Author's note: Again, this is not betaed, so I apologise for the mistakes. I'm extremely nervous about this one. I found it the hardest to write. My other stories seemed to just come out. This one needed a lot of thinking. The drug in this story is not real and Luke is a little out of character but everything is good in the end. I only ever write stories with happy-ending :D Enjoy!

The General Lee came speeding around the corner leaving a trail of dust behind it. Bo and Luke Duke were enjoying their everyday run-in with the law. According to Bo, this was a great day. The sky was clear, the sun was shining and Rosco was behind them, where he should always be. Life was great!

Luke looked behind them. "Bo, are you trying to get caught?"

"Come on, Luke. I'm just having a little fun with Rosco."

"Yeah, you have any more fun and we're going to be eating standing up after Uncle Jesse has to bail us out." Luke said, "Would you just step on it?"

"Aw Luke, you're no fun." Bo complained as he looked behind him to see if Rosco was still following.

"Yeah, sure." Luke gestured to the road in front of them. "Would you just...please?"

Bo grinned. He turned onto a small dirt road and then floored it. Luke braced himself on the dashboard of the General once he saw what was coming up. Bo looked at his side mirror, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Yeeeeehaw!" He called as the General soared through the air and over the creek. They landed on the other side with a loud thud. Bo stopped the car and they both looked behind them. Rosco was airborne but he didn't make the height or the speed required to clear the creek. He landed head first into the bank on the other side. Rosco climbed out of his car and clumsily climbed up the bank of the creek. He shook his fist at the boys.

"Well, he looks fine. Let's go." Luke said. "You'd think he'd learn by now."

Bo giggled and shook his head. He started driving again. "I hope he never does. Driving won't be half as fun without Rosco chasing us!"

"Nah," Luke denied, "We still have Enos!" Both boys laughed at that. They were oblivious to the fact that someone had been watching their every move since they left the farm.

Bo pulled the General Lee into the parking lot of the Boar's Nest. Luke and Bo pulled themselves out of the car and headed into the pub. Bo was bouncing around. Luke shook his head. There was no reason behind Bo's excitement. He was just happy and when Bo's happy he would have a bounce in his step. That was just Bo. Whether he was happy, sad, angry, annoyed or excited, one would always know. Bo wore his heart on his sleeve. Luke on the other hand, was always reserved. He would laugh and smile when he was happy, but it was not so easy to read him if he had something on his mind.

Not long after Bo and Luke entered the Boar's Nest, a light brown Chevy pulled into the lot. A man with dark brown hair and a strong jaw line stepped out of the driver's side. A beautiful blonde with deep, blue eyes stepped out of the other side. She walked over to the man and gave him a long, deep kiss. The man smiled when he pulled back. "Are you ready, darling?"

"As long as you can convince Luke Duke? Those boys will not even know what happened by the time we leave this town." The woman fingered the dust on the car and then brushed it off with a disgusted expression. She had a strong English accent.

"Oh, that won't be a problem. He owes me." The man smiled, no, sneered. They headed into the Boar's Nest.

Bo could be heard giggling about something from where he was sitting in the Boar's Nest. Luke, Bo, and their best friend Cooter Davenport were enjoying what passed as beer, here at that Boss Hogg's bar. "You should've seen him, Cooter." Bo looked like he was in heaven, "It never gets old." It was obvious that Bo was talking about their recent run-in with the local Sheriff.

Cooter shook his head, grinning. "You boys have all the fun." They laughed and talked about nothing in particular when a voice came from behind Luke.

"Well, if it ain't Sergeant Lukas K. Duke." Said the man.

Luke frowned at the use of his title. He turned around. A look of shock came over his face and then he grinned. "Lance Corporal George Livingston?" He grabbed the man's hand and then pulled him into a quick hug. Bo and Cooter looked at each other and just shrugged.

"What brings you to Hazzard?"

"I was just passing through here on my way to Atlanta. Wasn't planning to stop but when I saw the sign for Hazzard County I remembered that was where you were from. Thought I'd try me luck at the local pub." Luke grinned at that.

