"Oh, Oh yes! More! That feels so good. Right there. Yeah, that's it. Oh. Harder! – oh yes, keep doing that. Oh God, that feels so good. Oh!"

Daniel stopped outside of Sam's door, his ears a little pink. He couldn't help but overhear the sounds coming from inside. He was surprised, actually. Jack and Sam were usually pretty careful about behaving totally professionally while at work. Since they'd been given the okay for their relationship they had decided that it was important to behave within strict military protocol while on base – at home was, of course, a different matter.

"Jack, that feels so good!"

He was just about to leave when he accidentally tripped and hit the door. The sounds inside stopped and a second later the door opened.

"Daniel! Whatcha doing out there? Come on in."

"Uh, I didn't want to disturb you", he said, looking panicked.

"You're not disturbing us", O'Neill answered as he turned back into the room. Daniel followed cautiously only to see Sam leaning over her worktable. Jack stepped up behind her and resumed with his … back rub! Oh thank God! Daniel breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"Hi Daniel", chirped Sam. "My back is killing me so I conned the General into giving me a rub."

"Yeah, she promised I could have her share of the left-over cake if I did! So Dr. Jackson, what're you up to?"

"Oh, I just wanted to show you guys something really interesting I found in a old book." He held up the dusty tome. "Petrillo and his team brought this back from P4S 3ZY last week and I just had a look at it." He handed it to Jack.

Things had changed over the last few months at the SGC. Hammond had been promoted to head up Homeworld Security and Jack – Jack! – had been promoted to Brigadier General and now ran the place. They had all been surprised, no one more so than O'Neill himself. But it turned out he was doing a fantastic job. He was a bit more unorthodox than Hammond had been, but with Walter making sure that the right forms were signed and reports to the Pentagon in on time, things were running smoothly. And there was no doubt that he had the trust and loyalty of the men and women under his command.

Fortunately too, things had quieted down in the galaxy. The Goa'uld were in disarray and the Asgard had finally contacted them after months of silence. They were still having problems with the replicators and had asked for Carter's help in designing some kind of weapon to eradicate them. Now that she wasn't going off world she was able to concentrate fully on the matter.

As for Sam herself – well, she was feeling huge and ungainly and her back killed her; hence the bribery to get her husband, and the Base CO, to give her a personal backrub! She was eight months along and had had an uneventful pregnancy but she was ready to have the baby already! She was tired.

They didn't know the sex of the baby, having decided they wanted it to be a surprise. And the fact was, they really didn't care. Either a boy or girl was just fine with them. They were both thrilled to be together and to be having a child.

Jack was still scared, and at times felt himself begin to panic but, for the most part, he was excited. He and Sam spent a lot of time planning and dreaming. He'd fixed his place up to make it more family friendly (going through everything and child proofing it). Sam had also spent time bringing in some more feminine touches. She'd been cautious at first, not wanting to overload Jack and make him feel like he was having his life taken over by someone.

In reality, he didn't mind at all. He'd been married so was totally used to the pillows and knick-knacks that women seemed to love. Sam made sure that he had a 'man space' that was just his own. It had his collection of Simpsons DVD's, a television, his CD player, his books and comics and, of course, pictures of Charlie, SG1 and now, a big picture of Sam and him. Sam had at first referred to the room as his 'man cave' but he shook his head – the 'cave' was their bedroom and it belonged to both of them, he said. He had no interest in a cave of his own. "I had that for a lot of years Carter –now I've got you so we'll share the cave together!"

He enjoyed spending time with her fixing up the nursery, although they planned to have the baby stay with them when it was little. They figured by the time number two came they'd move number one into the nursery. Still, it was a place to store all the baby's things as well as a place to sit quietly, in the rocking chair, with their son or daughter.

It was when he thought about times like that that he rejoiced in his new life. He remembered being able to hold Charlie when he was tiny, rocking him gently. It was a bittersweet memory but one which he was able to cherish. He now looked forward to doing the same with the child he and Sam had created together.

He did miss going off world, there was no doubt about it. A new SG1 had been formed with Reynolds in the lead. The poor man was learning how to deal with Teal'c, which wasn't too hard, and Daniel Jackson, which was.

"How did you do it all those years Jack?" Reynolds asked him one evening when they went for a beer together. "I feel like I spend my entire time keeping an eye on him so he doesn't wander off and end up getting killed!"

