something to hold onto to stand up. Once standing, Gwyneth resumed dragging him until they got to the cellar. There, he shoved Legolas against the wall and held his face, forcing him to look at him,
Gwyneth smiled, seeing Legolas' glazed over eye and blood from his nose smeared on his face. The child looked confused and vulnerable, he almost felt empathy for him. Almost.

"Listen and listen good or it will be very very ugly for you, do you understand?" he waited for a tiny nod before continuing. "You do everything I tell you to do. You do not go anywhere beyond this room unless I tell you otherwise. You do not speak to anyone and they are not to utter a sound to you. No one is to know you are here. You are to be called Guinir for now on." he smiled at the cruelty of the name. Legolas merely nodded, too afraid of the elf he seemed to anger, even if he didnt know why.

"Yes sir." he said quietly. Gwyneth decided he wasnt going to try anything so he let him go with another warning to stay put before leaving the cellar and locking the door. Legolas curled up behind one of the barrels of wine against the wall, sniffling slightly. He was afraid because he didnt know why he was here or why everyone was so angry at him. Most of all, he wondered where his parents were. After a while, Legolas fell asleep, uneasy and in pain.

"Glorfindel. I need to to promise me you will NOT go and try to take on the castle yourself." Elrond held Glorfindel's gaze, wanting him to promise he wouldn't do something stupid.

"Elrond..." he started, but Elrond cut him off.

"No, Glorfindel. I will think of something, but I dont need you going and making Thranduil angry. We can negotiate a trade, I guess." Elrond paused for a minute to think about it. "But whatever we decide, promise you wont try to make a move before I tell you to." Glorfindel thought about his answer very carefully before saying slowly,

"Aye. I will not go and try to beseige the castle by myself." he nodded. Elrond, having raise two boys, knew better.

"Or with a standing army." he added. Glorfindel grimanced.

"Or with a standing army." he said in a defeated tone. Elrond smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Just trust me." he said. Glorfindel nodded before excusing himself. He had a better idea on how to get the prince back.

Elrond knew Glorfindel had something planned, but he thought he'd covered everything that, if attempted, could go wrong, but Glorfindel still gave up too easily for his liking. Knowing there wasnt anything else to do short of tying the warrior up and lock him somewhere, Elrond decided to trust his good judgement. -

Legolas woke to the sound of the cellar door opening. He jumped up, trying not to look nervous, but he could do nothing for his trembling hands besides hide them behind his back the best he could.

"Well, are you ready for your first task?" Gwyneth sneered. Legolas, not knowing what was the right answer, nodded. Gwyneth rolled his eyes, but resisted striking Legolas again. He didnt want the elfling to be so injured he was incapable of working.

"Come with me." he grabbed Legolas by the arm, dragging him up the stairs and to the kitchen. "Wash the dishes in here." he said simply.

"Alright." Legolas picked up the scrub brush and a plate and started washing without a word. Gwyneth was surprised because the Legolas he knew would've fought back and probably ended up with at least seven lashes before he would comense obeying. Maybe his amnesia would work in his favor after all.

Glorfindel wanted to find Elrond's advisor, Erestor, to find out about the layout of Thranduil's castle. He ran up and down halls, trying to find the raven-haired elf.
He finally spotted him coming out of the library, looking down at the books in his arms.

"Erestor!" Glorfindel shouted, startling him. Erestor turned to see who was shouting for him.

"Glorfindel. What is it?" he asked. He knew how upset he had been when he found out he couldnt go directly to Thranduil and take Legolas by force. Glorfindel ran to catch up, sliding to a stop.

"What is the layout for the castle in Mirkwood?" he asked, slightly breathless. "I need to know every floor, every room, and every corner."

"And I would know...how?" Erestor sometimes wondered if the warrior WAS all brawn and no brain.

"I dont know-maybe it would be in a book?" Glorfindel asked, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice. Erestor sighed.

"I do not know why you seek this information, but I am probably right in my guess Elrond would not be pleased to find out." Erestor rested a hand on Glorfindel's shoulder. "Look, I want him back as much as you do, I can assure you. But whatever you are planning is most likely headed for disaster. Drop it before someone gets hurt."

"I cannot just let it go, Erestor." Glorfindel said softly. "But I would appreciate it if you would not speak of it to Elrond." before Erestor could reply, Glorfindel took off down the hall, anxious for nightfall.