Author's Note: Hey guys! This is my first story so just tell me if you like it or not. And English is not my first language so there might be some small mistakes so just tell me and I can fix it. Now enjoy reading!

Chapter 1

"Just admit that we are lost".

"No we are not, and now shut up Jane!"

Teresa Lisbon sighed and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She felt his eyes on her and turned to him. "What, Jane?" He showed her a genuine smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing. But there is nothing else to watch except for the rain outside the window. I could count the rain drops but I already tried that and now my head hurts."

"Then search a little bit harder for something to look at because you annoy me." Well, that was a lie. She liked it when his deep blue eyes follow her like they do so often. Sometimes she wished... No! Stop it now! Those thoughts only mean trouble. But these soft blond curls... That's enough! She thought and shook her head.

Jane watched her with amusement. He liked it when she got confused because of him. But he liked it more when he got her to blush, but this time he sadly couldn't see anything because it was too dark outside.

The police found the body of a young woman in a small town near Sacramento. She was missing for 5 days before someone found her body in a small lake near the town. The town was located in the outskirts of Sacramento so it was a long ride and since it was already dark they booked themselves into a small hotel near the scene. Van Pelt, Cho and Rigsby had taken the other car like always and had been behind Lisbon and Jane for most of the ride. Somewhere along the way they must have lost them because they were alone now. In the woods. In the middle of a storm. It was already getting dark and the only company she got was Jane. Great.

The clouds had gotten really dark and they heard a low rumble. Lisbon winced silently as the first flash of lightning graced the sky. Jane saw this but decided not to bother her. For now.

"You really should have let me drive, we would have already been there for an hour." Jane said after 10 minutes of silence and driving aimlessly through the woods.

"Yeah, I have no doubt of that." Lisbon had a good reason for not letting him drive. He drove fast. Very fast and broke every speed limit along the way. The first time Lisbon drove with Jane at the steering wheel she was sick for hours afterwards and swore to herself that she would never let him drive again.

"Here, you can read the map. Maybe you will find out where we are." Jane took the map with a smile after she got it from the back seat. He opened the map and followed the way they were supposed to go with his eyes.

"I think we took the wrong turn somewhere. I believe we are somewhere in this huge green area in the middle of the map. I'm sorry but there are no roads in it."

"Funny Jane, really funny. I don't suppose you have one of your brilliant ideas to get us out of here, do you?" Lisbon asked annoyed and winced at the next flash of lightning. I really hate storms! And the best thing is, I'm trapped in a car with Patrick Jane unless we find a way out of this woods anytime soon.

"So do you admit now that we are lost?" Jane asked with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.

"Jane! Don't make jokes and get us out of here!" Lisbon replied without answering his question. She hated it when she had to admit a mistake, but she hated it even more when Jane was right.

"I'm not joking and I see as much as you. It's dark in case you hadn't noticed. I could go and search for help but if I do that I would have to leave you alone for some time and I'm pretty sure you won't like that", he said with the brightest smile she had ever seen on his face.

"Where would you get the idea that I got a problem with being alone-" Lisbon stopped and stared at Jane's hand with big eyes. Her own fingers crushed Jane's hand and her finger nails bored into his flesh.

Damn. The last lightning must have startled her so much that she didn't notice that her hand grasped Jane's. She tried to loosen her hand from Jane's but she couldn't move it. She looked up into Jane's smiling eyes and his grin. This got her angry and she glared at him but due to the fact that her hand was still grasping at Jane the desired effect puffed into thin air.

Jane's grin got wider and he chuckled. "It's not a fault to be scared of lightning."

"I'm not scared!" she insisted but just in that moment another flash illuminated the dark sky and she winced again. Her now shivering hand didn't help to get her position across.

"Okay, you aren't scared, I get it." Jane said and lifted his free hand in a defending gesture. "Any idea how we get out of here?"

" We could call Cho and the others. They were behind us for most of the ride and if we are lucky they took the same wrong turns." Lisbon said with a little hope.

She got her cell phone out of her pocket which wasn't so easy considering she had only one hand to use, and dialed Cho's number. She lifted it to her ear and waited. Nothing. She looked at her cell phone surprised and cursed as she saw that she had no reception.

Jane watched her and noticed that she had a small dog as a picture on her cell phone. "You like dogs?", he asked curiously.

"What? Yeah, why? Well, it doesn't matter I have no reception here! That's another reason why I don't like storms! They complicate everything! Try your cell, maybe it's working."

Today is a wonderful day, Jane thought. He already discovered two new things about his raven haired boss. He added her fear of lightning and her affection for dogs to his list of 'important things to know about Teresa Lisbon' and got his own cell out of his pocket. He looked at the display and showed it to her.

"Nothing. Not one little bar that could save us from this storm."

Lisbon sighed deeply. "What are we going to do now?"