Jack laughed. "Yeah, it's a skill. Just get the rest of your team to help out. The other thing to remember is that Jackson is pretty good at looking after himself. Don't let that Geekish exterior fool you. He's learned a lot over the years and is a damn fine soldier under that scholarly façade. He's a good man to have along Reynolds, you'll see. He's saved my ass on more occasions than I'd like to remember."

Reynolds sighed and lifted his glass in a cheer. "Good to know. I just hope I survive him is all!"

Sam had decided to take a few months off after the baby was born – combining her mat leave with all her accumulated time off. She had almost decided to retire herself but Jack had talked her out of it.

"You'll go stir crazy Sam, with nothing but diapers and the Mommy brigade." She'd finally agreed, but only under the condition that she could go back half time. While her kids were young she wanted to be able to spend time with them. He'd agreed, happy that she could have both.

So now they were just waiting for the big day – at least the big day of the birth. The other big day, their wedding, had been held back. Sam had decided she really wanted her father to be present but as yet they hadn't heard anything from him.

Jack was worried that something was wrong, but sporadic reports from the Tokra assured him that Jacob was simply undercover on an important, albeit long, mission. O'Neill kind of expected that Jacob had had gone on the mission intentionally. Knowing the man he figured it was his way of backing down from his threat to tell General Hammond, without coming right out and saying he was wrong. He could use the excuse of a long mission to explain why he hadn't carried through on his threat.

On the other hand, thought Jack, it also showed he wasn't ready to forgive, or to apologize. He clearly still had a bee up his butt about the whole thing. Jack was seriously angry with the man and was ready to kick him from here to Othalla – if he could find him. Sam had fretted and worried constantly about her father. In fact, it was the only thing to mar their time together.

All of these thoughts flitted quickly through his mind but he finally came back to the present to see Daniel looking at him quizzically. He realized he still had the book in his hand.

"Oh, sorry. Just thinkin' about some important General stuff", he said to cover his distraction.

"Important General stuff?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, I have to deal with a lot of … stuff now that I'm the man." Holding up the book he quickly changed the subject. "So what is this?"

"I told you, it's a book that SG5 brought back from their last mission."

"I know that. I'm asking what's important about it – other than the fact that it could use a good dusting!"

"Open it up Jack."

With a huff the General did just that. Skimming through it he saw lots of foreign words and pictures. He had no idea what it was about."

"Okay so?"

"It's a book about the four races Jack."

"The four ..?"

"You know, the alliance of the four races: the Asgard, the Nox, the Ancients and the Furlings."

"Yeah, okay, I get that. So what does it mean – or what does it say?"

"It actually tells something about each race and their part in the alliance. I haven't been able to read too much yet but it looks fascinating and could give us incredible knowledge about the history of the galaxy."

"Sounds good Danny. Why don't you go translate it and then let me know when you have more details?"

"I will Jack, there was just something I thought both of you should see first. Here", he looked through the book for a moment until he found the correct page and handed it to Jack. Sam was looking over his shoulder by this time.

"What is it?" Jack asked, and then glanced down. As soon as he saw what was on the page he froze. "Oh my God Daniel. Look at this." He held the book out so Sam could see clearly. They were looking at a picture of the Chewi! It was there, exactly as he'd remembered it. It almost looked as if the animal were staring right back at him, off the page.

"It's a Furling Jack."

"What?" Jack looked up in shock.

"That's what the text says. This is a picture of a Furling." He took the book back and began to read. "It says here that the Furlings were an intelligent and highly ethical race who felt it was their job to look after weaker races throughout the galaxy. They tended to go to new civilizations and act as 'protector' until such time as the people were able to fend for themselves. They actually didn't look like this in reality. In fact, the book seems to say that they didn't really have 'corporeal' bodies but that they could choose whichever shape they thought most appropriate. With primitive cultures they often chose the body of a wild and fearsome beast such as the Chewi" he held the picture up, "even though they were highly intelligent." Daniel looked up at the faces of the two people in front of him. They both looked shocked.

"So, you're telling us that the Chewi – or rather a Furling – was protecting the cave people? Why did he attack Jack then?" Sam asked.

"Well, he probably thought you were coming to hurt them. It was only after he – or they - realized that you weren't the enemy, but rather wanted to help protect the tribe, that they knew you weren't a threat. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they figured out you were going to help change that society. They – or it – certainly helped get rid of the Goa'uld."

