Disclaimer: I do not own Mass Effect, or any of its characters, though I wish I could. They belong to Bioware and EA. Any other characters are mine unless stated otherwise. All songs and quotes are credited to their respected owners. I make no money with this Fanfiction. It's just my imagination gone crazy.

Note/Warning: I decided that I wanted to do my Aleana Melody Shepard this time, altered to the way I would like guns, knives and biotics included and a hopeful Feron romance if I work this out well. Please bare with my grammatical errors. I will try and clean them up as best and as quickly as I find them, but if you see some I do not, please let me know? Thanks. This will be AU since I do not know anything about Feron. I didn't read the comic so yeah. Btw, this takes place after the collector base. And for those of you Thane lovers, no I am not killing him, but because of his illness I am letting him leave to spend time with his son, reluctantly. ;) I'll call him back later. He'll possibly be cured, and dumdumdum! Love triangle. Haha. All characters survived, all upgrades, Paragon, little Renegade, lots of money cause Cerberus sucks, plenty of resources, Alenko death, and Cerberus can kiss my ass. I blew the collector base to hell. WOOOH!

BTW, I couldn't have thought of this well without the help of voltagelisa. She is amazing and you should go read her fanfictions. Like, right now! :)

Word Count: 1,444

Shadow Broker Base

Headaches. Always headaches. He had been having them for years, but for some reason they where more common now. Looking to his left arm, he didn't even have the strength to sigh. Two years and some odd months had passed since he was captured. He just hoped it was worth it. Feron had betrayed the Shadow Broker; the biggest scum of the universe, who would trade every human being in the galaxy as long as he, himself, survived. Every day he would be man-handled. Receive broken bones, or even had his previous ones re-broken once more. It hurt, but he was getting used to the pain. The shock therapies where the worst. They would strap him to that good awful chair, the restraints biting his wrist, leaving them raw and every word or protest would insure his pain. His nervous system was shot to hell. They poked and prodded him with needles and wires. Damn. He would be watched for entertainment, and to train the new recruits on what would happen if 'he' got double cross which only the stupidest would ever do. Ha! Hey, he was stupid. His eyes glazed, and mouth gaped a bit, his breath ragged, his hands forming fist so tight that his knuckles turned purple and soon, he came into deep memory.

'Cold air fills my lungs, snow below my feet, and the freezing temperature traveling up my spine. It was hell. I hate the cold. I'm used to the sun, the warmth. What did I get myself into? I look to my right and see Liara, she is wearing a similar suit as mine, except her's is blue and mine is purple. I can not see her face, but I know she is reminiscing. Her breath is shallow and slightly hitched. Commander Shepard died here. She was her best friend. As we look around, we see the ship she once called 'home' in shambles, and dog tags adorned all around. I look to the far edge of what I can see. A body. It is frozen over and half of it is decomposed. Poor fool. I place my hand on her forearm and guide her away. She doesn't need to see that and I don't either. We look around, and we can not find her. Maybe she landed somewhere else. When something glimmers in the little sun that the clouds allow, I look as hard as I can and pat Liara's shoulder to get her attention. We travel through thick snow, our foots sink an inch or two each one step until we get our bearings. Soon we are upon it, and Liara sobs. There she is, in all her glory. Poor woman. From what I heard, her suit ruptured, and she died suffocating. Now her body is burned to a crisp, and I have no soothing words for comfort. Taking steps ahead, I know what must be done. I never condoned the action of the Shadow Broker. He's a monster and he deserves to die. I've made my choice. I would help Liara get Shepard to Cerberus, even if I died in the process. I have done many bad things in my life, and even though I do not believe much in the god of our home-world, I still know they watch over each one of us. So I will atone. Clasping my hands in-front of my face in prayer, I give one last selfish request to the gods. Please, save her. For she will save us all in return. Looking at Liara, I know she is beautiful, but I can not bring myself to care for her like she has me. Am I wrong for not choosing her? Either way, I grab her hand, as she continues to sob and offer her own prayer. She believes in her resurrection. I just hope that everyone else does too.'

A sudden jolt of electricity brought him out of his memory. The pain filling every core of his nerves, to his very cells. He couldn't take it. He screamed bloody murder and he hated that he was so weak. After so much time, he was still an example. Why couldn't they just get it over with, and kill him? Soon the pain faded. The electricity stopped. His breath came in so hard he felt his lungs where going to explode. When he looked up and smugly smirked at the operator of that god awful machine, and when the stupid son of a bitch scrawled at him in disgust, he chuckled. He loved to piss him off. He hated the pain, but his pride wouldn't allow him to stop his playful antics. He knew it would come soon. Just another press of the button, and more searing pain. He closed his eyes, his mouth biting the inside of his lip, and tensed his muscles, but when nothing happened, he wondered if finally these fucks where getting soft.

Screams of pain, yells of commands through their coms. Something was happening. His heart raced. From what he could tell an intruder was on board. What the fuck? Looking back at the man who manned the machine, he saw an wicked grin, dark and filled with joy. His hand came to a certain button and flicked it on. It was not a button he liked, and soon, all he could see was black. All he heard was screams. Most likely his own. All he could do is wait for it to stop.

He didn't know how much time went by since he passed out. Maybe days, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds. He just didn't care. His vision was blurry, he was dehydrated, he needed sleep, or death. Whichever came first. Looking to his left, the most he could see was shadows, the most he could hear was yells of an asari commando, and then, pain from her mouth. Her blood splattered everywhere to the wall her shadow was just occupying. It was blue, hmm. His head felt like shit, but his vision returned, and his breath caught. He saw the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, her raven black hair coming up to the middle of her back, her purple oval shaped eyes glimmering with adrenaline. Her fair tan skin, light freckles on her cheeks. Her body was short, thin but curvy. Her armor was black and blue, the red strip coming down from the shoulder of her right arm all the way to her wrist. A beautiful sniper rifle, side by side an assault rifle, and two pistols on each side of her hips. She was amazing in his eyes. But the thing his eyes bulged to, was the N7 insignia that adorned her left chest plate. The small thing as imposing as could be. Commander Shepa-

"Feron, Feron! We'll get you out of there. Are you okay? Hold on."

Liara's voice brought him abruptly to a stop. LIARA! Shaking his head harshly, rattling his brain left and right. He wanted to tell her not to touch the buttons, but it was too late. As soon as she put a gloved hand on the screen, a huge shock entered his system. His inner mouth raw from every single bite he inflicted. It hurt, but he rather be shocked by someone he knew. It was refreshing.

"Don't, Liara. The chair and restraints are strapped to me and anyone that messes with it, I'll receive the blow. My nervous system is shot to hell, and the wires that pierced my skin make sure of that." His voice was soft, but loud enough to be heard. The graining, hard and deep voice assaulting his own senses. He didn't want to speak. Even that hurt like shit. Explaining to Liara about how to get him out wasn't hard, she promised to help him. As she went from his line of vision, Commander Shepard stepped in. Her eyes where beautiful. He didn't have a thing for humans, but hell, he was looking at one he had a thing for. So maybe he did. Her, what was it called, make-up? It looked like she was drell, herself. It was black, and all around her eyes. A sweet smile adorned her full lips, and she nodded once. She raised her hand, to wave once and then ran off to join Liara, her raven black hair swaying behind her like an angel. As she passed, he saw another drell, but he was irrelevant. He was ecstatic. He'd get out of there soon. And if he was lucky, he'd get to meet his new angel. She looked like a warrior angel. Maybe all this pain was worth it, for once.