Hermione looked at Harry with sad eyes. The Potters just got a fourth Owl from Ron. Hermione and Harry were sitting in their small den, a house in muggle London, their son Sirius Potter, on the floor reading a new book.

Hermione threw the unopened letter in the burning fire, "It was from Ron. Again." She sighed sadly "Honey, it's been ten years, we have to answer them. I-I miss Luna, I miss Ginny, I miss Ronald!" she said, her voice shaky, a hand on her round belly. She was six months pregnant with their second son, James.

Harry ran a hand through his messy black hair and looked to Sirius, He was already nine. He knew of magic, but could not grow up around it.

"I know. Sirius is turning eleven in two years, plus I miss Ron, Luna, and Ginny too. I want to know if Luna and Ron admitted their feelings, I want to know how Ginny is too! I miss everything." He said truthfully, putting an arm around his wife.

When Harry defeated lord Voldemort, he was hit with one last spell as the dark lord went down. Hermione, his betrothed, was nearest to him, soon it felt like they were apperating, but they were in muggle London, a curse put on them. They were not to go back for five years, when they tried to get back, the magically appeared back in London. After five years, they were presumed dead ,they never went back. Soon getting letters from Ron. All saying the same thing year after year, month after month:

Come home, I KNOW you are alive. Please. - Ronald Weasely.

Hermione let out a frustrated groan as another owl hit the window. "Look Harry! They have never come this quick! It is usually once a month! Or year! Ten long years of not replying! Something is wrong! I can feel it!" she sat up and started to pull out her wand. "We are leaving for the burrow. Today! This is too much!" she packed their belongings in a suite case and shrank it.

Harry walked over to her and kissed her lips gently. He hugged her tightly and sent her off. He thought of how much he loved Hermione and His son. He can't help but miss Ron, his best mate. Although he may not show it, he misses his best friends.

Harry's eyes looked glossed over, much like Luna's would be naturally. "Yes dear. I know, we will leave today" He called to her as she ran to get Sirius's books.

Sirius looked up from his book "are we moving today? To the place of magic you and mum told me about?" the little boy with brown, messy, hair and piercing green eyes asked, closing his book.

Harry zipped up his black coat and turned to his son. "Yes son we are going to meet Uncle Ron, Aunt Luna, and Aunt Ginny, many others too" he explained, helping Sirius with his coat.

Ron's POV

I wiped my tears as my youngest son, Harry, came into my study. His little eyes looked sleepy and painful.

"Daddy, why isn't my wittle sister crwying?" He asked sadly.

I sighed, ruffling his Red hair, "we are trying to help her get better, remember? She is sick" god this is hard "Hey Buddy, go get Marissa and Arthur, ask Marissa to teach you to play chess, or ask Arthur to show you his wizarding cards?"

He nodded and went out to play with his older siblings. Things are not looking good. I put my quill down and sat up from my old chair, heading out the door. I walk to the nursery, where my wife is.

I open the light pink door to find my beautiful wife's Teary face, looking at my three-week-old daughter. There were no signs of life from the newborn, but that pink bundle was alive. Her little chest slowly, but barley, rising and falling, I can see the patch of red fuzz on top of her head through the blanket.

"Oh, Luna" I whisper as she walks over and places the quiet baby in the white crib. She kisses the premature baby on the cheek and turns around.

Her long blonde hair in a messy ponytail, her face pale, almost ghostly. She looks tired and sad, much older than twenty-nine "Ronald, our baby girl is sick," she sobbed we walked out of the pastel room, still a dreamy tone in her voice.

I pull her in as she sobbed into my chest, my free hand running through her long hair, tears escaping my own eyes. Three weeks ago, my fourth child was born. She was born silent, and premature, we thought it was normal for the first day. How we were terribly wrong. She has an infant illness, a terrible illness. She has not opened her eyes, cried or moved science she was delivered. The nurses told us to take her home, but not to name her, if she were to die, Luna would hurt more. But somehow she is alive, and there is one person I know that can save her. Hermione Granger, or Potter now. Hermione was researching a cure, before she and Harry disappeared. No I am not crazy, I believe they are still alive.

"Shhhh mum, dad, she will be alright." I hear a small voice say.

I open my eyes to my oldest child, nine-year-old daughter, Marissa, calming Luna down, and apparently me too. I notice the tears in her eyes too, god I love her, she has to act so much older then she is. She has my red hair, but her mother's spirit and a love for Quidditch.

Luna lifts her head from my chest, "oh thank you baby." She pulls her into a hug.

Harry, Hermione, where are you? Please come home.

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