"Yeah. But we killed one. You would have thought they would have been angry at that."

"Well, maybe they realized it was just self-defense? Or, since they weren't really corporeal beings maybe you didn't actually kill the Furling. Maybe you just killed its 'husk' – the body it was using."

"Yeah, that's a possibility Sir. I don't know about you but I always kind of got the feeling we were dealing with the same 'being' every time."

"Mmmm hmmm. I felt that way too." Jack shook his head. "So, we just met the Furlings. Why didn't they reveal themselves?"

"I don't think they worked that way. Or maybe they didn't know who you were. It was 10,000 years ago so they would have had no idea that humans from earth had advanced enough to communicate with them. As far as they knew, we were just a bunch of cave men ourselves."

"Cool" said Jack. Next time Thor is here we'll have to ask him about Chewi and the Furlings." He stopped and then grinned. "See, I told you Danny, I knew they'd be 'fluffy'!"

"Fluffy? I wouldn't exactly call a saber tooth 'fluffy' General", answered Sam. "Furry maybe", she grinned.

"That wasn't what they looked like in real life anyway Jack!" Daniel groaned. "For all we know they look like lizards."

"No way! Something that calls itself a Furling has got to be cute and cuddly. I refuse to believe it looks like a lizard!"

"Well, maybe. I'll find out more as I read the rest of the book and you can find out more from Thor." He started to walk towards the door. "Uh, continue with the back rub guys, but I might just make one suggestion."

"What is it Daniel?" Jack asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Just watch the groaning. I thought something else was going on in here!" With that, and a smirk on his face, he left.

"Oh God Jack. He thought we were …"

"Yeah!" Jack looked rather pleased at that.

"General!" she screeched as he grabbed her. "We're on base!"

"I know, I know", he said regretfully, backing away. He had to get back to work anyway; he had a meeting in just a few minutes with the Commander in charge of Norad, upstairs. They had monthly meetings to discuss things like security – and utilities! He started to head towards the door. "There's always later!" he leered.

"Unfortunately", she sighed, pointing to her belly.

"Don't worry Carter. No one has ever accused me of not being able to think up audacious and unorthodox solutions to obstacles in my way. In fact, if there's anything I'm good at ….!"

"Yes Sir, that you are!" With a smirk he exited, leaving a grinning Samantha Carter-O'Neill behind.


Jacob Carter hesitated just before pressing the central control on the DHD. He knew it was past time he'd visited the SGC – and his daughter – but, he was a coward. Oh, he really had been on an undercover mission that had lasted longer than he thought it would. But, he really didn't need to have volunteered to go in the first place. There were many others who would have jumped at the chance. Instead, he'd used it as a way of getting away from his thoughts and anger over what had happened with Sam – and O'Neill.

Oh well, it hadn't exactly been 'getting away'. He'd spent the last five months having to listen to daily lectures from Selmac who continually told him he was a fool. He was into the third month of the mission before he'd finally started to agree. He was missing Sam and realized what it would be like to lose her completely. He didn't think he could bear that.

"I just don't want to see her flush her career down the toilet Selmac", he argued. Fortunately the symbiote understood Jacob's more 'earth-bound' references.

"Do you not think it is her decision Jacob? She is no longer a child."

"No, I know she's not. But I also know how much her career means to her. If she lets hormones get in her way she'll regret it, I know she will."

"Again, is it not her life and her choice? You cannot make decisions for your children when they are grown. You have to trust you taught them well when they were young and that they will then make the right decisions when they are older."

"That's just the point! I wasn't around enough when they were growing up to teach them properly."

"Do you think they turned out badly?"

"No, of course not. I just don't want to see them make mistakes they'll regret."

"Like putting their careers before their personal lives? Like missing out on the happiness of a family life? Are those the mistakes you are talking about Jacob?"

Jacob was silent. For the first time he realized he was trying to push Sam into the very thing he had spent years regretting. What was he doing? Trying to have his children recreate his own mistakes? Fortunately Mark had gone his own way and was very happy in his career and with his family. He seemed able to balance the two. Thankfully Jacob had reestablished the love and trust they had lost for so many years. Now he was in danger of alienating his daughter.

"So, what do you think I should do?" he asked Selmac.

"I think you should just love her Jacob. Tell her you will support her in whatever decision she makes and follow through with that. Learn to bite your tongue when need be. Oh, and I suggest you apologize to the Colonel. Teal'c was right, you did a great disservice to O'Neill who only has Samantha's best interests at heart."

