Disclaimer: See chapter 1

A/N: I feel a bit of an explanation is needed. The inspiration for this story came from the song I used in Chapter 3 and a particular line in 'Can I Claim Temporary Insanity' . So I needed to give Rachel a good reason to be disappointed enough that she would be the one breaking up, however temporary, with Santana. And for my muse, it translated in the Faberry friendship featured in this story.

It feels surreal, but I actually managed to finish one of my many WiPs... hope the conclusion of this prequel doesn't disappoint.

A/N: Again, this is self-edited, so all mistakes are mine and mine alone.

Chapter 4

Santana and Rachel are cuddling on the diva's bed, glad to be away from the drama that they call Glee Club.

"You know, you shoulda just let me smack him around a couple of times. Maybe then he'll learn to treat a lady properly." Santana says as she plays with a few strands of Rachel's hair.

"No. I hate his grubby paws even more than you do, and God knows he deserves it, but I'm not about to risk having you suspended for fighting or having him taunt you to the point where you'll get in serious trouble for hurting him. Or even worse, have him hurt you. I hate to do this, but I'll probably go to see Mr. Figgins if he doesn't stop." Rachel says softly.

"Why have you waited so long? Why are you hesitating even now?" Santana asks.

"I might not like him very much, but I don't want to ruin his entire future because he's acting like an immature jerk." Rachel says as she plays with the fingers of Santana's free hand.

"I'd say you're too nice and too forgiving, but if it wasn't for that, you and I wouldn't be together right now." Santana says softly in a voice that is a mix of sadness and extreme regret.

"Baby, I've forgiven you. Please let it go. I have. I love you." Rachel says as she shifts to face Santana before reaching up and giving the girl a kiss full of hope.

"I love you too, Preciosa. So much that it hurts when you're not with me." Santana says after they pull apart. "Oh, since you're not staying with Quinn, Mami wants you to come and stay with us tomorrow night 'cause she doesn't want you here alone." Santana adds as she resumes playing with Rachel's hair.

"How did she know? Never mind. I keep forgetting our Dad and Alberto work in the same place. You know it wouldn't be the first time I have to stay by myself, right? Besides, Dad'll still be in Lima." Rachel says with a slight shake of her head and a fond smile. It feels so odd having people outside of her immediate family care so much about her.

"That's not the point. Something could happen and no one would know. I'd spend the whole night worried." Santana answers. "How come you're not staying with Quinn? Everything okay?" Santana asks frowning.

"Everything is great. Quinn's sister is finally facing the fact that she has been a complete and total witch. She decided to drop in at the last minute so they can repair their relationship. Much to Quinn's displeasure, I decided I didn't want to make things more awkward than they have to be." Rachel answers as she starts to trace patterns on the back of Santana's hand.

"You can't even say Taylor's name without getting angry, can you?" Santana asks with a chuckle.

"If I call her by name I acknowledge her existence, and I'll end up saying things that are very un-lady like. She's done and said things that have hurt Quinn deeply. Should I stay at her place as planned I would ruin any chances of reconciliation, and as much as I dislike the woman, I don't know her from Adam so I'm staying out and only stepping in if Quinn is hurt further. Quinn wants to make this work and this time, Judy is on her side." Rachel answers.

"We're so lucky to have you in our lives." Santana says as she lets her hand move from Rachel's hair to caress the side of the diva's face.

"Thank you." Rachel says softly as she grabs Santana's hand to place kisses on each finger.

"Whatever are you thanking me for? Mami adores you and, I get to sleep in the same bed with you. I should be the one thanking you." Santana answers with a sappy grin.

"Well, yeah, thanks for that as well, but it was more for keeping your word to me. You really trust me. It's a nice feeling." Rachel replies. "Oh, you're going to have to drive me to my voice lesson after school since I'm staying with you." Rachel adds.

"I should have believed you right away. And of course I'll drive you to your voice lesson. Do I have to make a detour to pick Quinn up?" Santana says still smiling like a fool.

"No. Judy is taking care of that." Rachel answers.

"Is Quinn still thinking about adoption for the baby? I know Puck keeps pushing to keep her. I'm glad you hit him after he sang 'Beth'." Santana says in an edgier tone, not at all happy with the boy.

"Noah deserved it. Yes. We've been discussing the merits of open adoptions versus closed ones…" Rachel starts to say, only to be interrupted by two soft fingers pressed against her lips.

"Are you sure it's ok for you to be talking to me about this?" Santana asks quietly. She knows that even with their friendship back to normal, there are still topics that Quinn will only discuss with Rachel.

"The only reason Quinn doesn't bring this up is because it's too painful. She's fallen in love with the baby and it's killing her that the best thing she can do is to give her a proper home with a mother that isn't a child herself. Mom is thinking of adopting the baby. She said she is planning on taking at least a year off from teaching. As a bonus, the same mistakes wouldn't be repeated by keeping Quinn away from the baby if she wanted to stay in touch." Rachel says.

"Are you ok with that?" Santana asks.

"Yes. We have both accepted that there is nothing we can do about the lost time. We're making a lot progress." Rachel answers.

"Are you okay with the fact that you'll be sharing your mom with a new baby?" Santana asks again. She can see the undercurrent of pain in her Rachel's eyes.

Rachel looks at Santana and smiles sadly. "For the most part, I am. It's a strange situation because I was never hers to keep. It'll be odd, but I'll get used to it. I have no right to feel jealous or slighted. It's not like I grew up in a broken home. I grew up with two loving parents, who just happen to be gay men. I always thought I was missing something for not having a mom, but in reality, you can't miss something you've never had. I'm glad I get the chance to know the woman who was kind enough to do be a surrogate for my dads and I finally get a female perspective on things. In the end it all works out." Rachel says.

"You're really are something else. I've never met anyone who can so easily see the best in everyone, no matter how shitty we've treated you." Santana says with adoration before she shifts their positions so that Rachel is now lying on top of her. Soon, she claims Rachel's lips with hers, and once again, their tongues come out to play.

"I love you." Rachel says breathless as she lays her head on top of Santana's chest. "I love the sound of your heart. It's very soothing. I swear that it beats in rhythm with mine." Rachel adds as she shifts her body slightly so she can pull one of Santana's hands over her chest. "Can you feel what you do to me? Right now, our hearts are beating in counterpoint, trying to harmonise together. It's like they're singing their own duet." She continues.

Santana smiles like a fool at those words, but once she feels the cadence of Rachel's heart beating hard against her palm, she can't help but nod in agreement.

