Okay the first thing I should say is sorry! . I haven't updated in a LONG time. But hey, I'm back! All I have to say for this chapter is well the fast pace. I don't want to make this story like 11 chapters long so it really is going to be only like 3-5 chapters. If you want me to continue it and make it longer leave a review saying you do, otherwise I'm just going to make it short.

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR, but I extremely wish I did!

Warning: This is yaoi! Don't like don't read.

Another warning: As you can see Tsuna is very out of character and Hibari is as well, but hey, I'm not a good writer hahaha so I can't really get Hibari to be well Hibari. -_-

Couples: Definitely 1827, little bit of 2718, 10027 is implied but not really haha.

I don't really have a beta thingy… I just write it then post it o.o

Thank you so much for the reviews :D Scroll down at the end of the chapter to see that I have responded! :D

Chapter 2: The Prince in Danger

"You better get him, and if you fail…" Evil lips smiled sadistically before continuing, "I will gladly show you a good time." The man narrowed his eyes to slits and broached his men with his sharp gaze.

The men made an inaudible gasp as they breathed out, "Y-yes sir!" They retreated quickly and set on the task their master sent them without hesitating. They definitely did not want to be shown a good time.

Especially if a "good time" came from Byakuran himself…

A low chuckle was heard and Byakuran began to chuckle as well. "My army is filled with imbeciles. Why don't you go and take care of what I want?" Byakuran sang out while staring happily at the shadow in his bedroom.

The shadow dispersed into thin air like it wasn't there in the first place almost like an illusion…

The white-haired man laughed playfully as he looked out of the window toward Naminori's kingdom – while stuffing his face with a handful of marshmallows. "I'll see you soon...my Tsunayoshi-kun."

Pillow pets are awesome :D

"…hahaha that is certainly a brave tactic my good friend! What other stories or crazy encounters have come across you?" Iemistu laughed as he was having a good conversation with Dino.

Meanwhile the knight and prince continued to stare at each other, eying each other – waiting for someone to make the next move. A few moments of staring continued before Tsuna decided to break the ice. "Um… Nice to meet you. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi but everyone calls me Tsuna."

"…" Hibari said nothing and crossed his arms while giving Tsuna the look.

"Uh… Sorry that my father forced you into this?" Tsuna said unsure if he was indeed in fact forced into being a knight for him.

"…" More silence between them, and Tsuna began to feel itchy.

"Um… Knight-san?" Tsuna reached out his hand to touch his newly knight only to receive a dark bruise on his hand. Wide eyed, Tsuna stared at Hibari even more with caution. It appears his knight is strong if Tsuna barely saw Hibari's hand move and make contact on his skin. Who the hell is this guy? Did my father find out I wanted to kill him so he ordered someone to kill me?

Hibari couldn't help but smirk as he saw confusion in the herbivore's eyes. He must be afraid. Another victory for Hibari-san.

Iemitsu and Dino continued their conversation like the best of friends not noticing the icy atmosphere around the two boys a few feet away from them.

Something is not right with this guy. Tsuna kept staring at Hibari trying to figure out this guy's true purpose for being here. While Hibari thought he was too shocked or scared to move.

Simple herbivores. Should I scare him more so I can leave this dreadful place?

Shit! Does that mean taking over my father's kingdom and killing everyone in this dreadful place plan become known? I must get rid of this guy!

Both continued to stare at each other still until the two older men finally finished their talking and began walking toward the two.

"Hahaha so you guys are having a staring contest? Becoming friends already?" Iemitsu laughed as he put a hand on Tsuna's shoulder.

Dino chuckled and looked at Hibari. Hibari isn't the type to make friends, but what the king doesn't know won't hurt him.

"Okay Kyouya! I'll be taking my leave now so be good to cute little Tsuna over there." Dino said while winking at Tsuna. Tsuna pretended to blush and look away nervously while Hibari narrowed his eyes as he completely saw through Tsuna's act.

With Dino gone Iemitsu also went to whatever business kings had to attend leaving the two boys alone. Iemitsu looked back seeing the two, with one last smile and with a happy content feeling, he left.


And so the fight begins between a prince… and his knight.

A metal object flied into the air and a flame dodged it quickly. Steel eyes and orange eyes met with only a few inches separated them. The raven head kicked at the small body in front of him but the blur of orange quickly dodged it using his flames to boost him into the air. Hours passed by until Hibari finally thought of a clever idea. Pulling another tonfa he threw one into the air as a decoy and grabbed his fallen tonfa on the ground to quickly aim behind him.