"But he had sex with her!" Jacob whined.

"Is that what this is about? Isn't that rather 'Victorian' of you Jacob?"

"Wow, you really have picked up on earth lingo!" Jacob replied. "And yes, you're probably right. I hate the thought that Jack – hell, that any man – did that with my daughter in public!"

"That was just a matter of circumstances and from what I understand it was common to the tribe. To them it was no different then watching someone eat a meal."


"Yes, but that is simply your western prudishness talking. Again Jacob, it is for Samantha and O'Neill to deal with. They don't need your judgment or your interfering. They are both adults."

"Yeah, adults in love with each other but who can't be together." Jacob closed his eyes, feeling a headache coming on (which actually wasn't possible as Selmac took care of that). "All right. I think we'd better head to earth as soon as possible and I'll talk to them both and apologize – if they're still there!"

So, here he/they stood, ready to gate through to see Sam and O'Neill. He finally pushed the central disc and the event horizon formed. He sent through his IDC and then walked through.

As he entered the gate room he was rather surprised to see Colonel …Reynolds wasn't it? … standing in the control room beside Walter.

"Welcome General Carter", Reynolds spoke in the mike.

"Where's the General?" he asked.

"He's in a meeting right now but you're welcome to come up. I'm acting CO."

"Is Sam here?" he asked, a bit worried that something had happened since he'd been here last.

"Yes Sir. I believe she's in her lab. Would you like me to call her for you?"

"No, if it's okay I'll go see her."

"Okay Sir, but you'll have to stop by the Infirmary first. It's standard procedure. I'll tell the General you're here as soon as he's back from his meeting."

He nodded and walked with the security guard to the Infirmary where Dr. Warner did a quick check to make sure he was who he said he was. When he was all cleared he headed off to see his daughter.

"Now remember Jacob, be on your best behavior."

"I will Selmac, don't worry."

Standing outside Sam's door he took a deep breath and knocked. The door was slightly ajar so when he heard her "Come in" he pushed it open and walked in.

Sam was standing on the other side of her worktable, some kind of large contraption in front of her hiding most of her except for her head and shoulder.

"I'll be right with … you", she said as she carefully placed a piece inside of whatever it was with what looked like a pair of tweezers. "There, now how can … Dad!" she cried, seeing her father standing in her lab.

"Sam", he answered quietly. Although she didn't look angry he noticed she didn't rush to greet him. He wasn't surprised, but he was disappointed.

"How you doing kiddo?" he asked.

"I'm fine. How about you? I hear you were on a rather long undercover mission."

"I'm fine too and yeah, it lasted a lot longer than I thought it would." He stopped and they looked at each other in silence. "I'm sorry", he continued, "I didn't mean to stay away so long."

"Yes, well I'm kind of glad you did", she said somewhat angrily. "After your last words I kept expecting you to come back and interfere in my life."

"Look", he said calmly, "I'm sorry about that. I spoke in anger and I know I had no business interfering. I just want what's best for you Sammy", he said in defense.

"But you don't get it Dad! I'm the one who knows what's best for me. I love you and I respect you – most of the time" (ouch, he thought, that hurt), "but I'm my own person and you can't make my decisions for me."

"I know and I said I'm sorry. I'm your Dad sweetheart and it's hard not to interfere but I'm trying. And anyway, Selmac'll kick my butt if I don't stay out of your life."

"I've never wanted you out of my life Dad. I just want you to be there for me and love me. I'll even ask for your advice if I think I need it. But in the end I have to be the one to make my own decisions. And I don't ever want you to try to force my hand with threats again."

"I won't Sammy, I promise." They stood awkwardly for a few more seconds. "So, what happened? What did you decide? I see you're still here so I assume you both stayed on SG1?" He hadn't yet mentioned Jack by name and knew he was still angry, however unfairly, at the man.

"No, neither of us in on SG1 anymore." He looked surprised, and relieved, at that. "Colonel Reynolds is in charge of SG1 with Daniel and Teal'c. They're adding a fourth person soon. The General is just looking at some candidates."

"So, what about you?" he asked.

"I'm working in my lab now. I'm not going off-world anymore."

"But Sam, you loved that part of your job. Why did both of you have to leave? It would have been enough for just Jack to leave."

