Hello Guys! My New Story =D Look Its All Shiny O.O I Don't Think This Fic Will Be Very Long Maybe A Couple Of Chapters.

Just A Little Note To Save Confusion: The Writing That's In Italics Are Flashbacks Of The Scene When Alex Goes Into The Pub.

Hope You Enjoy It !

She sat alone. At the bar. Drinking whiskey.

The fire spread over her lips, around her mouth and down her throat. The tingle of pain was the only way she knew she was alive. Well, she wasn't even alive and that in itself was the problem.

"My little girl, my baby Gene." "I know."

What was he talking about. He didn't know. Pete wasn't going to be there for Molly. She was practically an orphan, in the whole world all she had was Evan. Like mother like daughter. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek. It wasn't fair.

"I could stay here, with you."

But she couldn't. She downed the rest of her whiskey hoping for some release. There was none, the whiskey tasted like him.

"See you around Bolly-Kecks." "Goodbye Guv."

She closed her eyes and she could feel his warm skin under her fingers, taste his sweet scent of whiskey and tobacco on her tongue and feel her heart break as she pulled out of his embrace. She remembered, the feeling of her heart shattering into a thousand fragments. Now, it seemed, those fragments were slicing away at her insides making them bleed out until they were all shrivelled up and dead, just like her she supposed. In another world, a world with Molly. Another tear rolled down her face running over the tear track of its sister.

"You alrigh' there luv." Nelson. He wore a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, yes I am fine thank you." She said with a weak smile

A disbelieving look floated over his face and she didn't blame him her performance was appalling before it was swiftly replaced with a sympathetic one. "What can I get ya?"

A million different things popped into her head. Molly, her parents, Arthur Layton – she longed to beat him into unconsciousness, a nice hot bath, Gene...But of course that was not on the menu.

"White wine please, Nelson."

She watched him walk away and thought of the countless bottles of Luigi's 'House Rubbish' shared with him. She sighed everything reminded her of him and it was starting to annoy her.

"Stupid man with his stupid red car and stupid crocodile boots and stupid stupidness."

She mumbled to herself. But then how stupid must she have been to fall for him. She wondered how he didn't notice, notice that she needed him, that she craved him, that she wanted him with her more than was reasonable. The sad thing was he didn't need, crave or want her.


He had pushed her away. She had thought that he had felt something towards her but when it came down to it he had told her to leave. She barely registered her wine being placed in front of her and she thanked Nelson but her voice sounded distanced.

"Go." "Go." "Go." "Go." "Go." "Go." "They have a saloon bar." "Go." "Go." "Go." "Go." "Go." "Go."

His words looped around her head, each time they did a fresh wave of rejection washed over her. They did have a saloon bar. She looked over at it but refused to go in, determined to defy him to the last.

Bastard. She thought curling her fingers around the stem of her wine glass. He was most definitely a bastard, but he was her stupid bastard and she was going to claim him whether he liked it or not.

Looking around she saw countless souls of the met, they were happy here – they belonged – she didn't. Her eyes tracked Nelson, he was busy serving Shaz, Chris and Ray, her friends. As she rose discreetly from her bar stool she caught Shaz's eye and gave her a small smile which she returned with a puzzled look. Alex's smile turned sheepish as she turned out of her heel and dashed for the door. As soon as her hand touched the cold door handle she ripped it open. Stepped out, and left her white wine on the bar untouched. The last thing she heard was a panicked shout of her name from Nelson before the door slammed behind her. It all went black.

Nelson saw it happen. He had felt it before she had moved but he hadn't acted on it and now he was too late.

As soon as the door had shut behind her there was a loud thump that echoed around the now silent pub. The sound had emanated from behind the bar, it was the sound of flesh hitting the wooden floorboards. The punters watched him as he crept slowly round the bar. Each footstep just added to the intense atmosphere in the room.

Only he knew what was behind the bar, he hoped that he would be wrong, but he wasn't. Just as he feared there was a body on his floor. The body of Alex Drake.

=O Cliffhangers! Aren't I Terrible. Next Update Should Be Soon As I Have Already Written Most Of The Story I Just Need To Type It Up.

Rachel xx