Okay men...and women. This is it. The big one. The one we've all been waiting for. This is the best team Gryffindor's had in years. We're going to win. I know it.

PSYCHE! This is an Alex Rider fanfic! Not a Harry Potter one! xD In that case, here's the final installment. The not-so-epic conclusion. We've reached the end of the line. Everyone get OFF!

I hope you like it. If you do, tell me. If you don't like it, I don't really want to hear it. x . x

Grizzle's Perspective

Life is astonishing. It's as simple as that. With a single conversation, Alex Rider had completely flipped my entire perception of him around. Okay, that's not necessarily true. I make a point of being honest with myself, and honestly...that wasn't right. Okay, with one conversation Alex Rider had thrown my thoughts into a tizzy.

I really didn't know what to think. Was he a "good guy" or a "bad guy"? Was there anything I could do about it? Was there anything I wanted to do about it?

Live in your ignorance. You stay out of my hair and you pray that I don't get in yours. If you keep digging, you won't like what you find. And if you do end up finding something...you cannot say that I didn't warn you.

It could only be interpreted that I should bug out of his life. He actually said he was throwing me a bone. Maybe I should take it and run with it.

My thoughts were interrupted by the first students funneling into my classroom. They still had their post-lunch exuberance and all looked completely oblivious to my inner musings.

I contemplated the state of things for the following minutes while I waited for the rest of the class to meander in. As the noise level rose, I closed my eyes and pinched the top of my nose. Great, I was developing a headache.

Thinking of Alex working for the government at the mere age of 14...it was absurd. And yet, it made sense. He distinctly recalled Alex being infinitely more mature than anyone else in the class. The extended absences (continued to this day), the mysterious illnesses, the super-secret phone calls...it all added up to something.

About to groan in utter frustration, I opened my eyes and, like a moth drawn to the flame, my eyes zeroed in on Cassie as she walked through the door. We stared at each other until, miraculously, she backed down. Stunned, I gaped for a few seconds before shaking myself out of it as the bell signaled the beginning of class.

I opened up the powerpoint and began my lecture as I heard a knock on the door. Frowning at the thought that this was how it all began, I stated a solid "enter."

The entire class waited with bated breath to see who was going to come through the door. It slowly opened and Mrs. Campbell, the office assistant, stuck her head through the crack.

"Pardon the interruption, Mr. Grizzle. Sam Rubenstein has a doctor's appointment. His mother is here to pick him up."

The class started snickering as everyone looked to me, expectantly. "Oh, of course, Mrs. Campbell. Sam, if you will, homework is on the board. It's straight out of your book."

As Sam gathered his books, Mrs. Campbell left the room, her message delivered.

Administrator gone, the classroom got a bit antsy and out of control.

"Have fun with your mom, Rubenstein," one of the students whispered from the back row.

"We hope to see you tomorrow," I raised my voice slightly to speak over the taunts.

"Don't pull an Alex Rider on us now."

My head whipped around so quickly that I didn't even notice I wasn't the only person to do so. I immediately spotted Ian McPhearson in the back corner, sniggering at his remark.

Gathering myself up, I made a split second decision. "McPhearson. I don't want to hear any more comments this year about Mr. Alex Rider. In fact, the next person that brings his name up in my class in any derogatory way will receive a detention. Is this understood?"

The class stared at me blankly.

"I asked if this was understood."

Waves of "Yes sir," and "sure" flushed over me in a bittersweet cacophony of teenage murmurs.

I nodded shortly and went back to my desk to begin the lecture.

As the bell rang signaling the end of the period, the hoard ran to the door. Cassie moved a bit slower, leisurely winding her way to the door with her small group of friends. As she passed my desk, we made eye contact once again. I graced her with a small nod of acceptance.

After a second, she politely nodded back.

And with that mutual respect understood...life went on.

So yeah, it's short. It's an epilogue. It's supposed to be short. Sheesh! Rabid reviewers...always wanting MORE!

There is no more. It's over... Go home!

Hope you enjoyed it. Please review so I can hear your thoughts! :) Signing off,