"Oof!" Tsuna fell onto the ground while still having his guard up. Hibari glared. Looks like he guarded himself before I could put a scratch on him. Hibari pounced and pinned Tsuna onto the ground. Growling he calmly voiced out, "Aren't you supposed to be…a weak little bunny?"

Tsuna glared. "Aren't you supposed to protect this weak little bunny?"

Both continued to stare at each other before both started to fake laugh as they heard a door slam close. The maid calmly walked into the room and looked at the two boys sitting calmly looking like they were having a good time. Grabbing what she came for she left. And as soon as they heard the door close both attacked each other, but this time Tsuna pinned Hibari down.

"Have you come to kill me?" Tsuna said ferociously easily pinning down his so called protector. Hibari felt pissed being pinned down against his will and snarled oozing out his deathly aura. "I didn't come to kill you, but you're giving me an idea." Hibari said darkly meaning every word - still trying to get the brunette off him.

If anyone saw their position they would have gotten the wrong idea. Tsuna was cradling Hibari's hip while holding Hibari's arms with one hand above the dark hair's head. Something that Hibari did not like at all. Almost barking like a mad dog Hibari began to try biting Tsuna's face since his head was the only thing that could move. His legs were trying to kick Tsuna in the back of the head, but Tsuna continued to pin him down with no effort.


Tsuna smiled. And it wasn't just any smile. It was a creepy smile only a hatred filled brunette could pull off. With a creepy laugh Tsuna used his free hand to stroke Hibari's cheek (dodging the biting Hibari of course).

"I wonder what his good looking face would look like abused and tortured." Tsuna laughed evilly not noticing how he said that out loud. Hibari glared even more as he continued to struggle underneath the so called weak little bunny. But also hiding a small little miniature microscopic feeling of happiness at being called good looking.

Tsuna snapped out of his daze and looked down at the so-angry-Hibari-that-looked-like-he-was-going-to-cry and laughed. Quite loudly too which pissed the almighty Hibari even more.

Tsuna smiled and let go of Hibari and shot up into the air to avoid being mauled by a furious dog… Tsuna smirked. More like a little kitty in water. "How's the water down there?" Pause for effect then go for the kill. "Little kitty-san." Tsuna gasped for air while his laughter filled the room as he saw the expression of his knight's face.

"You…" Hibari seethed out under his breath. "Come down here and fight me! I will bite you to death!" Hibari grabbed his tonfas and began throwing them at Tsuna. Hibari grabbed anything he saw and threw them at Tsuna. Loud sounds were echoing across the castle. Maids began appearing and Tsuna started to sweat. No one knows about his ability to use flames and he quickly fell to the ground hiding his gloves into his pockets.

Hibari smirked and like lightning he attacked Tsuna quickly before wondering why the brunette didn't dodge him. He looked around then smirked. "So weak when you're around people, huh? … little bunny?" Hibari pinched Tsuna's nose very hard. The maids gasped as they saw the mess and wondered what happened between those two. "Shall we continue our fight right here? An audience has come to watch the worthless vile prince get beat up."

Tsuna only smirked before receiving a hard blow onto his cheek and then stomach. "Ack!" Tsuna coughed out blood and glared at Hibari. Hibari still holding Tsuna by the collar and the maids began to run away for help yelling that the knight is abusive.

Tsuna sighed before staring into Hibari's still pissed off eyes. "What is it that you want?"

Hibari stared pretending to give it some thought. "You. Dead."

Tsuna almost laughed. "Even if you did you would die as well."

Hibari scoffed like nothing could defeat him. "What makes you think I'm weaker than your so called army?"

Tsuna blinked before glaring. "I'm not talking about my army of useless ants. I'm talking about myself. I will kill you."

Hibari feigned laugh and both continued to glare at each other waiting for the next move before the ground began to shake and a few screams down at the west hall could be heard. Unbalanced, the two men fell to the ground with confusion as a guard came running to warn the prince.

"We're under attack Your Highness! The king has assembled his army b-but I'm afraid that we not be ready in time. I have been told to quickly inform you to take your knight with you and ru- ack!" The guard fell to the ground as a long white staff pierced into the soldiers gut and quickly pulled out.