"All I ever wanted was for you to trust me and open up to me. I was feeling left out whenever you'd go to Quinn first. I know I should've been less of a bitch and be more approachable. I was too stupid and too worried about my reputation. I hated that Quinn managed to say and do all the things I wanted but I didn't know how to. It's been so long that I really didn't know how to open myself up. I always thought that sharing my feelings was a way to give ammo to others to use against me. I was being so selfish. I wanted your undivided attention on me and your complete trust, but I wasn't willing to give that back. I'm not used to giving comfort and be all touchy feely but I'm learning how with you. You bring out the best in me." Santana says, pulling Rachel impossibly closer to her.

"You're doing great. I love this side of you. I love that I'm the only who gets to experience it. It makes me feel so special. I always feel loved and protected when I'm with you. What happened? Who hurt you so bad that you felt you needed to retreat to yourself like that? Who do I have hurt for hurting you?" Rachel asks while she traces random patterns on Santana's shoulder and collarbone.

Santana sighs. This is all part of the relationship. Opening to each other and not holding back. It surprises her that she doesn't have to force herself to do so. She looks at the girl draped on top of her and tightens her arms a little bit more, trying to sort out and put her thoughts in order. She doesn't want to just blurt things out and then have her angel going in a rampage in order to defend her honour, even if the thought makes her feel loved and appreciated and extremely turned on.

"I got made fun of a lot for it. I look like an obvious foreigner. It never mattered that I spoke without a hint of an accent, or that I was born here. All they saw was the Hispanic girl. I was called all sort of derogatory names depicting my race, and when some of them saw how much comfort I got when B would hug me, they added words like 'lesbo' and 'dyke' to their list of insults. One day it got to be a bit much so I beat one of the bullies to a pulp. I got in trouble, but I didn't care. I saw how others started to hesitate with their taunting. I connected the dots, and I haven't stopped since then." Santana says with a lump in her throat at the memory.

"I'm sorry Baby. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories." Rachel says as she kisses along Santana's collar bone, moving up to her neck, then up to her jaw and ending in her lips. Both girls sigh happily.

"Don't be. I want to tell you. Life became a lot easier until this kid transferred in the sixth grade. His name was Dennis. He became one of my best friends along with Brittany and Quinn. We were inseparable. We told each other everything. Everything was great until the other boys were making fun of him for being besties with three girls, so I beat the shit out of them. I thought I was doing something nice for him, you know? I was defending him and stuff, the same way I always did for Britt and Quinn. Turns out the other boys taunted him even more, saying he had to hide behind a girl for protection and shit like that.

"I guess it got to be too much for him because he just pulled away from us, from me. It wasn't this gradual shit either. No, overnight he decided we were plague carriers or something equally bad. He told the others some of our deepest secrets. He let the other kids know Quinn's family were alcoholics. He told the others Brittany still slept with a night light on, and her stuffed duck. He told the others how I was crushing on Ms. Mitchell, our teacher. The name calling and taunts started again, only this time it was worse because it included Q and B. We were devastated, so I lashed out the only way I knew how. I beat the shit out of him and forced him to say he made all that shit up because he wanted to be cool. I forced him to say that he was the one crushing on guys, that he was the homo. He was humiliated. The others backed down and switched their bullying back on him. But that wasn't enough. I was so hurt and angry. Quinn and I came up with ways to make his life a living hell. He was the recipient of the first ever slushie facial. We figured out ways to torture him and not get in trouble. That's why it was so easy for us to go after St. Jerkwad and his cronies and not get caught. It got so bad for Dennis that his family moved again. That was the birth of an era. I got to taste true power, and along with Quinn we've ruled whatever school we've attended." Santana says.

"That makes sense, you know. The whole survival of the fittest and such. I get that you need to assert your dominance, especially when challenged. There is one thing I don't get though. Why me? Aside from the way I dress and how self-centred I am, what caught your attention? I don't recall ever doing anything to warrant your initial dislike of me. I never openly challenged you." Rachel asks. She instantly feels Santana stiffen underneath her.

"I thought you said you've forgiven me. That you've moved past that stuff." Santana says in a broken whisper, tears instantly filling her eyes.

Rachel moves so she's sitting crossed legged on her bed. She reaches and cradles Santana's face in her hands. She hates that she has caused her Santana more pain, but she pushes on. They need to be able to talk about their past. "Look at me Baby." Rachel says gently, wiping a stray tear that managed to leak out with the pad of her thumb. She smiles lovingly at the girl once their chocolate gazes lock. She reaches down and kisses Santana with everything that is in her. She smiles into the kiss when she feels Santana respond. "I love you Baby. I have forgiven you, but part of me needs to know why." Rachel answers softly, hoping that the kiss and the sincerity in her words and eyes aren't missed at all. Her hands are still cradling Santana's face.

Santana looks at the girl that has slowly managed to sneak past all her defences and has planted herself firmly into her very soul. No matter what, she knows this is it. The girl sitting crossed legged beside her and looking at her with so much love is the one. This talk is just one more hurdle they need to get past for their happily ever after. She nods and reaches to grab one of the hands still on her face and pulls the diva back on top of her.

"You never deserved any of the shit I pulled on you. I know it sounds fucked up, and yes, I know you hate it when I swear, but those words sum it up. You were so different from everyone. It wasn't the way you dress that made you stand out. That was just an excuse. It's always been your attitude. Even as a freshman, you knew exactly what you wanted to do with your life. I've known you for a year and a half, and those dreams and goals haven't changed. You have the talent and drive to make them reality. You'll be one of the few who will manage to leave this hellhole. You were never, are not now, and will never be a Lima Loser and that's a tough pill to swallow. You are one of the strongest people I know. No matter what life throws at you, you are still sweet. Yes, I know you can be bitchy when it's needed or when we've pushed you too far, but you're never cruel or vicious just for the hell of it. You have never conformed to our pressure to change and be one of the bunch. As sick as it sounds, I needed to bring you down to my level because I was jealous of all that. I'm so sorry." Santana says, a few stray tears falling down.

"You're not a Lima Loser. You have gone through your fair share of crap and you've come out stronger. You're beautiful, intelligent, and sweet under the tough façade you put for the rest to see. We will get out of here together and we'll take the world by storm. I forgive you. I'm saying that not because I didn't before, but because you need to hear it again. I have no grudges against you." Rachel says. They have declared their love for each other, but they have never hinted at what the future might hold. She takes a deep breath and shifts again so she's lying mostly on her side, draped partially over Santana so they can look at each other without straining her neck. She knows she needs to say this next part.