"Colonel O'Neill was promoted and has another job."

"Promoted? As in he made General?"

"Yes, and don't sound so surprised! He's a fantastic officer and he deserved this."

"Okay, okay Sam. Don't get mad – I don't disagree. I just thought he's ticked off too many of the wrong people, that's all. I'm sure he'll do fine." So, O'Neill had been transferred after all. He must admit that relieved him. "But what about you? Why did you step down from SG1?" He paused and then looked sharply at his daughter. "Or did you? Were you forced out Sam?"

"No, I chose to leave … for health reasons Dad."

"For health ..?" He looked worried now and stepped closer. "What's wrong Sam? What is it?" Oh God, if it was serious he'd talk to her about her accepting a symbiote.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." With a sigh she slowly stood up and moved around the table.

He stared in shock. Even Selmac was speechless. Of all things he'd expected it wasn't this. His daughter was pregnant – very, very pregnant. Oh my God – he was going to KILL O'Neill. No, first he was going to rip the man's testicles out and then he was going to kill him. And after this the man had been promoted for God's sake. Leave it to this man's Air Force to reward an officer after he'd done something like this.

"Calm down Jacob", Selmac kept saying. "You don't know any of the details yet. You must listen first to Samantha."

He finally did calm down, just a little. "What happened?" he asked.

"I think it's pretty obvious Dad. I'm pregnant and due in a few weeks. We didn't know when we saw you last. I found out shortly afterward."

"And you didn't get in trouble? Or is that why you're off SG1."

"No, that's not why. I just didn't want to go through the gate and endanger the baby. I didn't get in trouble."

"But at least they separated you, that's good. I assume the Air Force wanted to cover this up so they moved Jack somewhere else?"

"Not exactly Jacob", the man about whom they were talking suddenly walked into the room. He'd found out from Reynolds and Walter that Jacob and arrived and hurried as fast as he could to Sam's lab. He prayed he wasn't too late to reason with the man.

"YOU!" Jake spat out with contempt. "Why are you here. I thought they transferred you."

"Who told you that Jacob?" Jack asked in surprise. He looked over at Sam who just shrugged. She was obviously just as confused as he was.

"Sam did."

"I didn't say that Dad. I said he'd been promoted."

"Promoted. So you're a General now, eh Jack. Screwing around now gets you promoted. I guess things haven't changed."

"Jacob, you will shut up now or I will have you kicked back through that gate as fast as I can. You ran off at the mouth last time – and broke my cheek in the process – but this time you will bloody well listen to us before you jump to conclusions. Or are you determined to end your relationship with your daughter?" The two men glared at each other for many seconds. Fortunately it was Jacob who finally backed down.

"Okay fine. I'll listen." He turned to Sam, "I'm sorry honey, I'm not mad at you."

"Dad, I agree totally with Jack. It's time for you to shut up and listen. And frankly, you have nothing to be mad at either of us for. And I should tell you – if you continue to treat Jack badly and accuse him of things you will lose me."

He had rarely seen his daughter so calmly angry. It took him aback, as did her referring to O'Neill by his first name. He figured he'd better shut up and listen.

"First off Jacob, I haven't been transferred. Rather, I've been made CO of this base. General Hammond is now in Washington and I've taken his place. Second, the Air Force is well aware of everything that went on between Carter and myself on that planet and we have not been disciplined in any way. We were cleared of any wrong-doing by the Joint Chiefs and the President. Sam has chosen to stay doing lab work because of the pregnancy but that was her choice. She has not only not been reprimanded, she too has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel."

Jacob looked at his daughter in surprise – and pride. He gave her a small smile, which she did not return. He turned back to Jack who was continuing.

"As for the pregnancy – yes, that is my child. Sam got pregnant while on the planet and we didn't know about it until you had left" that confirmed what Sam had said, thought Jacob. "When we found out we realized that we had to be together – not just for the sake of the child we'd created but because we loved each other. We told General Hammond and I told you the results of that."

"So, you plan to stay together?" Jacob asked softly. He wasn't sure how he felt about that.

"We're not planning to Jacob. We are together. We are married, and the Air Force fully acknowledges and condones that fact."

"Married?" Jacob cried. "When did you get married?"

"We were married on the planet Jacob. We didn't realize it but the US government recognizes foreign, or in this case alien, marriages."

"So, you were married when you had to" he waved his arms around.