Tsuna stared at the falling guard while still on his bottom. Hibari glared at the direction where the staff retreated who was hiding his body from the line of sight.

Mist invaded the room as the unknown intruder walked in. "Kufufufu…" Tsuna gasped before looking scared. Hibari noticed this and unconsciously held Tsuna close before growling at the intruder. "Tsunayoshi-kun. I've come back for you." A deep velvet voice echoed throughout the room. Tsuna shut his eyes closed and opened them and saw the throne room look purple – almost as if his castle was under a dark spell.

"Why have you come here!" Tsuna yelled out while gripping Hibari's arm for support. Hibari still confused looked around to see the environment completely change. Hibari got up to his feet bringing Tsuna up with him.

"Tsunayoshi-kun I see you got a little doggie to protect you. I'm hurt you chose him not me." Hibari twitched before pushing Tsuna away from him after realizing he has been holding Tsuna the whole time. Tsuna glared at Hibari before regaining his composure – trying hard to hide his fear.

"What do you want Mukuro." Tsuna said with a deep commanding voice. "Kufufufu… Your body…" The mist got heavier, and Tsuna got a bad feeling.

"Ah!" Tsuna screamed before realizing he wasn't on the ground anymore. "Kitty-san!" Hibari twitched looking pissed before slightly panicking. The mist was so heavy to see where that little piece of sh- I mean little bunny was. Hibari caught a dark shadow in the air. "You! Herbivore in the air! I will come bite you to death! Release that helpless little bunny at once!"

Tsuna glared down at the voice not liking the nickname at all. Mukuro laughed. Apparently their relationship isn't very…stable. "Kufufufu… A battle sounds fun. Tell me your name, kitty-san." Mukuro smirked as he saw Hibari's stressed out face.

".." Hibari glared at the shadow. "Hibari Kyouya."

Tsuna looked down before quietly whispering to himself, "Hibari-san…" Mukuro looked at the brunette's face before smiling at Hibari. "Well then Kyo-chan…I'll see you later. But I'm taking this with me." Hibari growled then the mist disappeared.

The raven head looked around frantically to see the room reverted back to its original state. He then glared at the direction where the shadow once was before realizing…

No more herbivore. Hm. I think I can live with that. Hibari smirked walking toward the exit dodging a few broken objects he threw at the brunette earlier. Every shattered piece seemed to piss him off until he reached the door. "That fucking herbivore! He left without a fight!" Hibari growled and shoved the nearby maids and butlers out of the way ready to bite anyone who was near.

"-raise our defense! We need to protect the townspeople! What are you thinking! Use your head and ready to fire!" King Iemitsu's voice got closer and closer. Hibari glanced up to see Iemitsu across the hall. Iemitsu saw him in the corner of his eye before smiling brightly. "Hello! Mr. Knight! Why are you still—Where's my son!" Iemitsu yelled loudly at Hibari with deep concern in his eyes color quickly fading from his face. Grabbing hold of Hibari he began to shake him running out of patience fast.

Hibari even more pissed glared at the king. "Simple. They took him." Hibari brushed Iemitsu's hands off him before crossing his arms haughtily – slightly shocked at seeing the king crumble to the ground. Herbivores caring for herbivores. How sweet. Hibari looked away disgusted by what was in front of him.

"M-my son. He has no idea on how to protect himself!" Hibari snorted. "Save my son!" Iemitsu got up to his feet and gripped Hibari's shoulders sharply. "Save my son…please." Iemitsu stared deep into Hibari's pissed off ones. Hibari ready to punch him in the face, hesitated. Getting back that disgusting vile piece of trash will earn me another chance to fight him and kill him – that's the best part after all. Hibari smirked as he imagined the brunette begging for mercy while on his knees with his head on the ground. With a simple pat on the king's shoulder Hibari passed through the hallways and disappeared into the woods.

Let's just say the raven head is easy to negotiate. Add some bastard herbivores into the deal and he's hooked.

Independence Day is here! :D

"Do you feel good, my Tsunayoshi-kun?" A deep voice whispered into the brunette's ear. The sound of cloth brushing against each other and searching hands resonated throughout the room. A soft pant could be heard softly. "You look so cute handcuffed to that bed post. I won't let you escape this time." A white haired man got off the bed and reached for some fluffy marshmallows.