"You're slightly wrong in your assessment of me. My dreams have changed slightly. I know we haven't talked about this, and our relationship is still very new. We're both young and I don't want to scare you, but you're it for me. I can't see myself with anyone but you. I still want to take the entertainment world by storm, but I want to do with you by my side. I want you in the audience when the curtains come up before my first Broadway role, however small it might be. I want you in the audience, front row centre, when I get my first starring role. I want to be able to look directly into your eyes when I give the acceptance speech after winning my first Tony. When we're ready, I want to raise a family with you. I want to grow old with you. I want you in my life forever. You are my eternity." Rachel bares her soul, hoping she isn't moving too fast.

Santana feels her heart soar to unimaginable heights. The feeling of forever is mutual. She lets out a big sigh of relief, which unfortunately, Rachel takes the wrong way.

"I'm sorry Santana. I know it's too much to hear so soon into our relationship. I didn't mean to…" Rachel starts to ramble, hoping to backtrack, but she's quickly interrupted by Santana flipping them over and captures her lips in a kiss that speaks of a future together.

"I love you so much. I'll follow you to the end of the world and back. I want everything you said and more. You're it for me as well, Mi Cielo. You're my perfection. You're stuck with me for the rest of our lives." Santana says once they pull apart.

"Gladly." Rachel says before she captures Santana's lips once again.

Their hands start to roam and the need to feel more is overwhelming. Soon, they're exploring under their shirts and they only stop when one of them moans loudly. They look at each other, silently asking permission for more. A slight nod and clothing starts to pile on Rachel's floor. Both girls are speechless at the sight of newly exposed skin. Santana absently thinks that the glimpse she got of Rachel that one time she accidentally walked in on her, pales in comparison to what she can see. The girl is truly perfect. Her hands tremble slightly as she reaches to touch her girl for the very first time.

"I wish more than anything that it's my first time as well. I'm sorry it's not." Santana says full of regret.

"Shh. In a way, it is your first time. This is the first time you will make love to and with your soul mate." Rachel replies.

Santana nods, unable to speak. Soon, words are no longer necessary and they embark on a brand new journey together.

After what feels like an eternity and a blink of an eye at the same time, they are both lying in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow while they recover from their mutual highs, sharing the occasional kiss.

Their little bubble is burst by a phone call from their friends checking in on them. They're tempted to let their respective voice mails kick in, but Rachel knows that if she doesn't answer, Quinn will show up to check on them. Reluctantly, she picks up her phone and connects the call. After reassurances that yes, they're both doing well and a promise of catching up tomorrow, both girls spend the remainder of the evening talking, cuddling, and making love well into the night.

The following day feels like another trip to the Twilight Zone for Rachel. When they make it to Santana's locker, they come face to face with Will. Both girls look at each other. 'What the fuck?' looks clearly etched on their faces. Santana has to fight the urge to pull Rachel to her and ravish her because of how adorable the diva looks. They sober up once they make eye contact with Will. They brace for the worst.

"Good morning Mr. Schuester." Rachel says politely, though her voice is frosty at best. These past few weeks have been an eye opener when it comes to their Spanish teacher and Glee director. She wonders what he will say this time in order to put the blame on her for another unproductive practice.

"Morning Mr. Schue." Santana says, clearly angry.

"Good morning girls. I was wondering if I could speak with both of you in my office before class starts." Will says, taken aback by Rachel's indifference and Santana's open hostility. Rachel addressing him as 'Mr. Schuester' and not 'Mr. Schue' feels like a slap in the face.

Rachel looks at her watch, she then pulls out her iPhone and makes a point of looking at the time and then at the wall clock on the far end of the hallway.

"Not to be disrespectful, but we're due in homeroom in ten minutes. Could this wait for a more convenient time?" Rachel says in the same frosty politeness.

Santana shrugs her shoulders and makes it clear with her body language she will follow Rachel's lead. She would rather sit through a root canal than having to listen to whatever lame excuse Will has to give Finn another 'Get Our of Jail Free' card.

"I'll be brief. You won't miss first period. This is important, please." Will says slightly uncomfortable. He has never expected Rachel to be like that. The girl isn't outright disrespectful, but anyone can see the undercurrent of veiled hostility swimming under the surface.

"All right, let us get our things situated and we shall meet you in a few minutes." Rachel answers in a tone that could freeze water on contact.

Santana knows full well what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smirking in satisfaction when she sees him squirm in discomfort.

"I, uh will see you girls in a bit." Will says before he turns and walks to his office.

"Oh my God, Preciosa. Do you have any idea how sexy you are when you're being all badass like that?" Santana growls playfully as she spins the diva around and wraps her arms around her before crashing their lips together.

"Right, we, uh, should go see what Mr. Schuester wants." Rachel says in a slight daze once they pull apart.

They quickly sort out their books and head to Will's office. Rachel knocks lightly on the door and waits for an answer. She might have lost all respect for the man, but that's not an excuse to behave like an uncivilised brute.

"Come in." Will calls out. "Please sit down." He adds.

"What may we do for you, Mr. Schuester? Rachel asks to the point. She might be okay missing homeroom, but there is not way she'll miss her first period in favour of whatever drama they are about to be saddled with.

Will looks between Rachel and Santana. He nearly groans when he sees Santana shrug her shoulders when they make eye contact.

"I want to apologise for my behaviour, especially to you, Rachel. I have no excuse for dismissing your complaints the way I did. It was completely unacceptable and huge error in judgement on my part." Will says, barely able to maintain eye contact with Rachel.

Rachel eyes Will suspiciously. Only the day before during practice he was giving her grief about her unprofessionalism and defending Finn. She wonders what the catch is.

"I had no idea he was being so inappropriate with his behaviour and…" Will continues only to be interrupted by a livid Santana.

"How can you even sit here and claim you had no idea? I've lost count of the number of times Rachel has yelled at him to keep his hands in respectful places. She complained to you about Finn's wandering hands and lewd comments during each practice up until she gave up the solos…" Santana begins her rant, only to be stopped by Rachel's hand on her forearm.

"It's okay Santana. If it makes him feel better to claim he had no knowledge, who are we to say anything. At least he's acknowledging it now." Rachel says softly to Santana.

Will feels like someone has punched him in the groin.

"Mr. Schuester, since you miraculously seem to have had some sort of epiphany over what has been going on for the last few weeks, would you be so kind as to explain to me what you plan on doing about it? Is there a point to this meeting?" Rachel asks.

