My first Covenant Fic (and my first song fic)

For Kate & Pogue (Why are there only three stories about them on FF?)

Song Title: I Want Candy
Artist: Bow Wow Wow (not the Aaron Carter version)

Pairing: Kate/Pogue

Rating: T (language)

Summary: Every relationship has a beginning.

Author's Note: Song lyrics are in bold. Inner monologue is in italics.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Covenant or the song.


(cheesy 80's music plays)

Kate Tunney sat in the passenger seat of her father's Escalade. The backseat was filled with boxes of her personal belongings. After two years on the waiting list, a spot had finally opened at Spenser.

There was a long line of cars and SUVs waiting to unload in front of the dormitories. Kate figited with nervous excitement as she watched the other students climb the stairs into the enormous brownstone building.


The revving of an engine caught Kate's attention and she turned just in time to see a yellow blur speed past, dangerously close to several parked vehicles. The front wheel of the motorcycle rose off the ground as the daredevil atop rode one-handed. Kate watched with sublime fascination until the bike disappeared behind the Provost's house.

I know a guy who's tough but sweet

Kate didn't realize how much crap she brought with her until she had to carry it up four flights to her room. She was on her sixth trip and decided to laden herself like a pack mule with the last several items so she wouldn't have to go back again.

"Hold the door!" she shouted picking up her pace, only to find it had shut tightly when she reached her destination. Contorting her body she attempted to balance her load while at the same time freeing a hand long enough to reach for the door.

Each time she let go something else fell from the stacked tower.

"Can I get some help here?"

Her request fell on deaf ears as a group of girls briefly glanced her way; though none made a move to assist.

Stuck-up bitches

Kate tried once again to open the door; toppling an entire box filled with snacks.

That's when the door finally opened.

A gorgeous guy with longish hair and a black leather jacket now stood in directly in her path.

"Help," she whimpered.

He smiled and laughed.

It was a light cherubic sound that brought a smile to Kate's face.

Propping a booted foot against the door, he moved out of the way so Kate could enter.

Then he leaned over scooping packs of fallen candy, chips and pretzels into his bike helmet.

At that moment Kate realized two things.

He had a fantastic ass.


He had a fantastic ass.

He's so fine, he can't be beat

Kate skipped the New Student Orientation in lieu of spending time with her roommate. Kira Snider seemed to know everything about Spenser. The way Kate saw it, she'd learn more from the resident gossip girl than a boring assembly.

They stood with an assortment of girls looking out over the pool.

"They're so HOT!"

It wasn't just an opinion. It was a fact.

The four guys in tiny Speedos were almost god-like.

They were involved in a serious round of horseplay next to a set of metal bleachers. There was a loud splash as one of them was knocked into the pool.

He swam back to edge and reached up clasping hands with the guy who pushed him. Instead of getting out of the pool, the guy pulled his teammate in with him.

Who are they?

Judging from the ever-growing crowd of female spectators they had to be quite popular, but Kate was only interested in one of them.

He'd removed his bathing cap, exposing his longer-than-school-regulation hair.

"Pogue Parry. He swims Fly and Relay. Went to State Finals last year."

Kate realized one more thing.

His abs were even better than his ass.

She brought a discreet hand to her bottom lip to check for drool.

He's got everything that I desire


Kate sat on the vanity bench facing the mirror, observing the way her lips puckered when she spoke.


She repeated his name, trying to say it without breaking into a big shit-eating grin. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"Pogue Parry."

That was slightly better.

Kira was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. Kate had to sit through the biographies of Reid Garwin, Tyler Simms and Caleb Danvers before hearing about Pogue.

Like Kate, Pogue was a junior with plans to attend Harvard after graduation. He was from old money, lived on a thousand acre estate in Ipswich and had a Ducati. He was also smart, funny and a talented athlete.

And most importantly; he was single.


She was still smiling like a loon.

Kate ran the brush through her hair for the thousandth. There was a chance she might see him at dinner tonight in the dining hall.

"Pogue Parry."

Sets the summer sun on fire

Pogue wasn't at dinner. Neither were any of his friends.

Kate was very disappointed.

She sat with Kira and a few girls from their hall, picking at her dinner; a half-assed attempt at Chef Salad. One would think with the astronomical tuition the food might be slightly better than public school cafeteria fare. That was not the case, as the main entrée didn't look the least bit edible.

Kate was thankful for the junk food she'd brought with her.

The conversation around her focused primarily on a party in a place called The Dells. It was an annual tradition for the Spenser students.

According to Kira, everyone would be there.

Kate hoped that everyone included Pogue Parry.

After dinner their little group headed back to the dorms to shower and change. On their way they passed by the student parking lot. It was like the Auto Show. There were plenty of Mercedes, BMWs and Infinities, but there were also Porsches and Corvettes.

A black Hummer raced around the corner, spinning wheels. On its tail was a silver Mustang convertible. The top was down and two guys sat inside; one of them being Pogue.

The Mustang tried to pass the Hummer, but the big black vehicle swerved from side to side keeping the Ford behind it.

Horns honked. Tires squealed.

At one point the driver of the Hummer slammed on the brakes. Red tail lights flashed as the vehicle screeched to a dead stop with the Mustang right on its ass.

Kate thought for sure there was going to be an accident.

She didn't hear an impact; but both drivers got out of their cars seemingly to check for damage.

Pogue stood on the passenger seat and leaned over the windshield. He wore a sleeveless shirt, exposing his muscular biceps.

Even in the distance she could hear him laughing. The butterflies somersaulted on her stomach and she couldn't help smiling at the sound.

A blonde boy slid onto the Mustang's hood and reached down between the vehicles.

"Four inches, Baby!"

"That's bigger than your dick!"

"Blow me!"

There was more laughter and some money exchanged. But the only thing Kate was watching was Pogue.

The sun's fading rays reflected on the metallic surfaces giving him a near glimmering profile.

Perfection never looked so yummy.

I want candy, I want candy


Scratch that.

I want Parry!

If you're reading this for the second (or third) time you may notice that I changed the layout a little based on a rec from SilentKnightInDisguise11 - Thanks for the tip! - Gemma.