"B-Byakuran! I should have known." Tsuna breathed out with venom. Using all his strength he glared at the sadistic man in front of him. "Stop eating those marshmallows! They don't suit you. Piece of shit like you should be-" Smack. A smile spread across the said sadistic man as he punched Tsuna in the face leaving a big bruise on the already swollen face of Tsuna.

"Hm… Tsunayoshi-kun… I believe you're forgetting your position. I kidnapped you so I get to keep you and do whatever I want with you." Byakuran practically sang out while ripping Tsuna's shirt open to see a well-toned body. "You've been working out I see. But that won't be enough to stop me." Byakuran ran a hand down Tsuna's chest to his lower belly. "Byakuran. Stop now!" Tsuna said obviously frightened by the white haired man and what he will do to him.

With a big smile the sadistic man brushed his lips against Tsuna's bare chest licking the skin trailing to a bare neck ready for marking. "Ack!" Tsuna yelped as he felt teeth dig into his skin. Byakuran smiled then began beating Tsuna. Tsuna whimpered as he endured the painful beatings from Byakuran while staring into Byakuran's cold eyes. The said man stared back and smiled looking satisfied by the bruised body making sure the white milky skin was all blue. Tsuna barely alive held back tears as he continued to search for air.

"Tell me Tsunayoshi-kun. Do you feel good?" Byakuran said evilly as he licked each wound he made as if he was soothing it. Tsuna nodded fearing Byakuran would make him feel "good" even more. "Good. You're so cute Tsunayoshi-kun." Byakuran said while nipping at one of Tsuna's nipples and twisting the other. Satisfied the marshmallow lover got up to examine his new toy. "I'll be back. I'm just going to get a few…things." Tsuna's eyes widened as he was going to yell that he really indeed felt good but the angelic smile disappeared out the door.

All hope was crushed as Tsuna heard the door lock. The brunette sighed and weakly looked out the nearby window. The moon was up shining up there with the stars. He took a look around the room and saw that nothing has changed since the last time he was abducted.

Everything in the room was white and pure as snow – said to compliment the master's personality. It's ironic how the castle's name also compliments the master. The castle was named Ice Castle. A true masterpiece and worth more than a small human mind can handle. The floors are glass and underneath are white gold floors. The furniture is also made of glass and inside the glass is an expensive white stone. The sheets are pure white so white it hurt your eyes and to be an overachiever they put mirrors as ceiling tiles reflecting the glass floors. One could admire this castle since its impression is a beautiful castle with a pure master but many know otherwise. The bed Tsuna is chained to is a double king sized bed more expensive than the whole room itself. There are no lights in the Ice Castle because the whiteness is said to glow with light, and even though the castle looks holier than heaven itself it's cursed with eternal darkness.

Forever will it be night at the Snow Kingdom because of an unbreakable curse Byakuran himself cast upon his castle. No happiness, no light, no dreams, no hope, no love…That is the Snow Kingdom. You can never gain anything positive once you step into the Snow Kingdom, and you will be stuck there forever…


Tsuna sighed as he weakly rubbed his new bruises. The last time he was forcefully taken here was four years ago when he was ten. He came with a pure heart and escaped with nothing but dark thoughts. How he escaped? He was lucky, but this time… Tsuna look at the chain connecting him from the bed and his wrists.

Not even long enough for me to go to the bathroom anymore huh… The brunette sighed and began to hear growling from his stomach. "Ouch… Sorry stomach… It looks like I won't be able to feed you for about…well maybe once every two months now since last time it was once a month…"

With another sigh the brunette curled up in a ball before crying. There were so many things he wanted to do too. Like kill his father and take over the world, torture his knight and completely embarrass him and eat that cake he bought the other day.

Yep. Tsuna has become insane.

Tsuna cried some more feeling incredibly tired he whispered softly, "I-I'm sorry…father," then drifted off to a painful slumber.

I'm sorry but I love you blah blah blah blah :D (The blah represents a different language haha :D)

"So this is the Snow Kingdom that old man told me about at the bar back there…" Hibari said quietly to himself as he looked over a cliff. His journey to save the prince was…annoying, but the motivation of killing that young bastard kept him going. Hibari jumped down from the cliff and into the woods of Snow Kingdom. The kingdom was in like a crater, a deep one too, making it impossible to climb out. Hibari walked into town and was disgusted.

The town was filled with poverty, people crawling on the ground in search of food and water. There was nothing but dirt and rags keeping the townspeople warm in the cold environment. The temperature was very cold but despite its name there is no snow, only ice fell down that will never turn into a liquid. If you touch one of the falling ice you will turn into stone forever. Fortunately, it wasn't raining down ice that day.