"Yes, we were married before we lived together as man and wife." Sam grinned at him for his proper way of putting that.

"Oh." Jacob sat quietly for a while, trying to process everything. He did feel better somehow, knowing that they were married before the sex. It wasn't that he was that old fashioned but somehow it made the whole circumstances seem less – sordid or something. Hell, he probably was just old-fashioned! He also knew it would make it much easier for the Air Force to deal with.

"So, married eh?" he repeated. "I guess in that case I'll have to say congratulations. I wish you both the best and all the happiness in the world." He almost smirked at the stunned expressions of his daughter and her … husband – oh God, it was going to take time to process having Jack as his son-in-law.

"Dad?" Sam asked tentatively. She took one step nearer and then stopped, unsure as to how to continue.

'Okay Jacob', Selmac's voice prompted him silently, 'now's the time to show what kind of a father you really are.' With that Jacob stepped forward and held out his arms. "I'm sorry for being such an ass Sam. I love you and I really am happy for you."

With a sob Sam stepped forward and into her father's arms. They hugged for quite a while, both of them teary eyed.

Selmac was right all along, thought Jacob. This was what being a father was all about. "I told you so", came from Selmac. "Oh shut up Selmac!" he answered. Sam leaned back and raised her eyebrows.

"Oh Selmac is just saying, 'I told you so'. She's been on your side the whole time."

"Thank you Selmac", Sam told the symbiote.

Jacob's head dipped and then he looked up. "You are welcome Samantha. I wish you and General O'Neill all the best. I know you will be happy together."

General O'Neill! Oh crap, thought Jacob. Dealing with his daughter was the easy part. With a deep breath he stepped back from Sam and turned to Jack. Holding out his hand he spoke.

"First Jack I guess I owe you an apology", at the other man's raised eyebrow he nodded and started again, allowing his hand to drop. "Yeah, I know I owe you an apology. I know you didn't hurt Sam. In fact, I believe you did everything you could to protect her, at a great deal of personal sacrifice. Just believe me when I say my reaction sprang purely from a father's overprotectedness." He pointed at Sam's stomach. "If you have a girl you'll know what I mean one day." He stopped and looked even more serious.

"And I really want to apologize for what I said about your son. I've never thought that or believed it. I just said it because I was angry and I wanted to hurt you so I picked the worst thing I could think of. It was shameful of me and I'll understand if you don't forgive me for that. But believe me, whatever I may sometime think of you, I know that you were a good parent. I've seen you with other kids and frankly, I couldn't think of a better man to be the father of my grandchild."

He could hear Sam's soft sob in the background – and looked up to see Jack rubbing his face.

Jack realized that Jacob had given him the best compliment anyone could. He was more than touched – he was incredibly grateful. Although nothing would ever completely take away his pain and guilt over Charlie, Jacob's words had gone a long way towards soothing his fears. The man was clearly sincere – and that meant a tremendous amount to Jack.

Walking over and putting his arm around Sam he extended his other hand. "Thank you Jacob. I certainly accept your apology and I appreciate your words. I know Sam loves you and wants you in her – in our – lives." He stopped and grinned. "Any hey – maybe you'll grow to love me some day too!" In actual fact he had always greatly liked and respected the man, and knew Jacob felt the same. It would take time to redefine their relationship but he had every hope that they would remain friends.

"Don't push it Jack", Jacob grinned back. He was suddenly feeling very happy for his daughter. Then he sobered. "I just wish I could have given you away Sammy." He'd always dreamed of his daughter's wedding and was sorry he couldn't be there.

"You can Dad. Jack and I decided we wanted to get married again here, with all our friends and family. We were just waiting until you got back."

Jacob had to blink back the tears (Selmak, he said quietly, take care of that for me will you? – when the symbiote refused he actually had to sniff them away). He walked over and gave his daughter – and son-in-law – a hug. "Thank you!"

They actually decided to wait until after the baby came before having the wedding.

"I refuse to look like an elephant on my wedding day!" Sam had declared. "Besides, I get too tired now anyway. You definitely don't want a cranky, tired bride!" Jacob was going to come back closer to the due date so he was here for the birth and then they'd pick a date for the wedding.

It was only two days before her due date and Sam woke up, feeling crabby and out-of-sorts. Jack made her stay home now – she was really pretty useless at work. She couldn't concentrate and kept dropping things. Janet told her it was because her body and mind were focused on the baby now so everything else was peripheral. After Jack went to work she spent the day wandering around the house.

