Hayate no Gotoku 2nd Season

Novel Adaptation

Episode 13: The Feeling of Freedom

Epilogue: Realization

"So? Were you able to give Hinagiku your present in the end?" Nagi asked Hayate as they made their way to school's entrance hall the next day.

"Yeah I did" he replied sheepishly "But they were just cookies. Nothing special."

"Still, I'm worried" Nagi insisted. "What if she comes to like you or something?"

"Oh come on!" Hayate laughed nervously "I already told you there's no way –"

"Good morning!"

Hayate turned just in time to feel a hand tap his shoulder and see a flash of pink fly by.

It was Hinagiku.

"You're wearing that boring look on your face as usual I see." She said, smiling.


"If you keep it that way, nothing good will happen to you."

Hayate merely gaped. Unsure how to respond.

"See you later okay?" She finished with a wink, and headed off to the Student Council Clock Tower.

"See that?" Hayate said to Nagi. "There's no way she likes me"

The girl folded her arms, still looking suspicious. "Yeah, I guess…."

Hinagiku made her way to the tower with renewed vigor. Wings seemed to grow from her heels as she savored the memory from last night's realization.

Mom, dad, she thought I have someone I truly love.

Someone I really, really love.

It's wonderful feeling isn't it?

Isn't it?

Author's Note:

Yes Hinagiku, you need Hayate for that! :)))))))

Whew! All done! I'll be uploading more of these, including the special section that came before this episode's ending credits. It doesn't feel right to leave them out. These novel adaptations are part of my re-training in my writing skills so bear with me for a bit. I'm trying to develop my skills and writing style before I can start making my own stories again. If anyone can give me reviews, please do comment on my writing style. I need to know just how far I've gone.

The events and dialogue for this adaptation has elements from both the manga and the Animax English Dub. Since this is an anime, I just decided to keep the honorifics intact.

Did anyone spot the FFVII reference by the way?


Thanks for the first two reviews!

To animelover: Yes, I'm considering making a HayatexHinagiku fic one of these days. But since I'm still training myself, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. And no, you did not sound too harsh. Thanks for the review though!