"I, umm, the thing is I honestly thought they were accidental touches." Will admits lamely. He ignores Santana's 'every single time? Maybe you should have your eyes examined' comment. He keeps the fact that he thought Rachel was overreacting to himself. "I have spoken to Finn and his mother…" Will proceeds to tell Rachel and Santana what transpired after they left, omitting Brittany and Quinn's involvement.

"What does that mean Mr. Schuester?" Rachel asks as she looks at her watch.

"Right, sorry. He won't share another lead with you, and that he's not to go near you unless you are all right with it. If he doesn't stay away, he'll be sent to military school. I got the assurance from his mother so you don't have to worry." Will says, adding the last part once he sees the skeptical look on both brunettes.

"If that is all, may we be excused so we can make it to class in time?" Rachel asks. Santana feels like punching him in the face and knocking a few teeth off.

Of all the answers he expected from Rachel, that was the very last one. He can't deny he had hoped for a 'thank you' from the girl. "What about Regionals and…" Will starts to say, but he's interrupted by Santana.

"Our next rehearsal is in two days. We'll talk and discuss it with the entire group. I'm not giving the others another chance to pick on Rachel and accuse her of being self-absorbed because you decided to exclude them from this talk." Santana says, clearly not impressed.

"You're right. We'll talk about that on Thursday. I'll see you girls in class later." Will says with a sigh.

Rachel smiles gratefully at her girlfriend and gets up without so much as a glance at Will. She reaches for Santana's hands and they leave his office hand in hand.

Will feels like banging his head on his desk until he passes out. He has a long way to go in order regain the trust of his young charges.

Quinn and Brittany see a subdued Rachel and Santana wandering the hallway as they make their way to Rachel's locker.

"Hey you two. We missed you during homeroom. Everything ok?" Quinn asks once they're close enough so they don't have to shout.

"Yeah, Mr. Schue wanted to talk to us. He apologised for being a douche." Santana says, and proceeds to share with the two blondes what took place earlier that morning.

"And you're not happy with that?" Brittany asks confused.

"It's not that. I don't trust his sudden change of attitude. Up until yesterday, he was defending Finn. Then all of sudden, he's apologising and making assurances Finn will leave us alone. I'm waiting to see what the catch is. I was sure he was going to call me irresponsible and blame me for all that is wrong in the universe." Rachel says softly.

Quinn laughs at Rachel's words, earning her raised eyebrows and questioning looks from the two brunettes. The blondes tell Rachel and Santana what happened after they left. Santana looks at Quinn with a new found respect. It seems that no matter what, even after her fall from grace, Quinn Fabray will always be the Head Bitch In Charge. She says as much to the girl and receives a smack in the arm from her girlfriend and a reminder to watch her language. Santana smirks at her with an expression that says 'you know I'm right' as they make their way to class.

"Well, that certainly explains his sudden change in attitude. Thanks girls." Rachel says as she presses her lips lightly on Quinn's and then Brittany's cheek.

"Yeah, thanks for having our backs." Santana says.

"Always." Quinn says smiling.

The students loitering around stare but are smart enough to keep their opinions to themselves.

They joke around as they make their way to Rachel and Quinn's shared honours economics.

"I'll see you in Spanish for third." Santana says softly before she leans in for a peck on the lips. "See ya Q. Come on B. We're gonna be late for computer science." Santana adds as she links pinkies with Brittany.

Finn manages to stay away from Rachel and Santana. He is not happy, but the fear of military school is enough to keep him at bay. He refuses to accept that Rachel isn't interested. He holds on to the idea that the diva is confused, and that it's only a matter of time before she realises they belong together. He also hopes that Santana will do something to screw up again, and this time, he'll be ready to move in.

The rest of the school day goes on without any major incidents. There are a few surprise quizzes, but for the most part, the rest of the students stay clear of the Rachel and what they're now convinced is a foursome. It's the only way to explain the sudden closeness the four girls share. That rumour, of course spreads like wildfire, but they're careful not to say anything in front of them.

The new found intimacy between Rachel and Santana doesn't escape Victoria and Sara. They sit the girls down and have a talk about the implications and expectations that result from taking such a big step. Santana is about to have a stroke. She has had this talk with her mom and grandmother before, but never with her significant other present. They might have skimmed through it when Rachel came to that first dinner as her girlfriend, but they never really got back to it, until now, that is.

Santana isn't sure whether to laugh or cry at their current situation. She is grateful that Rachel seems to be more than all right with the conversation. She wants to hit hear head on the coffee table at how blunt the girl is. The only thing missing in their conversation are flow charts and a step-by-step recounting of their first time. She wonders if she can suffer second degree burns from the heat that seems to constantly infuse her face and upper chest.

"I assure you that the timing was perfect. I was never pressured by Santana. I assure that no matter what and far gone she might have been, she would have stopped and jumped in my bathroom for an ice cold shower had I asked her to. She was very gentle and very loving. This wasn't just sex for either or us. It was a physical reaffirmation of the love we share. I know we're young, but I know without a doubt that it's Santana and no one else for me." Rachel says calmly, looking both women in the eyes.

"Santana, do you feel the same?" Sara asks the blushing girl.

"Yeah. I do. She's my everything. The weekend we spent apart because of my stupidity was the worst one ever. I felt like I was drowning because I thought I had lost her. Mami, Abuelita, I have never felt this way for anyone. I'll do everything and anything I can to make our future together a very long one." Santana says looking into Rachel's eyes.

"We knew it was only a matter of time before you took the next step. We won't do something stupid like demand an open door policy or something equally ridiculous. I'm a lot more relaxed knowing you're in the safety of our home, rather than some seedy motel room or the back seat of your cars. Be careful and keep in mind that human emotions are at stake here. Make sure we don't hear anything so we can pretend you're still innocent and waiting until after you get married." Victoria says, echoing what Michael and Daniel had said once they found out the girls had made love well into the night the day before. It had been an awkward breakfast with the Berrys.

Both girls nod. Rachel has a beaming smile while Santana looks dazed. Santana hopes her mom will fill her dad in and they can avoid a repeat talk with him.

"How did you know?" Rachel asks, curious. It's not as if they were announcing it at the top of their lungs or they were walked in on.

Santana groans and has to fight the urge to stomp her feet. She had thought the conversation was over.

