Right: Greetings, folks! My name is Right. As in I'm Right. My partner on this joint account is Left. As in she's Left. This is going to be the first of our joint fanfics that we will be publishing through this account both out of the sake of our equal adoration of everything Hetalia and … being sadistic little authors. This story is intense, and only the beginning of a huge arc of stories, but I hope you all get as much enjoyment out of them as we do ;-)
I now turn this over to LEFT.

Left: WHY THANK YOU, RIGHT. Being Left makes me that more awesome, lemme tell you. But that doesn't matter at the moment. What DOES matter is what you're about to read. This first part is written by yours truly, and it's just the beginning. Prologue, if you will. So basically what I'm saying is that it probably won't make any sense at all. NO WORRIES! The next part is written by Right, and you'll almost totally forget about this part until it's important because Right's handiwork is awesome like that.
SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU here is the prologue to our AU, which we have dubbed, "State of Mind".

Characters: Oh, boy. N. & S. Italy, Germany, Japan, America, England, France, Russia, China, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Greece, Monaco, Turkey, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Egypt, Seychelles, Canada, Cuba, Sealand, Seborga, Wy, Australia, Prussia, Ireland, N. Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Vatican City, OC!N. Korea, Tibet, Thailand, Vietnam, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Bostwanna, Congo, OC!Mexico, OC!New Zealand, OC!American States, OC!South Africa, OC!Israel, OC!India, OC!Philippines (More to be revealed)
Austria/Hungary, one-sided!Prussia/Hungary, mentions of OC!Israel/America and Vietnam/America
Rating: PG-13, will be M in later chapters
Warnings: Language, future violence, terrible stereotyping (particularly between American states), internet terrorism
Disclaimer: We own nothing and pretend to own nothing.

We've all been living beneath a veil of wool. For as long as there have been land owned by humans, we have been lied to. Maybe from even before! Now, I know what you're thinking: such a complicated lie, so deep and ancient, surely we'd know about it now, right?

Wrong. Very wrong.

The proof of what I'm about to tell you can be found scattered throughout history. In fact, if you were to even bother squinting at history books, the truth would be so blindingly obvious, you'd wonder how you lived so long without knowing it without someone, somewhere, figuring it out.

True, there has been some few – like me, for example.

The others, the ones who truly know, normally are in on the deceit as well. They have been sworn into secrecy, a life-time condition of the disease zipper-lipped. Those with deep pockets have their silence bought - I'm here to tell you that MY silence can NOT be bought!

That wall of text above this is an exert from my very first note I sent to all of you. Since then you've all found out the truth about our nations, our countries, our provinces, hell, even our states.

And, just like me, you've been angry. Angry about the silence, angry about the secrets! The whole world practically owned by human embodiments! What are governments for then? Why do we even have presidents, prime ministers, people who control large bodies of land?

Why have any kind of leadership at all when you have living, breathing nations running around?

Obviously I can't answer these questions – although you might be able to, I'm not sure. I'm not arrogant enough to believe I understand these kinds of things. I did, however, offer an alternative to vent these frustrations, and I sent you a list.

A list of the people – if they can be called as such – that are the actual countries personified in living, breathing, human bodies. To their names was a price. Some people have called them bounties – I have not denied the similarities, but hope you see past this for what it really is:

A very simple Game.

A Game which, my friends, my allies, my fighters of arms, has of January 1st, 2011, begun.

Happy Hunting – I will be keeping score.


The Man at the End of the Tunnel.

Please Review~