1: Is Fitz Out?

No. He didn't get out before Adam died. Adam killed himself about a week after Eli's death. The cop I asked here in my hometown said a hit and run gets about 13 years, but in the result of death, its 16 to life, in the second degree. Because Fitz killed 2 people: Clare and her unborn baby, he got 32 to life. He would have only gotten out on good behaviour.

2: did Darcy ever come back?

"She never made it to work. She left our apartment and then not even 10 minutes later, I got a phone call that she'd died on impact. I had to tell her mom, who moved to Vancouver just before you stepped off the Earth, I found her dad in Florida with his new girlfriend. And I'm still paying off my phone call to Kenya to tell Darcy. None of them made it home for the funeral. Neither of us had settled on a name. It was either Jake or David. I figured David was too Biblical for Elijah Goldsworthy, and you'd be angry when I introduced you to your son's tombstone, so Jake it was."

No. Darcy never made it back to Canada from Kenya.

3: Where is Julia?

I didn't actually have Julia in this story. In this one, she doesn't exist. I know, she's a huge standing point in Eli's past, but she didn't see, relevant in Come back, I need you here.

4: Sequel?

I'll think about it. I have a serial killing series I really want to do. That one will take me about 3 or 4 months or so.

I do have A LOT of story on hold and I feel horrid for that. I'm going to try and finish all those up before I start a sequel to this, but if I do decide to do a sequel, I will do an A/N post to let y'all know :)