"You girls like to think you are so clever and that you know everything. We have age and experience in our side. No, you don't glow or look any different. At least not to complete strangers who don't know you. We could see a slight shift in the way you are together. Your touches linger a bit longer and your eye contact says a lot more. You're a lot more comfortable with each other's touch. It's almost like your souls are having a silent conversation. It's the same way I look at your father and the same way Michael and Daniel look at each other." Victoria says with a kind smile.

"Welcome to the family, Rachel." Sara says smiling. "We need to figure out the date for the wedding and I can officially call you my granddaughter." She adds.

Rachel blushes and Santana nearly chokes on her water as she tries not to spray Victoria and Sara.

"Abuelita, you can't just blurt things out like that. We're still in high school." Santana sputters, while Rachel has this dreamy look in her face.

"Don't start acting shy now. Didn't you just say this is the girl you're going to spend the rest of your life with? I expect you to make honest women out of each other. I'm not saying you need to get married tomorrow, but eventually. And make sure I'm alive to see it." Sara says seriously.

"It's ok, Baby. I like how straightforward Sara and Victoria are. It gets everything out in the open and there are no misunderstandings." Rachel says squeezing Santana's hand in hers in a show of support. "Don't worry Sara. I'll make an honest woman out of Santana sooner rather than later." She adds turning to look at the woman.

"I like her. Feisty and direct. Santana, your grandpa would be so proud of you and he would have loved Rachel." Sara says to Santana. Then she turns her attention to Rachel. "I expect you to eventually go from Sara to Abuelita or Grandma." She adds looking at Rachel, making the diva blush.

"Thank you. I… don't have a lot contact with my grandparents because both disapprove of Dad and Daddy. I never knew what it was like to have a big family caring for me." Rachel says as she gets up and hugs both women.

"Welcome to the family, Rachel." Victoria echoes her mother's earlier words as she pulls the diva for a hug. She clamps down the urge to seek out Rachel's biological grandparents and give them a good talking to for being so stupid.

"Thank you." Rachel whispers, returning the hug. She feels like she is the luckiest person in the entire known universe.

Santana sends a few words of gratitude to God and any other deity listening. There was no repeat of the conversation about anything remotely intimate during dinner. All conversation is kept in neutral topics like school, and possible song selections for Regionals. If the López-Aragón clan notices the girls stiffening a bit at that, they make no mention of it, and the girls make sure to keep the tone casual. There is no need to have Sara marching in and reducing Will and Finn to babbling morons, however tempted Santana might be. The situation has been handled.

"I'm so glad the day is finally over. I can't believe my mom and grandma would talk about our sex life so openly." Santana mumbles into Rachel's hair.

"Well, I for one am glad they did. It shows they care and are very realistic and knowledgeable about raising teenagers. It's quite the responsible thing to do really. It shows they're not in denial and accept that we are sexual beings. It's refreshing to be able to talk openly and not having to sneak around." Rachel says snuggled closely to Santana's side.

"Yes, I get all that, but do you have to be so frank with them? The only thing missing was a Powerpoint presentation." Santana mumbles, causing Rachel to smack her lightly on her stomach. "I love you and your attention to details Preciosa. But you do have to admit that it was weird." Santana adds with a slight pout.

"It's not like I enjoy going into details about our lovemaking, but it's the least we could do since they were so calm and collected about it. They could have reacted like most parents and just freaked out on us. Hopefully this subject won't be brought back up any time soon. We need to make sure to keep quiet when we're here since your room isn't soundproofed like mine." Rachel says gently, burrowing her face in the crook of Santana's neck trying to stifle a yawn.

"Let's get some sleep Mi Cielo. I'm tired too. Who knew you had that much stamina. Though I wouldn't mind testing it on a night I don't have early practice." Santana says playfully, earning herself another gentle smack before Rachel nods her head and kisses her softly.

"Sweet dreams Baby. You're incorrigible, but I love you." Rachel says as she pulls herself closer to Santana.

"I'm a badass. There's a difference, you know? Night, Preciosa." Santana says happily.

Both girls are asleep within minutes.

The little bubble the girls find themselves in runs the risk of being burst as the school day draws to an end, and Glee practice looms closer. Normally, Rachel would happily be the first one in, all ready to go, but the past few weeks have been very stressful. All the diva wants is to put the drama behind and concentrate on Regionals, so she forces her unease down and makes sure they are the first ones in the music room. Instantly, Rachel puts her things on their usual spot in the back row before she moves to the piano and starts her warm ups, Santana joining her within a minute.

The rest walk in as they're singing 'fly me to the moon'. Quinn and Brittany join them and soon, the rest of the team minus Finn joins them as well. Rachel silently prays for Finn to be able to keep his personal issues at bay so they can concentrate on Regionals.

"Hello everyone. Good to see everyone here and on time. Let's get down to business. We need to figure out who is singing the solos for competition and we need to settle on the songs. I figured we should hold out auditions to…" Will says only to be interrupted by Santana.

"Mr. Schue, let's cut the bs here. Rachel is our best singer and our best hope for placing. I say the main vocals for at least one of the songs should go to her and then we split the solos in the group number as planned." Santana says, causing everyone to jump in.

"Of course you'd say that. She's your girlfriend." Mercedes snaps.

"Santana is right. Rachel is our best shot at placing. We're not up against some local schools, but against the best in the state of Ohio." Tina says, surprising everyone.

In the end, they agree, with Rachel singing 'take me or leave me' with Santana and a Journey medley with the main vocals is split between Rachel, Tina, Artie, and Puck. Practices have been moved to three times a week with no protests from anyone. Rachel couldn't be happier.

Three days before competition, just as they are wrapping up their last dressed rehearsals, Sue walks in the auditorium with a huge shit-eating grin. A few of them fail to suppress a groan of dread as they brace for the worst.

"Okay guys, that's a wrap. Change out of your costumes and we'll meet here on Friday after last before we head to Cleveland for the competition." Will tells his students. "Sue, whatever it is, could it wait until we're back in my office?" He asks once he turns attention to a grinning Sue Sylvester. He hopes that whatever showdown she has planned, it can be put off until the kids are gone. Having another blowout with Sue in front of them would only lose him more respect.

"William, you'll definitely have to watch the use of overhead lights and spot lights, lest them get too hot and ignite the fumes wafting from your hair." Sue says. "Ah, so glad I caught up with the mouth breathing brigade before you left. I have some great news I want to share with you. I figured you should all join me in the celebration." She adds. She nearly laughs out loud at the look of discomfort in every one. "The Show Choir Governing Board decided that this year's Regionals should be judged by celebrities. Guess who got an invitation to grace them with her larger than life presence? That's right, losers. Yours truly. I'll be seeing you on Saturday." Sue says with a devilish grin before she turns and leaves just as fast as she came in, leaving behind thirteen stunned people.

