Zane nodded, "Alright then," and when we laid down the next set of cards, "War."

I stuck out my tongue when he won the battle; he smirked and gave a shrug, but eventually I won the game. Unfortunately, just in time. We heard the rain start coming down just before it got to us. My mouth dropped as my eyes went wide, for a moment. Zane, too, gave a quick glance up and then looked at me concerned.

Shaking my head and abandoning the cards, I started running, calling back, "You know where I'll be!"

He nodded, calling back as I disappeared, "I'll grab the stuff and meet you there."

I got to the far beach just in time, feeling the tail just before I even hit the water. I came up, looking back and shaking my head in disbelief. It had to rain tonight! I sighed, well, might as well get o the moon pool. I still beat him there, though not by much. I gave a small smile as I heard his footsteps again and then saw him come through the opening. He had a small smile on his face a well, probably remembering, like I was, the time he found out our secret. I had decided I might as well stay in the pool to wait and hung my head.

"Rikki? You alright?" His voiced wavered between a smile and concern, probably a smile because that was how he had first greeted me.

My arms were resting criss-crossed on the sand. I looked and sighed, "Yeah, I guess. I just can't believe it's raining.

Zane put the stuff down and got down on his stomach, like the first time he kissed me here. I blushed, remembering. "Rikki," his voice was gentle and he fiddled with a strand of my now loose hair, "It's all right, as long as you are. It's just rain."

I looked down, "That I have to run from. I wanted to come here tonight without any stupid mermaid problems. I wanted to…revisit that night and make it perfect. How it should have been." I paused and looked up at him, upset, "When we first found out about this," I gestured to myself and the pool in one sweep, "I thought it was the most amazing thing. I still do, but, I think I partly thought that, because for once it was something new in my life. That alone wasn't anything new, but how cool it was, was, and I could be in control. It was a special thing just me and my two best friends shared and it was pretty simple and cool. But, then we learned about the full moon and really how much of a hassle it can be sometimes. I mean, I really don't mind, normally. Sometimes, I just…I get tired of having to run from something so amazing. I'm really tired of running away."

Zane took hold of my face gently, "Sh. Rikki. You're right. It is amazing. As far as running, you're just doing what you have to when it comes to this. You know, that's sort of been my problem with my dad growing up. When I was younger, I just knew we had money and my mom was ready to give me anything. My dad often disagreed, but I wasn't bothered by it. It wasn't a problem. I still got what I wanted. It was simple. I knew we were special in that and I liked it that way. But, then I got older and started to understand and started working for my dad. I'd get frustrated sometimes because it wasn't so easy anymore, but it was soon enough what I knew. I'm not saying that it'll get easier for you. I can't possibly know that. But, you've trusted me before, and helped me." He paused a moment, "When I first met you, I thought, here's this pretty, feisty girl who couldn't care less about me and I couldn't understand why. Most of the girls who I thought were like you couldn't stay away from me. It got kind of annoying sometimes. Then…I found out what you really were and realized what I complete idiot I had been and that you had it right."

I laughed, remembering that. "All I'd known was money and rewards. Seeing you guys that day helped show me that that wasn't necessarily a good attitude to have."

I smiled a little, also a little incredulous, as he continued, "The thing is, you guys had absolutely no reason to trust me, but you did, and then you gave me a second chance." he paused again for a moment, "I guess, sometimes, you have to run away for your own good and change is a good thing; because, if you get too used to something, you take it for granted and it ruins it. With a little problem now and then, you get to keep the same situation; you just get to look at it in a new light."

I smiled, "So, you mean that while lighting is dangerous," I made a quick fist in each hand, bringing them together, producing two bolts that merged into one, "It's also powerful and beautiful."

Zane glanced over at the scorch mark next to an old one, and then looked at me with a smile, "Exactly," and reached for my hands with one arm. I smiled, but then gasped as he brought the other hand on top of my head, using it as a lever to push me down and bring himself into the water.

I came up and returned the favor, and then laughing, let up, "Are you nuts?"

He came up sputtering and laughing, too, shaking his now soaked wet brown hair out of his eyes, "Who knows? What's the other mark from?"

I shook my head, "Another time. Take a deep breath if you're nuts."

He did so and took my hand as I dove under with him and swam down through the cave. Something caught his eye when we came out back into the sea. I turned around to see him frowning and followed his gaze and understood. Zane looked at me both ashamed, apologetic, and questioning. I understood all three, but I just motioned up and he nodded.

When we came up, he was quick to ask, cautiously, "Rikki, why is that thing still there? I can personally get it removed, if you want."

He was talking about the gate from the time he, Dr. Denman and his father had caught us there. We had left it there, intentionally. I smiled and shook my head, "Lewis offered the same thing. But, no, we leave it there as a reminder. A reminder of different things, some of I guess a little of what you said, that sometimes something good can come out of an unexpected change; but, also, to just be careful. Especially for me, being so quick to go on adventures and take actions before really thinking it through. We really should have been more careful," I shook my head, "But, that's past. Give you five seconds head start and race you back?"

Zane seemed to think about it for a second, and then took another second to lean his head back and look at the stars. I followed his gaze again. Then, though, he smiled, and hunched up his shoulders, "It's too bad the water's so cold right now. So, then, sure."