"You always were the one that knew me best."

Bo cleared his throat and got up from his chair. Cooter followed suit. "You going to introduce us to your friend and his lovely, lady friend or what." Luke turned around as if he just remembered they were there.

"Right, George, this is Bo, my cousin and Cooter Davenport, family friend and local mechanic." Luke made the introductions. George shook each of their hands. He then turned around and put his arm around the woman behind him and gently brought her forward.

"This is my wife, Jenny." George presented.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Jenny said as she shook hands with each of the men. Her gaze lingered on Bo and then on Luke a little longer. "George, Dear. We should have come here sooner. You never told me your friends were so positively handsome."

Luke and Bo grinned. George hugged her from behind. "But sweetheart, I had to wait until we got married first. Luke was always popular with the nurses back in Vietnam . I couldn't risk it." He gave her a kiss on the neck making her giggle.

"So you're Bo. I've heard so much about you. Luke use to tell me all about the trouble the two of you would get into."

"Well, whatever he told you, times it by 10 and that's closer to the truth." Bo laughed. "So you're one of Luke's marine buddies."

"He's more than that, Bo." Luke said as he and George shared a look. "He saved my life."

George smiled. "It was nothing. You would've done the same for me."

"It wasn't nothing." Luke said, "I owe you big time."

"Well, anyone who saves Luke's life is automatically family!" Bo pulled George into a hug. George looked at Luke, eyebrows raised.

Luke just grinned. "He does that a lot." It was what made Bo...Bo.

Bo released him. "Mostly with the women in the county though." Bo laughed, Luke and Cooter rolled their eyes.

"Listen guys, I hate to run, but I have to open shop. It was nice meeting y'all. See you around." Cooter waved and headed out the door.

"Take a seat." Luke said as soon as Cooter left. "How long are you staying?" He asked as George and Jenny pulled up and chair.

"We were only going to stay a night, but now that we've found you." He shrugged and looked at his wife. "Maybe a few days."

"Well, you have to stay with us!" Luke insisted.

"Yeah, you can stay in the guest room." Bo said, "And Uncle Jesse and Daisy wouldn't mind at all. Uncle Jesse is the best cook in the county." The side door of the Boar's Nest opened, "Speaking of Daisy. Hey Daisy, come over here."

Daisy smiled and walked up to their table. "Howdy folks."

"George, Jenny, this is our cousin, Daisy."

Daisy shook their hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Daisy." Jenny said, "Tell me, are all members of your family this beautiful?"

Daisy laughed, "Not as beautiful as your accent. Are you from England?" Daisy always was a sucker for the English, men or women.

"London, to be exact. I came here about a year ago. I met George and decided to stay." She gave her husband a kiss.

"They'll be staying with us." Bo grinned.

"Great!" Daisy was excited, she liked the sound of having more people in the house. "I have to get back to work, but I'll see y'all back at the farm."

The group talked about what they could be doing in the next few day. Bo looked at Luke as the chatter continued. Luke was different with this man. He was more relaxed. This man was obviously someone Luke trusted. Bo remembered something they were supposed to do when they met up with Cooter.

"Hey Luke! We were supposed to ask Cooter to check the suspensions on the General."

"The General?" George queried.

"That's our car." Luke said, "And I, plum, forgot about that. We better go." Luke stood up.

Bo gestured him to sit back down, "Nah, I'll take the General. You stay here and catch up with George. You can catch a ride with George and Jenny back to the farm."

"If that's okay with them."

"Of course!" George said, "we have a lot to talk about."

"Great! See y'all back at the farm." He ran out the door, while the other continued their conversation.

Outside, Bo was about to jump into the General when he looked to his left and saw a map of Hazzard on the passenger seat of a brown Chevy. He looked around and then reached in. He wasn't sure what made him do it but he didn't think it could hurt. He opened it up and saw that a few places were marked out on the map. Bo shrugged. Whoever owned this car was planning to visit some weird places. He folded it back up and placed it back in the car. He jumped into the General and headed off.