Hibari made a pained face before moving on. He looked up to see… "Well that must be the bastard in control." Hibari said with a low growl. He passed by the desperate people with a hurried pace to slice the throat of the king.

The raven readjusted his black jacket on his shoulders before appearing to the front gate. With a sinister smile he glared at each one of the guards. The guards shook in fear as the devil grew closer and closer…

Let's just say all the pent up anger in Hibari is finally released.

Flicking the blood off his tonfas he opened the gate and grabbed one of the guards to lead him to the king. The guard did what he was told afraid if he didn't. Hibari found himself facing a big white glass door. He looked at it unimpressed before entering leaving the guard outside.

The little kitten stepped inside and saw…white. Hibari squint his eyes not liking the glow from the white. He looked around and saw the back of a loveseat and a man with white hair sitting comfortably on it. A peculiar fireplace was built in front of the loveseat with… black fire.

A deep chuckle escaped from evil lips. "My, my! Do I have an uninvited guest?" The white haired man sang out while chomping on perfectly innocent marshmallows.

"I've come to kill you and take back the prince." Hibari said haughtily leaving out the so I can kill him when he's in my hands part.

"Prince? Ah~! You must mean cute little Tsunayoshi-kun." Sadistic lips curved up at the mention of Tsuna.

Hibari tapped his foot becoming more and more impatient before suddenly finding himself in pain. His eyes widen as he looked around to see what had hit him, but even more confused when he still saw the white haired man sitting peacefully on the loveseat. The dark haired man coughed gasping for air.

"My, my! Are you hurt?" Byakuran said while getting up and turning around to see his unwanted guest. "Shall I take care of you?" With an evil smile Byakuran slowly made his way to the injured man on the floor. Hibari got up and prepared for battle ignoring the screams from his body. The evil man blinked before smiling ever so preciously.

They stared at each other for a while before a sudden thrust at Hibari's neck had him flying across the room. Hibari coughed and got up then the white haired man slammed him on the wall – lifting the raven head by his neck.

"What business do you have with my Tsunayoshi-kun!" Byakuran half yelled as his eyes went into slits and a frown on his usual smiling appearance. Hibari's vision had become blurry as he tried to concentrate at the figure in front of him, but the lack of air made it harder.

Finally running out of patience for an answer the white haired man knocked Hibari out before yelling, "Mukuro!"

"Kufufufu….Yes?" Mist appeared into the room as a deep voice appeared next to Byakuran.

"Send him to the prison cells. I'm going to play with my little Tsunayoshi-kun." The icy king left the room to his chamber where Tsuna lay.

Mukuro watched the king leave before looking at the unconscious prisoner. "We meet again Kyou-chan." The pineapple head brushed Hibari's hair out of his face. "And I thought you could actually win against Byakuran…" Mukuro picked Hibari up like a sack of race putting his hand on Hibari's butt instead. With a smirk he left to the dungeons.

Mukuro is a perv… :D

"You little tramp!" Tsuna yelped as he was receiving another beating from his new master. "I told you to be a good little bunny, but now you're flirting with other guys?" Byakuran yelled as ripped Tsuna's costume and cut him with a knife.

Tsuna widened his eyes. Flirting with other guys? ... Tsuna gasped and looked up at the crazed Byakuran. Could it be…Hibari was here!

Enduring the pain Byakuran finally stopped. With one more hit to Tsuna's face, he picked Tsuna up by the collar and dragged him down the dungeons. Tsuna saw Hibari unconscious before being forcefully thrown into the same cell. "I'll give you what you want slut." Byakuran said sadistically before locking the cell and throwing the key a couple of feet away to rub it in his face just like he did with food.

The evil man left the two alone without a word and prepared another attack at Naminori's kingdom. They retreated as soon as he got Tsuna but now he's planning to destroy them and conquer it.

Surrounded with complete darkness with only a small caged window to light the prison cell Tsuna sat with his back against Hibari. The cell was made out of black stone made to slowly suck away your life. Tsuna looked back to see Hibari with some small injuries, he sighed in relief. Hibari's hands had chains on his wrists and they are attached to the wall but there was room to stretch.

Hibari shuffled and Tsuna quickly turned around not wanting to face Hibari just yet. Hibari's eyes fluttered open and saw… pink. Hibari rubbed his eyes and stared at what was before him recognizing the small figure as well.

