A/N: Ah. At long last, the final chapter of this story has come. If you've reviewed at all throughout this, thank you. If you haven't reviewed yet, I would really appreciate you reviewing this last chapter, just so I know you were reading it. Thank you also for all the alerts and faves, it makes me so happy! And now, without further ado, the finale.

Chapter 25 - Knew It (Posted 15 August 2011)

"What?" Drake asked, wondering what his mother meant. "Do we have a visitor or something?"

"Sort of. It's someone who hasn't seen us in a really long time." she answered.

"Oh?" Josh was curious as well.

"Yeah. She's waiting for you in her room if you'd like to go see her." Audrey said, hoping they got the hint.

Drake met her eyes. "She?"

"You got it."

Drake felt a hand on his back, as Josh too must have understood what Audrey meant. "You don't mean..."

"Would you just go see her! She's been waiting for you."

Drake took off before his mother even finished her sentence, with Josh close behind him. He stumbled quickly down the hallway until he came to Megan's door, which he promptly threw open and lunged inside. He looked around, a little disoriented, until his eyes finally settled on his sister. Sitting up. With here eyes wide open and an excited smile spread across her face. "Megan." he choked as he rushed over to hug her, careful not to disturb any of the wires she was still hooked up to.

"Hi Drake." she said, hugging him tightly.

"Oh my God. You're awake. You're really awake."

"You didn't really think I'd let a stupid coma beat me, did you?" she joked.

"Of course not," he said, glad that she wasn't being all sad and gloomy about it. "I knew you'd pull through. I knew it."

She pulled out of the hug, but let her brother keep his hands on her shoulders. "Thanks."

"Are you kidding? There was no way I was giving up on you."

"Drake, you're an amazing brother." she said. "You too, Josh." she yelled, knowing Josh was standing just outside the room, not wanting to intrude on them. "Mom told me what you guys did for me. Everything you've done... Paying my bills. Bringing me here. Taking care of Nate." Her voice broke and she started crying.

"Oh, Megs." Josh said, sitting on the side of her bed. "We would have done anything for you. You know that."

"Yeah." she said through her tears. "I know. But I still... it's so overwhelming, you know? I mean... I woke up just a few hours after you guys left. At first... I had a little bit of post-traumatic amnesia. It only lasted the first night. They told me I'd been in a coma and kept me awake, you know, because they didn't want me to go back to sleep until they could run some tests. And by the time the first one was done I remembered who I was and everything. And the last memory I had was being... hit. And then I was told that I'd been out for over a year. A whole year! A whole year of school that I can't get back. A whole year of my child's life that I missed. It just didn't feel like that much time had passed. And then, well after all the tests were done and everything, they finally brought Nate in. And I got to hold him for the first time in over a year and I felt it. He's bigger and heavier and he speaks better and... I could feel that year go by. But... then the doctors gave me and Mom some time along. And she told me all that had happened. And it's still so sad and I hate that I missed it... but I'm so happy. I'm just happy to be alive and happy that you two are together and that my son is healthy and our mom is here with us and I just... I'm sad but I don't feel sad."

"I know what you mean." Drake said. "I felt like that when I went through it. I know mine didn't last as long as yours, but I know how you're feeling. And I'm feeling it again right now. I'm sad that this happened to you but finally knowing that you're okay outweighs everything else. Megan, I did my best to be a good brother and sort-of father to you, but I still feel like I haven't told you enough just how much you mean to me. You were there for me when... when things took a turn for the worst. And you were there for me every time after that too. And I mean... I could have done a better job. I know that. But I think you helped me grow up a little too. If I would have come here on my own, I don't think I'd be as happy as I am now."

"Don't you have anything to say?" Megan teased Josh.

"I'm so relieved to see you awake." Josh said. "You know I still love you like my sister. I was praying everyday that you'd be alright."

Megan nodded. "Thank you so much. Both of you. Drake, I know how hard you worked to take care of me. And Josh, I know you've been paying my medical bills. And I want you to know that I'm going to pay you back-"

Josh cupped his hand over Megan's lips. "Don't even think about it, Megan." he warned jokingly. "I don't want you to pay me back. I won't accept a single cent. This is what family is for. I have plenty of money, Megs. That's not what matters to me. All that matters is that I'm able to support you and Drake and Nate and Mom and as long as I'm doing that, I'm happy. And of course we'll still help you out with anything you need."

