Phoebe and Cole lay on Phoebe's bed, Phoebe sound asleep. Morning light shone into her bedroom window and she opened her eyes to see Cole, staring into her eyes and smiling. She knew how she looked in the morning, so her immediate response was,

"How long have you been staring at me like that?"

Cole leaned in and softly kissed her forehead. "Long enough," his arm was wrapped around the small of her back and he pushed his knee between her legs. He loved that feeling. It somewhat turned him on.

"Your beautiful," he smiled wider, and kissed her soft lips. He made her so happy.

Phoebe wrapped her arm around his neck and groaned. "I have to go to work now," she said, just above a whisper.

Cole held her tighter. "Nooo." He whined. "Don't leave me. Stay with me here. Just lay here all day with me,"

"Oh, I wish," Phoebe rolled herself out of bed after giving Cole a kiss on the forehead.

She waltzed over to her vanity, where a picture of her and Cole at the beach was propped next to a vase of flowers that he once sent to her at work.

It really couldn't get better than this, Phoebe thought. Cole is perfect, he's controlling his demonic powers better, everything is fine, I love him so much. I wake up with a smile on my face every day.

After getting dressed, Phoebe went downstairs to see Piper making coffee while Prue sat and read the newspaper, a mug of coffee in one hand.

"Good morning my beautiful sisters!" Phoebe went up to Piper, grabbed her face and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, somebody's in a chipper mood today!" Piper said.

"Somebody was up all night with her boyfriend," Prue mumbled, continuing to read the paper.

"Oh hush. All we did was talk. It was really nice." Phoebe tried to convince her sisters.

Prue smiled, showing she only somewhat believed Phoebe, but regardless, she said, "And I am so very happy for you baby girl,"

"Thank you," Phoebe smiled wide, even though she knew Prue still didn't completely trust Cole. "Okay, I gotta go. See you guys later," Phoebe strutted out the door and into her car.

As she walked into The Bay Mirror, Phoebe's smile radiated, which as usual, put everyone else in a better mood. Her dirty blonde hair was shining and half pulled back, and her white blouse and skinny jeans just about showed off her perfect figure, without showing too much.

She sat at her desk, and almost immediately her door flew open, it was her boss Elise.

"Phoebe," she said, her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

"What did I do this time?" Phoebe responded.

"Nothing! What made you think I was going to slam you? This is good stuff!" she was holding papers in her hand, last weeks advice from Ask Phoebe. "Keep up the good work, kid," and she turned around and left.

"Well that was unexpected," Phoebe said to herself. Cole in her life had suddenly made every aspect of her life perfect. She was happy all the time, smiling, and now her advice was even getting better.

Her work phone rang, and she answered to hear Prue on the other end.

"Hey Pheebs, how's work?" Prue said, sounding much happier than this morning.

"Oh, works good, I'm good. What's up?"

"I just wanted to know if you were going to be working late. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Phoebe said in a high pitched voice. "What kind of surprise?"

"Well, it's not really a surprise. You might need to have some time getting used to it. But I'm so excited."

"Oh sweetie," Phoebe sighed. "If it makes you happy, then I'm happy. You know that,"

They hung up, and Phoebe got back to work. She looked at the clock and time was just flying by. She had gotten through so many letters and answered them confidently, Cole had called to check up, and it was almost time to go home. Phoebe typed away on her computer as she heard another knock on her door.

"Come in!" she yelled.

The door opened to Eric, a mid thirties womanizer who worked in the editing department. He had tried a number of times to get Phoebe's number, constantly hitting on her and bothering her.

Phoebe sighed. "Hi, Eric. Did you need something?" she didn't even look up from her computer.

"Just need to use your copying machine. That alright sweetheart?" his dirty blonde hair was gelled back and his blue buttoned shirt was tucked into his pants.

"Go ahead," Phoebe said.

He was clearly trying to get her to talk to him, but she remained focused on her work.

Finally he turned his head to her and grinned. "Your lookin' nice today," he winked at her.

Phoebe tried to be polite. "Thanks, Eric. How many copies did you need to make?" she said, with raised eyebrows.

"The only thing I'd like to make copies of is your pretty face,"

Phoebe decided to ignore him, and let the pig make copies of whatever he needed. She was done trying to play nice.

He slowly walked over to her and leaned over her desk. "Damn, I love it when you wear those tight jeans," he was smiling that charming smile that usually would win over any other girl. "You look sexy as hell,"

Phoebe couldn't help but chuckle. "Get outta here, Eric."

"Not without your number, babe. Come one, one date. Spend one night with me and see how you like it,"

"Eric. As I've told you, I'm with the best, most caring man ever. He makes me so happy, I love him to death. Sorry." She was speaking the truth.

He leaned in closer, his face nearly brushing up against her cheek. "Are you sure? We don't have to tell your man, he doesn't have to know." He stroked his fingers in strands of her hair. "What do you say? Just me and you and a king size mattress."

Phoebe was appalled he would even suggest that.

"You're crazy. I would never do that. I love Cole more than anything in this world." Phoebe stood up and grabbed her bag. "And I have to go now, so I'll see you later."

Phoebe had to repeatedly had to tell herself, "he hasn't experienced love so its okay, that's why he's such a pig,"

As she drove home, Phoebe couldn't help but to think about it more. Cole had known that Eric liked to tease Phoebe, but he thought it had stopped a long time ago. But Phoebe wouldn't dare tell him something that would upset him, or worse, turn him into Belthazor. Cole turned into Balthazor when he was really mad, and he hadn't don it in a while so Phoebe was happy. She decided to let it go. And telling anyone else at work would just ruin things at work.

And the last time she tried to tell on someone for being forward with her, it turned into a huge fight and resulted in moving to New York. Prue's old fiancé Roger, wasn't too different from Eric. He was always sending her flowers and hitting on her, but when she tried to tell Prue, she found out Roger had already told her that Phoebe was the one trying to come on to Roger. That just turned into a mess. Cole knew about Roger, but as long as him and Prue weren't together anymore, it was okay.

She pulled into the Halliwell driveway, and spotted an old Black Mercedes Benz in the driveway.

Speak of the Devil, Phoebe thought. "It couldn't be his. They broke up forever ago."

She nervously walked up the front porch stairs into the house. She heard laughing, one was Prue's voice, one was Pipers and one-was Roger himself.

Phoebe walked into the living room to see Prue and Piper sitting near a tall man with dark hair.

"Phoebe!" Prue exclaimed. "Oh I didn't even hear you come in! Come here, I need to talk to you."

They went into the kitchen, Prue holding Phoebe's arm.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Phoebe snapped.

"Phoebe, relax. Let me explain." Prue said. "I know you two had some rough patches but I've been talking to him over the phone for about a month now and we decided it's the right time to get back together. All that crap happened so long ago."

Phoebe's perfect world had come crashing down. "Where's Cole?"

"I don't know sweetie. He shimmered out somewhere, he should be back soon. Are you mad at me?" Prue had puppy dog eyes.

"Does he make you happy? Phoebe said, trying not to sound completely miserable.

Prue smiled. "Yes. A lot."

Phoebe hugger her sister. "Then I'm happy, too."

Prue was ecstatic. "Really? You're the best sister I love you so much. Come on, you haven't said hello yet." She dragged Phoebe into the living room, where Roger stood up and reached out his hand.

"Hello Phoebe," that evil voice of his rang in Phoebe's ears. "Long time no see."

She reached out to shake his hand and sighed. "Hi Roger,"