"This can't be happening. Just when everything was falling into place. With so many celebrities to choose from, why her? Having Ms. Sylvester as one of the judges is a major conflict of interest. How could that even happen?" Rachel says, shock evident in her voice.

"It's not like we have a lot of local celebrities to pick from, and I doubt any real ones would bother to come and be judges for only a state-wide competition. Maybe if it was Nationals. We're so fucked." Santana adds, shock leading to anger.

"Watch your language Santana. I'll talk to Principal Figgins first thing in the morning and we'll have everything straightened out. We'll have an emergency meeting after school. Go home guys. Our efforts won't be in vain, we'll persevere." Will says as positive as he can.

Rachel doesn't remember much of the past twenty-four hours. Once the dismissal bell rings, she drags her feet to her locker to meet Santana, Quinn, and Brittany. She greets Santana with a peck on the lips and the two blondes with a peck on their cheeks. Once all her things are sorted out, they silently head to the choir room to see what kind of hand fate will be dealing them.

Surprisingly, they all arrive roughly at the same time. Santana takes her seat in the back row, with Rachel settling on her lap. Quinn and Brittany take the spots on either side of the taller brunette. The anticipation is killing them. The others start speculating about their possible fate the moment they sit down. She wants to scream at them to shut up. Finn's blind faith on Will grates on her nerves and she wishes more than anything to shove a rolled up pair of Jewfro's soiled underwear in his mouth. She smirks at the mental image. Santana's tendency for violence and her legendary non-existent patience must be rubbing off on her.

"What are you smiling about? In case you haven't noticed, we're facing our imminent doom here." Kurt snaps at her.

"Shut the fuck up Hummel and mind your own business." Santana snaps, her hold tightening around Rachel's waist.

The others turn a questioning gaze at Rachel when the diva lets out a giggle she fails to stifle. They're tempted to ask what's so funny, but think better of it once they get a glimpse of Santana and Quinn's scowling faces.

"Rach? Are you okay? You don't always have to be happy for us. It's ok to feel sad. I am." Brittany says as she reaches over Quinn's lap to take a hold of one of Rachel's hands.

Rachel clears her throat and motions for the girls to huddle around and whispers what was in her mind just a few moments before. Santana's laughter cuts through the chatter and the rest turn their shocked gazes at the Latina.

"Figures you'd be happy to see us in this predicament, and that your coach will get her wish to shut us down after she thoroughly humiliates us in Regionals. I have to give you props on your great acting skills. I really thought you cared about us." Mercedes spits out.

Rachel is on her feet instantly. "How can you even entertain the idea that Santana and Brittany are still spies for Ms. Sylvester? They have proven their loyalty time and again by sticking with us no matter what. They didn't have to sit through Mr. Schuester's bake sale idea in order to get enough money so we could rent a bus with a wheelchair lift for Artie. They sure as hell don't have to stick around when we're still considered to be lower than pond scum. Before you continue to make accusations like that, you better have more proof than my girlfriend laughing at a joke I shared with her." Rachel says in an eerily calm voice, her eyes burning holes through Mercedes' skull.

"They could have stopped the slushies for the rest of us the way she did with you. Isn't that what teamwork is all about? Instead, she sits back and does nothing." Mercedes screams.

"Loyalty is a two way street. You have done nothing to welcome Santana, Quinn, and Brittany to Glee. You tolerate them because they're the much needed tenth, eleventh, and twelfth members we need for competition, but you've done nothing to extend the hand of friendship. We're all dealing with the news that Ms. Sylvester is going to be a judge in our own ways…" Rachel says, only to be interrupted by Finn.

"She's not going to. Mr. Schue will fix things for us…" Finn interrupts.

"You might think that the sun rises and sets on Mr. Schue's ass, but there is nothing he can do about the situation." Quinn says cutting him off.

"He'll get Principal Figgins to stop it. You'll see." Finn continues.

"Enough!" Rachel says, her voice raising enough to startle everyone. "There's nothing Principal Figgins can do about the decisions made by the Show Choir Governing Board. Unfortunately, if they don't deem it a conflict of interest there is nothing anyone can do about it." Rachel says, her voice more subdued now.

"So that's it? We just give up? Maybe they didn't know she's a coach at McKinley. I mean, the state of Ohio must have too many schools to count so maybe they overlooked that fact." Tina says, joining the conversation.

"Right. Because no one knows who the Cheerios are and no one knows what school the team that has won five straight National titles attend. And of course, the Governing Board would have no clue that Sue Sylvester's Cheerios and New Directions attend the same school. If that's what you believe, then I have a bridge in New York that would make a great investment." Quinn says with a roll of her eyes.

"No need to be sarcastic about it." Artie jumps in.

Rachel shakes her head surreptitiously, making Santana and Quinn back down momentarily. If there is any hope of placing, they need stay away from an all out argument. "I'm not saying we give up. We started the year with only five members, and against all odds, we're still here. We survived a leaked set list during our first competition and we won it. Ms. Sylvester isn't going to be the only judge there. There is going to be a total of five judges. That means there are four out of five votes that will get us to place. We have worked too hard to give up without a fight. We have a solid set list that showcases our abilities. We can do this. We need to show everyone that no matter our differences, we can work as a cohesive unit when we need to. We did it for Sectionals. We can do it for Regionals and any competition we enter." Rachel says as she makes eye contact with all of them, unaware that Will has been listening in.

Will stares dumbfounded at Rachel. The girl might have been the only one who volunteered for the position of captain, but he can see real leadership qualities in that girl. He has truly misjudged the girl. "Rachel is right guys. I have faith in you." Will says making his presence known.

"Well, Mr. Schue?" Finn asks with an expectant look.

"Sorry guys. Coach Sylvester convinced the Governing Board she can be impartial and that's that. It's not up to me or Principal Figgins." Will says, trying to keep the pessimism from being too obvious. "Listen to your captain. We have come a long way to give up without a fight. We go on a planned and give them our best." Will adds.

The rest look dubious, but it's a step up from the defeated looks they have been sporting since Sue's announcement. They have survived everything that Sue Sylvester has thrown their way, and an attack on their leader to be stronger and better.

"Let's show them we're the best!" Brittany says and the rest join in with cheers.