I smiled, watched him dive under, and slowly counted to five. Then dove down and let him win. He knew I had, too; he was laughing when I came up. He climbed out, shivering.

I looked around the cave; yes, there was still some sticks Lewis had gathered on occasion in the corner. I made a slow fist and started up a fire, "There, silly. Go get warm."

He went over to it, "Thanks."

I laughed, "Sure," and pulled myself up on the sand, leaning back on my hands, hair curled around my shoulders, and tail hanging in the water still."



"You should come on over here."

I pretended to think about it and after a moment agreed, "Alright," and rolled out of the water and over to him, laughing.

"That was the easiest way for you to get over here?"

I shrugged, on my elbow on my stomach, as he brushed the hair out of my face, "No, but I hadn't done it before, and figured I might as well. Why not?"

He laughed again and we stared up through the opening of the volcano at the night. It was still raining but the wind wasn't strong enough to carry the rain into the dry area of the cave. You could still see the moon, though.

"It really does seem full, doesn't it?" Zane asked.

I nodded, "It does, but trust me, it'd be obvious with me by now if it was."

He nodded, "I'd gather that," and he leaned over and kissed me again.


"Yeah?" I asked lazily.

"Do you just want to stay out here all night?"

I shoved him, "What else did you have in mind, especially since it's raining."

"Just double checking."

I frowned, "But, if you want to go, I can't stop you."

"Why in the world would I want to go back?" He paused a moment, "Besides, I'd get soaked again."

I changed back then and smiled with him, "Well, I wouldn't want you to get pneumonia. I guess you'll have to stay."

"I guess so." I scooted over next to him on my back by the fire and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Zane?"


"Thank you."

"For what?'

"I know I'm not the easiest girl to spend Valentine's Day with, but I'm glad you can put up with it. I really had a great time."

His replied, "You may not be the easiest girl to spend it with…but you are the best girl to spend it with."

I smiled and scooted closer to him, registering him playing with my hair again until I finally, lazily, batted it away and he chuckled, I think. I was just about asleep.

In the morning, though, I was the first one up. I turned my head and smiled at Zane, still sleeping. I lay there for a moment looking around, you could see the tide rings in the sand by the pool and the sun was up, announcing a clear morning. I gently got up from Zane's side and walked around, stretching, and eyed the pool. I looked back at Zane, and decided just to wait for him to get up…or not.

"Zane," I whispered, walking back over and when he didn't respond, gently kicked his leg and said louder, "Zane!"

"Mhm?" he opened his eye a bit.

"Wake up, it's morning."

He rubbed his eyes, getting up, "Thanks for the notice."

I laughed, helping him up, and just shrugged, smiling.

"Alright," he nodded walking over to the pool's edge.

I followed him. That was a mistake. I turned my back for a second and in that second felt something cold hit me on the side. I spun around and looked down, "Zane!" and jumped into the pool feet first.

He was laughing, "That's what happens when you wake up a guy who's peacefully asleep."

I popped up above the surface, "Oh, really?"

He nodded. So did I, responding slowly, "Well, I guess fair is fair."

He started to agree, but then stared to protest as I splashed him back. We both just started laughing, until I finally, reluctantly, asked, "What time is it?"

Zane looked at his watch, "10:00. Do you need to get back?"

I made a face, "Maybe. My dad probably won't care too much, what about yours, though?"

He shrugged, "Probably'll be in a fit, but I don't care."

I gave a small smile, "Well, maybe we shouldn't be more than hour more."

Zane sighed, "Alright."

"Should I just stay in here, or are you going to be good?" I pretended to pout.

He repeated my words from last night, "I guess you're going to have to trust me."

I smiled, pulling myself up and out and decided to just dry myself off. Zane was waiting by the dying fire, "Want something to drink?" he asked, holding out the cider bottles.

I smiled, "I guess."

After a while, though, I sighed, "We probably should get back."

Zane nodded and stood up, "You're probably right. Ready?"

"Not really, but, yeah. Mind if I go out with you?"

He seemed surprised for a second, but then answered, "Of course not. Let's go."

We joked walking through the island and then Zane helped me into the boat. Normally, I would have made some remark about be able to handle it myself, but I let it go today.

Zane frowned, "You may want to sit up front; the back can catch a lot of spray sometimes."

I nodded, "Thanks for the heads up."

He smiled and I hopped out when we got out before he could have the chance to offer.



"That was a pretty awesome night."

I smiled, "It was. Thanks for putting up with me."


"See you later, Zane."

"You too, Rikki," and he leaned forward leaving me with a kiss on the cheek. I smiled, blushing. Neither one of us were big fans of our homes, so it wasn't unusual that one of us didn't bring the other there.

I looked around, "Hey!" Cleo was walking with Emma, and Lewis not too far away.

"Hey, Rikki!" Emma called back, "How was your night?"

"Pretty good. Yours?"

Emma shrugged, "The stupid rain cut it a little short, but Byron came over for a little bit afterwards, but it was good. Cleo?"

"We just went back to my house when the rain started; dinner was great and so was the rest of it."

"Good. We'll I'll see you guys later. I should probably get home."

They just laughed, "See you later, Rikki."