Famous Little Surprise

Disclaimer: Don't own anything. It all belongs to the lovely talented Stephanie Meyer.

Hey Readers,

Today marks the day I start reuploading my story. I now have a beta, RoseNEmmettForever so give thanks to her. I will be updating every Friday. There is no new information, but I will write a surprise future chapter so be ready. I really need a person to make be a banner or video so please get in touch with me if you can do one of the two.



Cameras are flashing. People are shouting my name like it's going out of style. My manager is pulling me to yet another interview. I fix my bow tie and put on a smile that charms everyone. I answer all the questions they throw at me, barely having enough time to answer them all. Then I'm rushed into the Kodak theatre. I get placed in the front row of seats. The lights dim and the film starts, everyone is quiet.

After two hours of watching me act, the movie ends. Once again I'm rushed out of the theater, and into a limo. My manager tells the driver to take us to MTV Studios, A.S.A.P. By this time, I'm feeling quite tired. A little irritated, too.

We get there 15 minutes later. Once again, cameras flash from all around. I'm pushed into the lobby by two guards and my manager. Three and a half hours later, after a half-hour interview, and long dinner with some people from a newspaper, I get dropped off at home by my manager in his Limo.

I made my way to the front door, smiling to myself. It wasn't so bad today. It could've been worse. I quickly unlocked the door, slamming it shut behind me. Didn't feel like dealing with yet another Paparazzo hiding in my bush again. I knew someone was hiding there just now. Happens every time I come out with a new movie. I dropped my keys into the glass bowl in the kitchen. I walked upstairs into my room stripping down to my boxers. I climbed into bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I awoke to my phone ringing at 7 A.M.I picked it up, and flipped it open.

"Hello?" I said groggily my voice still hoarse from sleeping.

"Mr. Cullen? We're just letting you know that you're being used." a more than perky woman said giggling. I practically touch the ceiling as I jump, surprised.

Me, Edward Cullen? Being used? For what? Money?

"What the hell?" I asked confused by what she said. I hear rustling then another voice.

"Mr. Cullen, I'm sorry. She is new and nervous. She was trying to tell you that your sperm is being used for an artificial insemination." the man said.

Sperm? What the hell?!

"Sir, you became a sperm donor seven months ago, don't you remember?"

"Dude, can you trash the rest of it? I don't remember doing that!" I said. He just chuckled into the phone.

"Sir I don't have rights over your sperm. Only the woman that chose your profile and sperm does."" he said.

"Wait, women pick the sperm?" I asked weirded out about someone picking my 'junk'.

"Of course not sir. They see a profile of what you look like, and choose by that." he states.

"Okay, whatever. May I know who she is?"I asked, hopefully I could.

"I have to get permission from her, sir. I'll know by Wednesday. I'll call you with information." he states most likely reading it off of a paper.

"Okay, thank you. Bye." I said hanging up slamming my phone on the side table.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"I screamed frustrated. My screams echoed around my house.

I looked at the screen on my phone. Today was Tuesday. Tomorrow I find out who the girl that picked my sperm was. That did nothing to calm my nerves. Twenty-four hours. Only twenty-four friggen' hours and I would know who it was.

My phone buzzed in my hand just then. Glorious, who could be calling me so early?

"Hello?" I answered, freaked out.

"Wow you're actually awake? I'm shocked!" my manager/sister Alice exclaimed.

"Yeah, when did I become a sperm donor?" I asked running my hand thru my hair.

" ! FREAK!" she shouted then began giggling stupidly. "Remember seven months ago when they needed more 'stuff' and you donated, and you were named the most helpful celebrity of the month?" she said, annoyed.

"Was I drunk?" I asked, now even more confused.

"No, idiot. They won't let you give while drunk. Now I have to go to a meeting with Jasper about your next movie."She said hanging up. I threw my phone on the side table again. I put a pillow over my head and screamed. What the hell did I do? No way I did that sober because I would have remembered. I shook my head and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

I quickly got undressed and jumped into the shower turning the knob to the hottest it would go.

I stood under the hot water trying to remember seven months ago. I turned off the water and quickly got dressed in jeans and a green fitted shirt. Just as my phone slid into my pocket, it buzzed.

"Hello?" I answered, while grabbing a bowl and cereal box.

"Hello sir. We talked earlier about the woman who chose you." a man whispered.

"Yeah, I remember. So who got it?" I asked while pouring cereal into the bowl.

"Her name is Isabella Marie Swan. Born on September 13, 1987to Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer" he whispered. She is a year younger than me. I am 24 she is 23. That is all I can tell you sir goodbye." He said quickly before hanging up. Strange I thought as I stared at my phone. I closed it and ate my cereal. After eating, I called Alice.

"Hello?" She answered briskly.

"Hey, could you do mea favor, and look up Isabella Marie Swan? She was born on September 13, 1987 to Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer." I said anxiously tapping my foot on the tiled floor.

"She lives an hour away from you. I gotta go" Alice said and hung up. I looked at my phone and noticed that Alice had sent me the address. I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car. I quickly put the directions into the GPS, and I was on my way.

A turn, 5 red lights, and two dirt roads later, I was at my destination. The house was kind of pretty.

The house was light blue with white shutters. There were stepping stones that led up to steps that led to a door. On either side of the door were two little plants, under two medium sized windows.

I saw an old beat up red truck parked on the side of the house. I knocked and waited. I wondered what this lady would look like? I hope she didn't look like Frankenstein's bride. Huge, distorted, ugly. I hoped she didn't.

The door opened, and revealed the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

She was short, with shiny, wavy, mahogany hair that cascaded down past her shoulders, it framed her hearth shaped face to perfection. She had a pale completion. Her face was cream and roses, with big chocolate brown eyes, and lips that looked so darn kissable. They looked like they were pouting.

She was wearing a shirt with the Little Mermaid sitting on a rock looking at the sun. She also wore a pair of skinny jeans.

"Hello, What can help you with?" an angelic voice asked.

I ran my hand thru my hair.

"Um... Yeah... Are you Isabella Swan?" I asked stuttering.

"Um Yeah. Call me Bella. Who are you?" she asked.

"Edward Cullen." I said. Her eyes got wide and her cheeks turned rose red.

"I'm here because I got a call about being a sperm donor to Isabella Marie Swan." I said feeling my cheeks burn red.

Her cheeks got redder than before. "Um...well...I didn't order you with the sperm, but um okay" she said, smiling.

"Can I come in?" I asked feeling weird standing outside talking about this.

"Sure." she whispered leading me inside.

I took a deep breath, took one last look outside to make sure no one was watching then took my first step into my new life.