"You really believe is that simple?" Santana asks once the rest have left.

"I don't. It's very complicated actually, but they don't need to know it. Ms. Sylvester knows that odds are against her being able to sway the other judges. She's attacking our reputation. No matter what happens, we're screwed. We place and everyone will question or talent because she is one of the judges. We don't place and we get shut down. At least in theory." Rachel says.

"What do you mean Rach?" Brittany asks, sitting down on the floor by the piano bench.

"Ms. Sylvester unwittingly gave us a bit of an advantage because it's no secret she hates us. She put the spotlight on her credibility the moment she accepted to be a judge. She continues to attack us as is, and she gets accused of taking her frustration on us in order to protect her reputation." Rachel says with a shrug.

"Rachie is right. If Principal Figgins wants to avoid a major scandal he has no choice but make sure we don't get cut. She votes for us and she'll be accused of favouritism. She votes against us and she's accused of being harsh in order to save her reputation. She pushes too hard to get us shot down, then she gets accused of pushing her vendetta against us. Her hands are tied just like ours." Quinn says, a glimmer of hope in sight.

They have another major freak out when they realise that Josh Groban and Olivia Newton-John are also in the judging panel. Somehow, Aural Intensity, one of the thirty teams competing, had managed to find out, and they are doing mash-up of their songs.

"This is so fucking lame. We not only have to deal with Coach Sylvester, but with cheaters again." Puck gripes as they wait their turn in the 'green room'.

"Come on guys, it's not the end of the world. We've dealt with cheating before and we won. It's not as bad as it seems." Rachel says as she stands on her tippy toes, trying to turn off the sound coming from the speakers.

Santana puts her hands on Rachel's waist with a smile. She reaches over and turns the sound down.

"We started the year barely able to stand each other. I know that we're not the best of friends and we have our own cliques, but we've come so far as a team. We sound great together. Let's get through our warm ups and win this." Rachel says.

"Rachel is right guys. Do your best. No matter what happens out there, I'm so proud of you. Break a leg guys." Will says before he gets them started on a series of warm ups.

Rachel and Santana are flawless. When they are done, the crowd gives them a standing ovation. The rest feed off of their energy and they nail the group number, receiving another standing ovation. Rachel looks over to where Shelby is standing, giving her a small wave and a big smile while mouthing 'I'm so proud of you. You were great.' Rachel waves in return, grinning widely.

On the way back to the dressing rooms, Quinn stops suddenly, causing Rachel to bump on her back.

"Quinnie, what's wrong?" Rachel asks immediately.

"I think my water just broke." Quinn says and all hell breaks loose.

Rachel pulls out her iPhone seemingly out of nowhere and dials 911. She gives the operator all the relevant information before she hangs up and helps Quinn to the dressing room. All eyes are staring at her confused.

"We don't know Cleveland and it would take our parents too long to locate the nearest hospital. EMTs will get us there faster and they could assist in case the baby decides to come sooner rather than later." Rachel says as she sends a text to their parents to meet them in the dressing room.

"I'll meet you shortly. You can do this Quinnie. You're strong." Rachel whispers before the EMTs rush Quinn to the waiting ambulance with Judy in tow.

"Rachel, as co-captain it's your duty to stay behind for the results…" Mercedes starts to say only to be stop at the glare Rachel gives her.

Michael is about to say something but stops when he takes a good look at Rachel. Instead, he steps closer to his daughter, ready to restrain her if needed.

"My best friend is going through one of the scariest moments in her life and the only way I won't be by her side is for you to knock me out and physically restrain me. I guarantee you that if so much as try, you will curse not only the day you were born, but the day you were conceived as well." Rachel says, radiating anger.

"We're with Rachel. Quinn needs us." Santana says as she joins Rachel by Michael and Daniel's side with Brittany in tow.

"I should be there as well. I'm the baby's father." Puck says.

"Quinn doesn't want you there and there isn't enough room in the car. Come on everyone. Let's not waste any more time." Rachel says before they disappear through the doors without a backwards glance.

The trip to the hospital is done in complete silence. Rachel clutching her phone waiting for any updates. She sends Judy a text letting her know they're making their way to main entrance. A nurse is there to meet them and lets Rachel know that Quinn has been requesting her presence. The rest are shown to the waiting room.

The labour is intense and short. Within an hour of arriving at the hospital, Quinn gives birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. It's a bittersweet moment when she gets to hold her daughter for the first and probably last time. Judy leaves the room to get the others with tear-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't get to keep you. If it were at all possible, I would, but I'm not ready. You need someone who is done growing up. I know this, and yet, it's still the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. I promise you that when we're both ready we'll see each other again. I love you." Quinn whispers before she leans down and places a kiss on the baby's forehead just as a nurse comes to get the baby.

"Do you have a name for her yet?" The nurse asks kindly.

"No. That'll be something her adoptive mother should do. I'm just grateful I got to hold her and say my goodbye." Quinn answers as tears roll down her face.

Rachel gently wipes her tears and silently pulls her for a hug. The others are openly crying as well.

No one says a word. No one is insensitive enough to ask how Quinn is doing.

"Do we know the results of the competition?" Quinn asks, breaking the oppressing silence.

"Aural Intensity took first place, Vocal Adrenaline took second, and New Directions took third. Although I believe it was a toss up between our guys and you for first place. I think having Sue Sylvester in the judging panel and Aural Intensity sing the mash up were two major points against us." Shelby says as she steps in the room. "Hi." She adds once she reaches Rachel and Quinn by the bed.

"Well, at least we placed, so Glee is safe for another year." Santana says, clearly disappointed. They thought they had a shot for first place and they were already dreaming of Nationals. It would be been a great way to cap off the year.

"We're going to grab a coffee or something. Do you want anything?" Rachel says as she starts to disentangle herself from Quinn's arms.

"Please stay Rachie. I need you here." Quinn asks.

That's all it takes for Rachel to settle herself by Quinn's side again. The rest slowly flitter out of the room after saying they'll check in with the others to find out what's going on.

They quickly go through the adoption. When asked if she is sure, all Quinn can do is nod her head. She then puts her signature on the piece of paper that terminates her parental rights and gives them Shelby.

"Everything is set so you can take the baby whenever you're ready. Quinn will stay overnight to make sure there are no complications." Judy says sadly.

"Do you have a name for her?" Quinn asks softly.

"Christina Michelle." Shelby answers just as soft. "Do you want to see her one more time?" Shelby asks gently, unsure if Quinn got to hold the baby at least once. She knows she'll regret it forever if she didn't.

