Chapter 24 Teaser: Melt into Wonder


It couldn't be…the sun was already beating down the slats of the blinds when I opened my eyes. Sleep hadn't been in my vocabulary for a very long time. I rolled on the bed to check the time, and was shocked to see it was ten in the morning.

When was the last time I had overslept? I couldn't even remember. Gathering the sheets to cover my body, I got out of bed and smiled to myself. Yeah…in Edward's arms, I slept like a baby and it had been a blissful month since we got together.

I felt a blush spreading across my cheeks as thoughts of how happy and easy-going our relationship had been. Not to mention, how good the other aspects were. After each night of work, he walks me back in my apartment and either stays for the night, or oftentimes, leaves after I've fallen asleep.

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