The following story is a collab between myself and HarunoRin, and is a series of emails, texts and phonecalls between the core members of SPR staff.

Title : The Death of Communication

Summary : "Deary me, you once again seem to have mixed me up with a fictional holiday character. Last time it was the Easter Bunny." - The awesome correspondence of awesomeness that's almost, but not quite as awesome as an 'I Love Naru' nighty.

Cast List :

HarunoRin ; Mai Taniyama, Lin Kojo, Madoka Mori.
Giggles ; Osamu Yasuhara, Kazuya Shibuya.
More will be added as the story progresses!

From: TaniyamaM

To: YasuharaO

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

Subject: To Yasu-kun

Dear Santa-
This Christmas I was gonna ask for mistletoe but then Naru told me it grew from bird crap. Please either change this now, or make tinsel the new kissing thing.
Love Mai xxx

From: YasuharaO

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: TaniamyaM

Subject: Mai-chan, take your meds.

Dear Mai,

Deary me, you once again seem to have mixed me up with a fictional holiday character. Last time it was the Easter Bunny.
Anyway, shouldn't you be paying attention to you're classes? Naru will not be pleased if you get another C in a history test, especially since he's actually tutoring you now.

Psychology is rather interesting today. Did you know, according to Freud, girls have penis envy? Rest assured though Mai, if you are feeling envious, you can always have a quick hold of mine! Or maybe even Naru's. I'm sure he'll let you.

Love, kisses and chocolate sprinkles,

From: TaniyamaM

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: YasuharaO

Subject: PENIS ENVY?

Well it wouldn't happen half as much if you'd get your darling Bou-san to stop changing the names of everyone in my contacts. I texted Naru a picture of the cute nightie I wanted to ask Keiko's opinion on, and he hasn't spoken to me for three days!
Calm down, this class is fine. I rule at History \(*o*)/ my teacher says a C is good.
Puh-lease, I'd never be jealous of your penis. I hear it's about as impressive as Naru's tea-making. And I won't even go near your other comment, not even sure Naru has a penis.
Isn't your degree Engineering?
Love Mai xxx

From: YasuharaO

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: TaniyamaM

Subject: How come I didn't get a picture of your nightie?


Ah, Bou-san is a fair and free hearted spirit. To try to stifle his creativity is punishable by death in my eyes! Also, Naru-kun is probably just trying to make sure he doesn't get a nose bleed around you. Was the nightie a little silky number? ;)

Mai...C is not that good a grade sweetheart. Your teacher is obviously on crack. Time to find a good rehab clinic for her.

Also, my penis is fantastic! I've never had any complaints ;)
And your right about Naru probably not having one...after all, god probably didn't want Satan to reproduce after the whole Damian thing. It's logical really.

Love and cupcakes,
Yasuhara X

P.S Engineering...oh yeah. I was wondering why my teacher was suddenly female. I just thought it was a lifestyle choice.

From: TaniyamaM

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: YasuharaO

Subject: Because as much as you act like one, you're not my gbf.


Never... EVER attach a picture of your novelty G-strings to messages again! I actually screamed and had to pretend I'd seen a spider! Sensei is not impressed.

Nightie not silky, just kinda custom made with Naru's name in a big pink heart...

Aw man, you serious? I was kinda hoping to come to your university :D that a no-go?

Your penis hasn't had complaints because the last person to see it was your doctor (or Bou-san when he saw you showering and ran away screaming) but can we please move on? All this penis talk is making me giggle and if anyone catches me using class research time to email you I'll get in trouble! .' and then you'll have to cover for me at work cause I have detention! TT_TT

Got any real cupcakes? I'm staaaaaaaaaaaaarving!

Love Mai xxx

From: YasuharaO

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: TaniyamaM

Subject : I'm insulted now. You're MY gbf.

So you didn't like the crockadile thong I bought? Aw shucks I bough it to wear for you! Would you prefer a snake?

Also, regarding your nightie...your really crossing into stalker territory now Mai-chan. If I catch you looking for his used Kleenex, I'm staging an intervention.

Mai, as much as I love you - deeply and eternally, with the fire of 10,000 red hot burning suns - no, you probably couldn't come here. I barely made it here. Although feel free to stay in my dorm room for a few nights ;)

And actually Rukia from down the hall had no complaints last friday. Booyah. But OK no more penis talk for now Mai-chan. Sadly, nope no cupcakes. I'll pick some up on the way to the office today though.

Love and sparkles, Yasuhara Xxx

From: TaniyamaM

Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010

To: YasuharaO

Subject: That's because I'm a GIRL. You're my mbf - male best friend dorkus.


I like raccoons? but don't let them near your balls, I hear they can be vicious! .

I'm not a stalker! I'm an enthusiastic lover! totally different! (-.-)' maybe I'll just hide under a rock until Naru gets amnesia... that happens in real life right? Just like miracles and christmas wishes... Speaking of Christmas! I'm having a party on Christmas eve, you in? At the SPR offices, starting at 8, BYOB! NO MISTLETOE!

I might come over at some point to visit, but you know I'm saving myself for the sexy, dickless Naru. Who doesn't like parties or chocolate. WHAT CAN i GET HIM FOR CHRISTMAS? A nightie with my face on it?

Make the cupcakes those from that shop we went to last weekend, those were amazing :3

Class is almost over, will text you later!

Mai xxx xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox xxx

An that's the first chapter! Yes, it's short, we know, but there will be more! Me and my soul mate (HarunoRin) have up to chapter 5 planned and up to chapter 3 written!

Hope you enjoy! And review!