Small. Pink. And Fluffy.

Tsuna was dressed in a one piece bunny suit. It had a hood with bunny ears on it and it ended with shorts revealing Tsuna's upper thighs. A small tail was placed near the bottom. The costume revealed a lot of skin. It had no sleeves but a two inched width straps that connected the hood and the body together.

Hibari could have laughed. "Hn. I must be in heaven seeing a fine little bunny ready for eating."

Tsuna twitched with annoyance, "This fine little bunny is ready to push a little kitty in the water."

Hibari growled like a dog before realizing something was wrong… "Herbivore, turn around."

Tsuna ignored his command and scoffed, "Oh, so now you want to see my face? Well, I'm sorry, but I don't."

"Turn around now!" Hibari said more harshly seeing Tsuna flinch from the sudden change of tone. Tsuna hesitated before slowly revealing the front. Hibari's eyes widened.

Tsuna's costume in the front was completely torn abused with cuts obviously made from a knife. Hibari looked at Tsuna's purple body and almost hit himself in the head mentally for not seeing the bruised arms and legs in the first place. Then he saw…

"Blood." Hibari said with a low voice.

"Huh? Oh… it'll stop…eventually." Tsuna laughed nervously hiding his face and trying to cover his body.

"Eventually my ass. You'll bleed to death if you stay like that." Hibari said while reaching into his shirt to pull out a few bandages and rubbing alcohol. Tsuna looked up confused before snorting, "Afraid you'll get injured?"

Hibari glared, "Are you complaining?"

Tsuna sighed and looked away. "Come closer to me so I can bandage your wounds." Hibari commanded with a gentle voice – a bit pissed when his voice went soft. Tsuna looked at Hibari before crawling towards Hibari wincing in pain every time he moved. Once he got closer Hibari began to undress him starting from the hood and the chest by simply slipping it down. Hibari began to rub alcohol on Tsuna's wounds.

"Does it sting?" Hibari asked curious as to why Tsuna isn't flinching at all.

With a small voice, "I don't…" Tsuna pressed his lips together before whispering, "I can't feel anything else but pain…" Hibari looked shocked before looking thoroughly pissed and unconsciously pulled Tsuna closer to him possessively. "Did that man do this to you?" Tsuna nodded, and Hibari suddenly wanted to kill that evil bastard in the worst way ever even more.

Hibari finished disinfecting the brunette's wounds and started to bandage him. The raven head's eyes widen slightly. He's so cold! Hibari growled some more imagining all the ways to kill someone before quickly dressing the brunette once more. Tsuna just sat there letting Hibari do whatever he wanted surprised when Hibari pulled him closely to his chest. "Hibari-san?" Tsuna looked up at Hibari's face. Hibari pulled Tsuna closely and wrapped his jacket around them and zipped it up. "They didn't take that away from you?" Tsuna asked, but thankful for the warmth.

"Sleep. You look tired." Hibari said quietly while looking down at the small figure in his lap. Tsuna smiled but kept staring at Hibari's good looking face.

"I think I have a plan." Tsuna said quietly while resting his head on Hibari's warm chest. Hibari lifted his eyebrows. "A plan to escape." Tsuna looked up with confidence and the two of them stared at each other.

"What is it?" Hibari asked hopefully Tsuna's plan had something to do with killing a certain white headed bastard.

"Okay so here's what we'll do…"

Yay! Chapter 2 is finally on Fanfiction! :D AND Happy Independence Day! :D

I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter because well I worked hard on finishing it haha And I warned you about the fast pace but seriously I don't like writing a WHOLE bunch. -_- But the guilt has finally exploded so now, I updated for my readers. :D

Please review because support means a lot to me! :D

I give you a… ~Yummy Chu. *3*

Hi Hi~! I respond back to you! :D

Namiseeker: Haha I took the deathly aura seriously!

AnonymousAuthor13: I didn't really know if what I wrote was funny but thank you :D

ImitationAngel: Thank you! I hope this chapter is funny as well:D

MariWanHe: Thank you! My writing isn't the best but I try haha

Riem-chan: lol I hope that I got the characters to be different! Tsuna is well different.

MXM: Why thank you for saying the story is interesting! I hope it is! No Tsuna will not be uke since well you will see an example in this chapter, but Hibari won't give up the role as seme that easily ;)