At one point she had a burst of energy and decided the floors needed cleaning! She got down on her hands and knees and scrubbed. It was after five, and she was just finishing the kitchen floor, when she heard the front door open.

"Sam", Jack's voice called. "Where are you sweetheart?"

"In the kitchen." She leaned back and went to push herself to her feet when she suddenly felt wet. Damn, had she knocked over the bucket? She was looking curiously at the very upright bucket when her husband walked in.

" What are you doing on the floor Sam?" he asked, walking over and helping her to her feet. "You shouldn't be doing that." He stared are in worriedly when she didn't answer.

"Sam, what is it? What's wrong?" She looked down at herself and saw that her pants were wet.

"I think .."

"Yeah, what?"

"I think my water just broke."

"Your water?" He looked down and noticed the growing wet stain on her pants. Without any more discussion he reached over and picked her up and began carrying her upstairs.

"Jack. You don't need to carry me! I'm fine."

"I know – and I'm going to carry you." He first stopped in the bathroom and helped her out of her wet things. He then turned on a warm shower. "Get in and I'll get your nightgown."

While he was showering he called Janet. "Is she having any contractions?" Janet asked.

"Not that I know of. Just a second." He called to Sam who had just finished her shower.

"Sam, any contractions?"

"No, I don't think so. Just a backache."

He told Janet who said she'd be right over. Once Sam was settled he went and got them both a drink of juice and he sat by the bed, talking to her. He could see that she was getting increasingly uncomfortable.

"You know you asked about contractions", she said, "well I'm getting them now." She breathed through the next one, which was clearly uncomfortable.

"Yeah, well the books say they're often harder after your water breaks."

"But I didn't even feel them before that."

"No, but you had a backache. That was probably labor."

"How do you know so much?" she asked in surprise. She hadn't thought he'd paid that much attention during their prenatal class.

"It's classified, remember?" he grinned. "I did read all those books Carter and I paid attention in class. Probably more than you did."

"Okay .. oh damn, here it comes again." They were coming surprisingly quickly which was starting to worry Jack. It felt like she'd just had one. He started timing them and realized they were, in fact, coming every couple of minutes.

"I think we need to get you to the hospital Sam", he said, concerned. He didn't know if they should wait for Janet. Just as he had that thought he could hear the door open and voices speaking.

"Up here", he called. Janet arrived almost immediately, followed by Daniel, Teal'c and Jacob. "Hi Jacob, you made it."

"Yeah, I'd just arrived when you called. Good timing. How's Sam?" Jack had turned back and was supporting Sam through her next contraction.

"Janet, I think we have to go. They're coming really close."

"Here, let me see." She put on a gown and some gloves. "Everyone out – except you Sir, you can stay."

"Damn right!" he answered.

Janet quickly checked Sam. "Sam, I don't think we're going to make it to the hospital. Jack, have Daniel call the paramedics and then go wash up. I'm going to need you – and do it quickly." As she was talking she got out all her things. "Sam honey, where are your towels?"

Between the guys and Jack they had everything ready in the next couple of minutes. By then Sam was panting and holding on tightly to the blanket. Jack sat on the bed and took her hands. "I'm here baby. Everything's going to be okay."

"All right folks. The baby's coming fast. Jack, get behind her and support her back. I could use one more person."

"Daniel's done this before."

"Okay. DANIEL", Janet shouted. "I need you here." Daniel came in, looking a little pale.

"Okay, what can I do?" Sam was breathing, trying to keep from pushing.

"Help support Sam's leg. Jack, you do the other one." Once everyone was settled Janet looked calmly at Sam. "Okay Sam, time to push that baby out."

Well, it was a lot easier said than done, thought Sam. Pushing something the size of a football through your body – was HARD! Who decided that this was possible? Who was the idiot who thought that this was a good way to bring children into the world? As she pushed she decided that evolution was crap. This is absolutely impossible!

"Good girl Sam, you're doing fine."

Fine? Nothing was happening as far as she could tell. She was pushing as hard as she could and so far all she felt was pain. Suddenly, she knew she couldn't do it. It was too hard, too painful. She was a failure as a woman and the baby would never come out. Starting to cry she stopped pushing and turned her head into Jack's chest.