"You guys really are the best."

"We know." Drake laughed. "So, when can you get up and start living like a normal person again?"

"Well, they still have me hooked up to an IV because I can't eat a lot since I haven't in so long. But I'm gradually gaining strength and should be off it in a few weeks." she answered.

"That's good." Josh said happily.

"Oh," she suddenly remembered, "happy anniversary by the way." she said with a wink. "I watched your wedding video yesterday. Thanks for recording it for me. You guys looked so handsome in your suits. And of course my little man was adorable as the ring bearer. Anyway, have you had awesome anniversary sex yet?"

"Megan!" Josh yelled, embarrassed.

Drake was used to it. "All weekend." he answered proudly.

She laughed. "Good. So which one of you is-"

"Uh-uh." Josh shook his head. "There's no way I'm talking about that with my sister-in-law."

"Aw, why not?"

"Because. It's private." Josh crossed his arms and looked away, blushing.

Then there was a knock on the door. "Ah, Mr. and Mr. Nichols-Parker, welcome back." It was one of the regular doctors scheduled to take care of Megan. "I assume Megan has filled you in on the details?"

The boys nodded.

"Wonderful." he smiled. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with you out in the hall."

"Ok." Drake said. "Will you be alright alone for a minute, Megan?"


So the boys followed the doctor into the hall and closed the door behind them.

"Please," Drake started, "if it's bad news, just tell me now and get it over with."

"I assure you, this is the exact opposite of bad news." the doctor. informed them. "Your sister has amazing strength for a coma patient. And quite frankly, although I commend you for refusing to give up on her, there were times when I myself wondered if she would ever pull through. But she did and I am overjoyed with her success."

"Is that all you wanted to tell us?" Josh asked.

"Mostly. I also wanted to inform you that she can't really walk yet, her lower body strength needs to be built up some. So start out slow; have her stand for a minute or so before walking her around the room until he feels discomfort. As time goes by, she can start walking around the house. I would avoid going out until most of her strength returns. And she may need support once in a while, simply leaning on someone or just being held so she can get her balance."

"That's fine." Drake said.

"Now the other thing I wanted to discuss with you doesn't have anything to do with your sister." the doctor said.

"Well what is it then?" Josh wondered curiously.

"You know that I am a private doctor but I also volunteer at clinics and hospitals occasionally. One of the clinics I work for specializes in teen pregnancy. We have a girl in there, she's seventeen, and she's about five months along. She's very healthy and, aside from making a few poor decisions, she's a good kid. And she's decided she is unable to keep the child. Now I know you two have been talking about adopting for a while now, and I suggested to her that she meet you and she agreed."

"She wants to meet us?" Drake asked.

"If you're interested, of course."

"Um..." Drake smiled and turned to look at his husband. "What do you say, Josh?"

"Well, we did agree that we're ready..." Josh said happily.

"We'd love to meet her, Dr." Drake said excitedly.

"Great." the doctor smiled charmingly. "I'll let her know this week and be in contact with you soon."

"Thank you so much." Josh said.


It was just past midnight and Drake still couldn't sleep. "Josh?" he said, turning his head to look at the man laying next to him. "Joshie, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Josh yawned. He turned on his side and laid an arm over Drake's stomach in comfort. "What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep."

"Neither can I."

"Megan's awake."

"I know."

"And we're gonna be fathers."

"Maybe." Josh clarified.

"Still." Drake said happily. "I'm too excited to sleep."

"Excited, eh?" Josh said as he moved a sleepy arm further down Drake's body.

Drake slapped his hand playfully. "You know what I mean." Suddenly he felt something warm on his cheek, and recognized it as Josh's soft lips.

"I do. And I think this calls for a celebration." He moved his lips from Drake's cheek to his mouth and caught him in a passionate kiss. Taking Drake's deep moan as a green light, he climbed on top of him. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too. I hope you know that."

"Of course I know it." Josh insisted.

"Hey, Josh. Do you ever look back and wonder if, somehow, we kind of always knew we'd end up together."

"Sometimes." Josh admitted. "But then other times I wonder where we would be now if we weren't together. I used to think about my future a lot. And I'd picture it and thought about what it would be like. And I look back now and I know I never thought it'd be us, but I'm so glad it is."