Title: Neat

Pairing: Morgan/Reid

Summary: Reid likes things neat.

Notes: I own nothing.

Reid liked his things to be neat, orderly, and tidy. He had arranged his apartment so that everything took up the least amount of space possible, while still looking homey. Books were alphabetized and always returned to their proper place after he read them, and any papers he took home from work were placed in neat piles on his desk in the exact order he planned on finishing them. Everything had its place, and they stayed there.

After he and Morgan started dating, he was reluctant to bring the other man back to his house, especially after they both discovered how vigorous they were during sex. In any room. And Reid liked his things neat. Morgan understood when Reid confessed why he didn't bring the other man to his house, and they satisfied themselves at Morgan's house.

After a while, Reid decided he was being silly, and shyly invited Morgan over to his house for the night. The other man had been over before, but this was different. They kissed on the couch, pawing at each other's clothes for a while, until Morgan lifted Reid up, the smaller man wrapping his legs around Morgan's waist and clutching desperately at his shoulders for balance. They retreated into the bedroom and thoroughly distracted themselves.

When Reid awoke the following morning, still curled around his lover, he wondered how much he'd have to tidy up. Though, he realized, thinking back to the act, he could not recall hearing or seeing anything break or topple down from their perch. He'd have to clean the sheets, certainly, but that was a given. He sat up and took a quick stock of the room, and realized that while they had been rather engrossed in each other last night, they had made a fruitful effort to avoid messing anything up.

Reid smiled down at his lover and lay back down, resting his head on Morgan's chest and whispering a thank you.