"I can't", she sobbed. "I can't do it Jack. I'm sorry. I can't have this baby. You'll have to find a different wife." Daniel looked at Jack in surprise and he grinned back. He knew that this wasn't uncommon in pregnancy and actually remembered when Sara had said much the same thing.

"Sam, listen to me", he said softly. "I'm here and I'm not leaving – and I'm certainly not getting another wife. You're the one I have and the only one I want and we are going to have this baby. I know it hurts, but you can do it! I'm here so just lean on me and use my strength. Hell, if you can kill a saber tooth tiger and blow up suns you can certainly have a baby!"

Those words gave her an added bit of strength. Leaning into Jack, she could feel his love and support. For him she could do this. Pushing with all her strength she felt a tremendous burning pain. She wanted to cry out it was so fierce – but at the same time there was an incredible feeling of wonder and joy as the pain translated into the feeling of her child moving into the world. She suddenly felt a lessening of the burning and a feeling of release as the child slipped out and into the bright light of day.

"You did it Sam", Jack's voice told her softly. "We have a baby." He kissed her on her cheek but then couldn't help but look at the small, squirming, mewling bit of life in Janet's arms. The doctor then gently laid the baby down on Sam's stomach and covered it with a soft towel. Sam reached down and put her hands softly and gently on her child.

"General, do you want to do the honors?" Jack put Sam down carefully and walked over to where Janet was holding a pair of scissors. Taking them he cut the cord where Janet showed him. He then reached down and lifted his child and carefully placed it on Sam's chest.

She put the tiny baby to her breast. The little mouth, opened wide, searched until it found its mother and greedily began to suckle. Slowly it's little eyes closed as its mouth and jaw continued to work.

"Takes after Daddy", Daniel said softly. Jack just grinned at him but then looked down at his wife. Janet smiled as well but continued to look after Sam as she expelled the afterbirth.

Once Sam was clean and everything tidy, Janet signaled for Daniel to come with her and they left the new parents alone.

Jack reached down and kissed his wife and then his child. He was truly the happiest man on earth.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"You're welcome", she replied, mesmerized by the tiny body lying on her. She'd never felt such love in her life. She felt cocooned by it, surrounded by it. Glancing up at her husband she caught the open and pure look of adoration shining from his face.

"So, you got your daughter", she said. "Happy?"

"Oh yeah", he smiled tenderly. "Ecstatic. Now we'll have to try for a boy."

"Jack O'Neill, if you so much come at me with any idea of getting me pregnant anytime soon I'll, I'll …"

"You'll what?" he asked.

"Oh, I'll probably succumb to your charms. But let's wait a little while, okay?"

"Of course. I want to enjoy just my wife and new daughter for a while. I love you, you know."

"I know. And I love you." She looked down at the sleeping tiny little girl with the mop of dark hair on her head. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Oh yeah!" he answered. He carefully and gently picked her up and wrapped her in a receiving blanket Janet had left on the bed. He then held her in the crook of his arm.

She looked so much like her mother, but he could also see Charlie in her sweet little face. With a pang he held her up so that he could smell her sweet smell and touch her velvet soft skin. Her lips continued to move, even as she slept, and he knew that he was lost. This woman and this little girl had his whole heart. They had him wrapped around their little fingers – and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He could feel the tears start in his eyes but didn't wipe them away. He was not ashamed of them for they were tears of true, unutterable joy. He looked up at his wife and smiled. "We did it Sam."

"Yeah, we did." She gazed at the beautiful sight of the man she loved cradling their daughter and knew what true fulfillment was. This is what they fought for, she realized. This is what made it all worthwhile.

"Why don't you introduce our daughter to her uncles, aunt and Grandpa?" Sam asked. Jack nodded and walked to the door. Opening it up he invited the anxiously awaiting men into the room.

As they crowded in he walked up to Jacob. "Meet your Granddaughter Jake, Eliana Rose Carter O'Neill."

The End. Thanks so much, as always, for coming along on the ride. I've loved all your reviews, suggestions, compliments, critiques and comments. They have meant so much!

A follow-up to this story might be possible – if enough people ask for it (I'm shameless aren't I?) or I'm happy to leave it here. Let me know if you want an epilogue to the epilogue.

Also – a special thank you to Hazmot for the great plot suggestion about the Furlings – it was all her idea!

Eliana is actually my daughter's name – It means "God has remembered me" and we named her that after we had lost the child before her. I thought it fitting for this story. This is for you sweetheart!