"No. I don't think I can hold her a second time because I don't think I'd be able to let her go." Quinn admits, tears falling freely from her eyes again.

"I understand. We'll keep in touch and you can see her whenever you're ready." Shelby says as she leans in to hug Quinn. She kisses the blonde on the forehead before she turns to Rachel. "I'll call you soon." Shelby says as she in turn hugs and kisses Rachel's forehead.

"You're not going back to the Convention Centre?" Rachel asks slightly confused.

"No. They didn't qualify for Nationals, so I've filled my contractual obligations." Shelby says with an edge to her voice. She still feels guilty she couldn't quit after the egging incident.

"It's okay Mom. I don't blame you for what they did. I know you had no choice but to stay as their coach." Rachel says again.

"You're really something else, you know? I love you Rachel." Shelby says before she's out the door.

Soon after, Santana and Brittany enter the room, letting them know that Michael and Daniel are in the cafeteria having some coffee.

"I'm going to join Michael and Daniel. I'll be back soon. Do you want anything at all girls?" Judy asks.

Rachel and Quinn both shake their head.

"Is Puck here?" Quinn asks once they're alone.

"Not yet. They're all still at the venue waiting for the trophy presentation and stuff. I think he doesn't have a way to get here. Why?" Santana asks.

"Shelby is taking Christina home right away." Rachel answers.

"That's the baby's name?" Santana asks. Rachel nods.

"Doesn't the baby have to stay for observations or something like that?" Santana asks.

"No. Christina was carried to term, and she's healthy. I'm only being kept as a precaution. I'll be discharged in the morning." Quinn answers.

"Puck'll have a fit because he never got to meet Christina. Can Puck cause any problems since he wants to keep her?" Brittany asks.

"No. We were never married, so technically speaking, he has no legal rights over the baby. His name isn't listed as the biological father. Mom made sure of every eventuality should Puck decide to do anything. Even if he hires the best legal team in Ohio, the adoption is final." Quinn answers as fresh tears spill from her eyes.

The girls silently wrap their arms around her. They don't bother with words.

"You had no right Quinn. That little girl was mine as well. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her." Pull says interrupting them.

"She's a human being, and not a possession. I'm not sorry she got adopted. I am, however sorry you didn't get a chance to meet her or say goodbye to her. I'm sure that Shelby will be accommodating as long as you're respectful and you don't try anything stupid." Quinn says sadly.

"I had a right to be here for her birth." Puck says in a much more subdued voice.

"I didn't want you here. I have all the support I need." Quinn says squeezing Rachel's hand. "Keeping her was never an option. I want her to have a good life. I want her to be more than a Lima Loser. You and I don't have the means to be parents right now. We're still kids…" Quinn adds, only to be interrupted.

"You're wrong. I would have gotten a job. With our parents' help, we coulda make it work. You didn't have to give away my daughter." Puck says, tears filling his eyes.

"No Puck. We're not ready. I want that little girl to have the best. That wasn't with us." Quinn replies.

"How can you be so heartless?" Puck asks, making Quinn physically recoil.

"Noah, if you know what is good for you, you'll be shutting up right about now, and you'll think about what comes out of that mouth. I know you're hurting, but that doesn't give you the right to attack Quinn. She's hurting just as bad, if not worse. If you cannot be nice and supportive, I suggest you return to the hotel and you can talk about this when you've calmed down." Rachel says in the same tone that had everyone listening in rapt attention a few days ago.

"You have no say in this. Just 'cause you felt guilty and gave Quinn a place to stay doesn't give you a right to talk about this like you're a part of it." Puck snaps, getting angry.

"Watch your tone Puck. You and I might be friends, but no one talks to my girl like that. I'm not kicking your ass from here to China only because you're hurting." Santana says with a growl.

"Rachel has all the right in the world. She was there when no one else was. I did what was best for all of us." Quinn says softly, grabbing Rachel's hands.

"You're only saying this 'cause you don't want to give up your life. You're only thinking about what you'd have to give up and what's good for Quinn Fabray." Puck says, regretting the words the moment they leave his mouth. He isn't surprised by the slap he receives courtesy of one very pissed off Rachel.

"Rachie, let it go. He's hurting." Quinn whispers and Rachel is back by her side.

"I'm sorry Quinn. I shouldn't have said that. I never even got a chance to see her or hold her." Puck says, tears filling his eyes.

"I know Puck. Rachel can call Shelby and maybe you can get closure." Quinn says crying again.

"Who does she look like?" Puck asks barely above a whisper.

"Right now, she looks like Quinn. Her hair is a light blonde, but babies change a lot during their first month, so we won't know for sure until she's older." Rachel says a bit calmer now that Puck isn't verbally attacking Quinn anymore.

"I'm going to go back to the hotel. I'd love it if you could call your mom and see if we can arrange something so I can say goodbye to my… I mean, the baby." Puck says a lot more subdued.

"Of course Noah. Her name is Christina Michelle. She weighed seven pounds and three ounces and she measured eighteen inches. She has a good set of lungs on her so hopefully she'll be quite the singer, especially with the genetic advantage she has already." Rachel says gently.

"Thanks Rachel. I'm sorry for the things I said." Puck says looking at the ground.

"I understand Noah. You're going through a lot. Just watch what you say to Quinn." Rachel says as she stands up and walks over to Puck and places a hand on his forearm.

Three weeks later, they're sitting in the music room, the last official meeting of the year, since they didn't qualify for Nationals. As expected, Sue had tried to shut them down for not taking first place, but luckily, the wording that Figgings had used was that they only had to place, and Will reminded both Figgins and Sue that a top three finish is placing in a competition. They're safe for one more year.

Rachel wants to start work immediately for next year's Sectionals. Santana manages to convince the diva that relaxing for the rest of the year and the summer will recharge them and they'll be more than raring to go in the new school year. Everyone looks on to Santana as if she's a goddess. Maybe this relationship, strange as it is, isn't half bad if it means that Rachel will be more relaxed. They're dismissed after they sing 'we are champions'.

"Baby, are you okay?" Rachel asks a bit worried. Santana has been acting jumpy all day.

"Yeah. Mami just texted to confirm that our house will host the family while the World Cup is on." Santana says with a pout.

"Aww. Come here Baby. How about you come over to my place and I'll make you forget the craziness for a while." Rachel says, her voice dropping an octave, making Santana shiver in anticipation of what is to come.

The end… of the beginning…